» Fantasy » We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗

Book online «We're All Stories In The End, Megan Rees [best life changing books TXT] 📗». Author Megan Rees

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mainly did that because I don’t like people crying, it irks me,” Ash replied stiffly. “But you’re welcome for whatever reason you think I did it for.”

“You saved my life today,” Luna remarked warmly. “You’re a hero.”

“You are mistaken. Rune and Atlas saved your life – I only carried you back because Rune was throwing a hissy fit and Atlas is a twig.” Ash corrected sharply, scratching the back of his head.

“No, when you distracted Cobra with the rock and then summoned Atlas and Rune over,” Luna pointed out. “I’m really grateful for what you did.”

Her friend blinked in astonishment and shrugged. “Anyone would have done it.”

“Not everyone has a lion’s courage, Ash.”

“Not all lions are brave. When I was little, my parents read me a story which featured a very cowardly lion that had to be given his courage by a wizard.”

“That’s a story, Ash. It’s not real.”

“But if you think about it, we’re stories ourselves. We are the authors of our destinies, deciding who our friends and lovers are. Our protagonists make foolish choices sometimes, but those choices don’t always come with negative impacts. No matter how old or young we are, we’re all stories in the end. We are real.”

Ash then checked his watch. “I’d better get going. Time’s getting on and both you and I need our sleep, or we’ll be like two bickering old ladies tomorrow.”

Just as he turned to leave, Luna flung her arms around his neck. His dark green eyes widened in surprise and he was rather taken back by the sudden embrace, so he just patted her back awkwardly. “Give me some warning before you try to strangle me next time?”

Laughing, Luna pulled away from Ash and opened the door, which was surprisingly ajar. Naomi usually locks the door… has something been in here during the battle?

“Have fun dying today, Wilde?”

Luna turned her head to see a sour-faced Clarissa sitting cross-legged on the floor, arms folded. There was a crossword puzzle in front of her.

“Did the all-mighty Clarissa Bird hide from the battle?” Luna retorted.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Clarissa snapped. “We all knew you got stung by that Demon deliberately. He was right behind you – how didn’t you see him?”

“You don’t even know why I was out in the woods!” Luna screeched.

“So why were you, then?” the young girl demanded, tossing her short brown hair back.

“Ash wandered off and I went looking for him. That’s where I found the Demons.” Luna replied calmly.

Clarissa rolled her pale blue eyes. “Typical. Mooning after a boy who can never be yours – smart move Luna.”

“He’s my best friend, Clarissa.” Luna insisted, lying down on her bed.

“I’ve seen that look in your eyes every time you talk to him. You seem to light up when he’s about,” Clarissa went on icily. “He will crush you like a bug once he discovers what you feel, Wilde. Then you can be lonely.”

“I don’t like him in that way and you know it. You’re just jealous that a considerably better fighter than you is my best friend,” Luna added smugly. “Now, shove off and leave me be.”

With a grunt, Clarissa left the cabin and slammed the door, leaving Luna to her own thoughts. Ash’s words were repeating in her head all the time. ‘But if you think about it, we’re stories ourselves. We are the authors of our destinies, deciding who our friends and lovers are. Our protagonists make foolish choices sometimes, but those choices don’t always come with negative impacts. No matter how old or young we are, we’re all stories in the end. We are real.’

The words continued to repeat in her mind as she began to let sleep claim her.


“Welcome, Luna Wilde.”

Luna opened her eyes to be in the presence of a bunch of strangers. Some of them looked vaguely familiar, but most of them were unknown to her.

“Stand up. You’re safe now.”

Scrambling to her feet, she saw a tall man with a grey beard coming towards her, smiling warmly. “Do not be afraid, Luna Wilde. You are in safe hands.”

“Who are you?” Luna stammered. “Where am I?”

“Why, you’re in the land of the death, of course.” the man replied kindly.

Panic gripped at her stomach. “B-But I can’t be dead! I was alive just now!”

“We were all alive once, stupid. Now we’re dead and free.”

Luna spun round in horror to see Ash leaning against a pearly white pillar. He was dressed in a white suit – very unlike him. “Ash…”

“Like I said: we’re all stories in the end,” Ash answered simply. “We’re all just parts of one big story. Our chapter has reached it’s conclusion.”

He then walked over to her and whispered two simple words in her ear: “Wake up.”


“Ow! That hurt!”

Luna woke up with a start, breathing frantically. Sweat stuck to the back of her neck and her heart was racing wildly in fear.

“Calm down, Luna. It was just a nightmare.”

She was amazed to see Ash perched on the end of her bed, cupping his nose between his hands. “You’re alive!” she exclaimed.

“Hilarious, as always. Now get up and get moving. You’re the only one still in bed.” Ash sighed.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said last night,” Luna admitted, changing the subject. “About us being stories. I’ve got a plan.”

“Oh gosh, this is going to end horrendously,” Ash groaned. “Let’s get this over and done with, then.”

“You said that foolish decisions don’t just carry burdens. I made a bad choice by facing those Demons, but I could put everything right by going to find the Phoenix’s Treasure.” Luna explained.

