» Fantasy » Forever Lonely, Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose [e novels for free .txt] 📗

Book online «Forever Lonely, Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose [e novels for free .txt] 📗». Author Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose

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he know, I had a tank top on under my tee.
I pulled my tee off.
"Not fair." Gage muttered, as I went to work at his bloody sides.
As I was leaning over Gage, something cold went into contact with my stomach, under my shirt.
Gage's hand.
I darted away from his smirking face, afraid he'd try something inappropriate on me.
"Cum on babe, give me a chance. Don't give yourself to that idiot, Henry." Gage grinned.
"Don't mess with me. Maybe if you were nice to me, I'd treat you better. Hear that? Or do I need to dumb it down for you? Make nice, okay?" I snapped, going back to treating Gage's wound.
"With you, I'd rather make...Never mind." Gage said, stopping and looking past me.
"Ms. Vaughn, do you need a break, you look tired." Mrs. Stalin's voice came from the doorway.
"I-I...I am well. Gage is worse." I said, not looking at anyone.
"Okay, but I have another girl in trouble who can take over for you, just in case, Ms. Vaughn." Mrs. Stalin.
"Oh, but Aureli is a rather good nurse. Make the other girl scrub the dorm bathrooms, or something." Gage grinned, past me.
"Okay, Mr. Hyland." Mrs. Stalin said, and then the door closed.
In a quick movement, Gage pulled my head against his, forcing me to kiss him.
He moaned, and went for the hem of my black tank top, threatening to reveal my bra. He pulled me harder against his mouth, and he started to deepen the kiss into an I-want-into-your-panties kiss.
I pushed away from him, red faced and shocked.
Gage grinned.
"See, that felt good, right?" He said, licking his lips.
"You are a vile, uncontrollable, stupid, vain, son of a...a...Bitch!" I shouted, wincing after cursing.
"You know, the other girls are spreading rumors about you. Saying you are mentally challenged, a lesbian, a dangerous criminal, an escaped mental patient, I could spend hours listing them. Are you? Any of the ones I mentioned?" Gage asked, finally with the strength to stand up.
I reddened and looked away.
Gage only had on a pair of boxers.
Other than that, he was naked.
"You that afraid of seeing me?" Gage laughed, grabbing my chin, turning it to face him.
"No, I'm just not interested in you." I lied.
The real problem was, I wasn't allowing myself the pleasure of a human mate.
He raised an eyebrow but stopped asking questions. I sighed gratefully and went back to cleaning his wound. I hurried up this time, cleaning up the blood with my shirt quickly before bandaging it up. When I looked up again Gage had an odd look on his face. He looked at me and amended, "That was a bit overboard. I hate seeing you with that asshole Henry. You deserve better."
Those last 3 words stirred terrible flicks of memories, a glint of silver, a shriek of pain, flames burning as high as me, a pile of ashes drifting away in the wind...
I shook my head at Gage. "You don't know what I've done and you know nothing about what I deserve."
I flunked down on the side of his bed with a sigh. He gently put his arm around my shoulders and whispered, "That might be true, but I know what you want."
Then he pulled me towards him and kissed me. This time I didn't shy away. Instead I tried to get lost in the kiss. As soon as he felt me kiss him back he moaned and the kiss hardened, becoming hungrier. Gage pushed me onto his lap running his fingers through my hair. He cupped his hand behind my head and guided me gently to his mouth. When we finally pulled apart he was grinning with a smile so wide it threatened to split his face in two.
I frowned at him, “Stop smiling like that, you look like your face is about to split open.”
“You’re not the boss of me.” Gage retorted, sounding like a whiny four year old.
I rolled my eyes and jumped off the bed. He still had that idiotic smile plastered on his face. He looked at me and his expression changed to slightly shocked, then he said to someone behind me,
“Hello Henry. How long have you been standing there?”
I whipped around to see Henry standing in the doorway of the dorm.
Ah hell.
His face looked guarded, his expression stormy,
“Long enough.” He answered looking at me with anger.
I wilted.
He stared me down with his now stony green eyes.
"I can't believe that I even liked you, I stood up for you!" Henry said his voice rising in a crescendo.
I shrunk back, like a scolded puppy and Gage jumped in front of me, shielding me with his body.
"Don't talk to her like that." Gage says, his voice so calm it was nearly monotone.
Henry nearly hissed at Gage. He looked around him, or through him, I couldn't tell.
"Since when do you care about a girl? All you do is ACT. ACT LIKE YOU CARE!" Henry lowered his voice. "If you want to get in between her legs and give her a child, go ahead, since that's ALL you think of. But, if you leave her, I swear to god, I will kill you. Your family has done enough damage as it is."
Henry's voice was pained, but still angry, but there was more to his words than I knew. He looked lost, and scared. Betrayed, and alone.
"WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH CHASE?!" Gage yelled, looking hurt, as if Henry had reopened an old scar.
"EVERYTHING, THAT'S WHAT!" Henry yelled, a dangerous look in his green eyes and he stepped forward.
I shrunk backwards. Henry looked feral, uncontrollable. I almost yelped when he began his change into a vampire. His eyes, a beautiful mossy green, went to the lust cherry red I feared. It was too close to the color...The flames. I shuddered, trying not to cry at the memories. Henry hissed, baring his ivory needle-like fangs.
"He did this to me, Gage. That god damned brother of yours ruined my effing life! I had a good house, family, girlfriend, school, tutors, even a freakin job waiting for me! But, that will never happen. Never. I can never have my life, because of that GOD DAMN BROTHER OF YOURS, GAGE!" Henry yelled, glaring with an intensity that made Gage stagger back into me.
"He bit me too, but I rejected the change. I had to drink holy water, but how it burned Henry. Chase did worse to me than he did too. Things I can't tell." Gage said, before turning to me. "We've all got our secrets."
I tried to acknowledge him, but suddenly the memories were coming on and too fast. Each one was a clear as if it was happening at the moment. Other memories I didn't remember ever happening, so I couldn't tell if I was going insane or not. At each reoccurrence of memories it felt like hundreds of people were stabbing at me. At first I tried to contain the pain, but that didn't help at all. So, I screamed.
That brought Henry back.
"Aureli! Aureli! What's wrong?!" Henry yelled frantically as his eyes changed back to normal. He knelt down to look at me, even though I had no recollection of ever collapsing. I tried to tell him what was wrong, but the darkness had its grasp on me. All I could do was grab hold of his hand before I curled into myself and was thrust into the land of memories.
The land around me was odd. The ground was a cherry red and constantly seemed to be licking with flames. Screams echoed everywhere, painful screams of torture that sounded eerily like a mixture of animal and human. I kept walking until I saw two marble columns with black iron wrought gates. They immediately swung open to admit me. As soon as I stepped in, I knew where I was, hell. I heard a couple of voices echoing from one gaping halls carved into the rock. Out of impulse I walked towards the hall. My feet slowed as I neared a crude door. The door was cracked so only a sliver of light drifted into the hall. I knelt down on the floor and brought my eye up to the crack. The room was rather large with a table in the center with chairs pulled up. Two figures sat in the chairs conversing with each other. I couldn't quite make out their features, but I could tell one was a woman and the other a man.
"Lucifer, will you please quit your babbling for one second?" the women said teasingly.
The man smiled, "Of course, I've completely forgot why you're here."
The woman pulled out a bundle of clothes and gently unwrapped it. When the swathes of cloth fell away it revealed a baby with white hair and purple eyes. The baby smiled.
"Aureli." the woman said, “She’s your girl too you know."
I pulled away from the door with a gasp. What is she talking about? Is that me? I wanted to fling open that door and barrage that woman with endless questions. Then a thought surfaced, was that my angel mom Xenia? My mind screamed at me to go in the room and ask question after question after question, but suddenly the land around me started to crumble. Bits of the memory shattered and I was forced back into the present.