Ash nearly fell over. “Are you out of your mind?! You nearly got killed yesterday and now you want to go out to get yourself killed again?” He shook his head fiercely, not meeting Luna’s gaze. “I’m not going to let you go out there alone, and I imagine no one else will either. It’s called common sense – something you appear to lack.”

“I wasn’t intending on going alone,” Luna insisted. “I was hoping you’d come with me. I’d like Atlas and Rune to come too,” She raised an eyebrow at him in amusement. “Did you seriously think I was going to do this alone?”

“We’re kids, Luna. No one will let us go: especially Rosco. He won’t let Atlas or Rune a meter outside Nighthollow.” Ash pointed out with a sigh.

“Awww, lighten up a bit!” Luna cried, leaping up to her feet. “It will be fun! A real adventure! We’ll get to explore the world of the Normals – you can’t possibly turn that chance down!”

She held out her hand. “So, Mr Chase, do you accept this mission?”

Ash tilted his head to the side, considering it for a moment. Luna knew neither of them had been out of Nighthollow – this would be a perfect time to explore what the Normals were really like! She didn’t see the problem with it!

He then grinned wildly at her. “Mission accepted.” he said, shaking her hand.

Chapter 5 - The Quest Takes Shape

“No, no and no again. I’m not going to let you take my son and foster daughter on a suicide mission!”

“Please, Mr Ravener,” Ash pleaded. “We’ll need Atlas’s expertises and Rune’s healing abilities if we’re going to find the Treasure and come back alive.”

“I already lost my Mary, I’m not going to loose my kids too. End of story,” Rosco snapped, hammering his fist down on his desk. “I’m appalled that everyone else is happy sending out two inexperienced fourteen year olds on such a dangerous quest!”

“Inexperienced? I think not!” Ash argued. “I’m one of the best fighters here! And Luna-“

“Nearly died yesterday,” Rosco interrupted. “She’s in no fit state to travel. You shouldn’t have forced her onto this ridiculous quest.”

“It was my idea, actually,” Luna admitted. “I want to do this. Just please let Atlas and Rune come with us, or we might fail.”

Rosco scowled. “Fine. But if you wish to bring them, I ask one thing of you.”

“Anything.” Ash promised.

“I would prefer if you also brought Clarissa with you. She’s one of our best and I believe she would safeguard all of you well.” Rosco explained.

Luna’s jaw dropped to the floor, blue eyes widened in shock. “Clarissa? She hates me!”

“And for the record, I can look after myself.” Ash replied sharply.

“You either agree to my terms or disagree. If you choose the latter, you will be travelling alone,” Rosco said, stroking Horace’s glossy ink-black feathers. “Do you accept this?”

“Yes.” Ash answered, shooting the old man a cold glare.

Rosco nodded and rose to his feet. “I will fetch all three of them and tell them to pack a few things. You two should pack a small bag to take with you.”


“Now, before you go, I have a few things that will help you out on your journey. The Normal’s world is very different from ours – you will not survive if you don’t know how things are done round there.”

Rosco stood before Clarissa first, handing her a small black rectangular object. “This is a Demon Tracker. Demons are very hard to find among Normals: but this little gadget will help you find them. When it tracks a Demon, it will vibrate and shoot a laser in it’s direction, thus revealing it to you. Be warned however that this doesn’t always pick up certain Demons,” he explained. “Keep this safe at all times – you’ll be a bit stuck if you loose it.”

“Thank you, Rosco.” Clarissa replied politely, placing the tracker in the pocket of her jeans.

The old man then went up to his son, whom he embraced instantly. Atlas stood there rather stiffly and scowled. “Get off, Dad. I’ll be fine.”

“I know, I know,” Rosco muttered, but Luna caught the trace of uncertainty in his voice. “Anyway, I have something for you too.”

He placed a small golden ball in his son’s hand. “This quirky little thing can hack into bank machines so you can get money.”

“Isn’t that stealing?” Atlas asked uncertainly.

“You have a credit card?” Rosco retorted. “This is the only way you’re going to get money for food, clothes and whatever else. Just don’t spend too much time enjoying the addictive delights of the Normal world.”

Addictive delights? Luna was suspicious immediately. Has Rosco walked among the Normals before?

Approaching Ash, Rosco handed him a tatty roll of parchment. “This is a map of Nighthollow to Demon Territory. I have a sneaking suspicion that the Demons have scattered the Phoenix’s Treasure in the Normal world, so this will identify where they are. Be warned that this map could pick up fakes, so be extra careful.”

“Wow. Super useful.” Ash remarked sarcastically, tucking the map into his backpack.

“Now, this is where I bid you goodbye and a safe journey,” Rosco announced, ignoring Ash’s comment. “I have faith that you will return safely with all three Treasures in no time.”

“We’ll probably end up spending my birthday over there,” Ash sighed. “It’s on Saturday – six days from now.”

“Not if you work quickly,” Rosco insisted. “Now, you must get going. This journey will be long and tedious, but you may have fun of course. Just ensure that you return here as quickly as possible with all three real Treasures.”

“Of course, Father.” Rune acknowledged her foster father with a nod.

As the group bid

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