"Aureli! Aureli! What the hell just happened?!"
I opened my eyes groggily and saw the slightly blurry faces of Henry and Gage over my head. Both had looks of worry on their faces. I pulled myself into a sitting position and asked, “How long was I out?"
"3 hours." Henry and Gage answered together.
I gawked. 3 hours! It had only felt like 10 minutes!
Then the reality of the memory fell over me like a tidal wave.
"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I yelled.
"What?" Gage asked before Henry could ask.
I clamped my mouth shut. I couldn't tell them. They didn't even know I was an angel. I mulled my thoughts around in my head. I knew after I killed that angel I was part demon, but I didn't suspect my dad was Lucifer! Should I tell them or not?
"N-nothing. I-I'm fine..." I said, standing up.
I lied.
I gasped as a nauseating pain shocked my body, and I found myself falling into Henry's arms.
I stared into his chest, gasping and trembling in an absolutely excruciating pain.
"Aureli!" Henry cried, worried.
"Is there something wrong...Oh! Gage! Good heavens! Cover up a little more." Mrs. Stalin's voice came from behind Henry.
"Aureli's in worse condition than I am. She passed out, and now something else is wrong with her. She was passed out for 3 hours." Gage said, as Henry picked me up, plunking me into an unused infirmary bed.
I kept my eyes closed. I simply had no energy to keep them open
"Don't die on me." Henry whispered to my hair, before lightly kissing my forehead.
I kept my eyes closed as I listened to Mrs. Stalin, Gage, and Henry talk.
"Was she fine this morning?" Mrs. Stalin asked.
"Mrs. Stalin-"Henry started to say.
"Call me Olive." Mrs. Stalin said.
"Olive. She was fine. I think this one poisoned and molested her." I could practically see Henry jerking a thumb at Gage.
"Wh-me? I wouldn't do such a thing..." Gage trailed off.
I groaned, nausea slapping me in my face.
My eyes flew open, as I gasped.
I was clothed in sweat.
I felt for a shirt or pants, but only felt my bra and underwear.
I could tell they were the frilly, lacey

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