» Fantasy » Forever Lonely, Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose [e novels for free .txt] 📗

Book online «Forever Lonely, Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose [e novels for free .txt] 📗». Author Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose

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your idiocy. I heard you guys telling each other 'eff you' in my sleep. Just leave. It. Alone." She snapped, her voice final.
Henry gave her puppy dog eyes, before retreating to the couch.
"I don't understand how you can be so close to him. He smells." Henry said.
"He doesn't smell. If anything, it's me, I was going all monkey on the room earlier, climbing onto those poles to nap. I smell like dust." She said.
I don't understand why Henry complained it smelled so bad in here. I didn't smell anything.
"Aureli?" Henry asked.
"Yes, annoying pet?" Aureli said around a yawn.
"Will you sleep with me?" Henry asked, pretending to be tired.
"No." Aureli snapped.
"No." Aureli said, before dozing off.
Ha ha ha...Aureli rejected Henry...I told him she would reject him..
"I told you so." I said, soudning like a whiny 5-year-old.
At first there was silence along with the darkness. I figured Henry was asleep.
"You didn't even say anything." Henry said.
"Oh well...I told you so..." I said.
I could hear Henry's laughter.
"You know I really wish I could take your place in her bed." Henry's voice was sheepish.
"I know. And I'm sure you want your hands to be touching Aureli where mine are-" I teased, before Henry cut me off.
"If you're touching her chest, her ass, or her crotch, I will cut off your hands." Henry growled.
"God, I was teasing. I'm not touching her." I said, pulling my hand away from Aureli's stomach.
"Oh." Henry said. "Goodnight idiot."
"Goodnight, Ass." I replied, before I fell asleep with Aureli in my arms.

I awoke groggily from a dream-free sleep. I could feel Gage's warmth around me like a blanket. I hugged him closer to me and he groaned. His eyes opened slowly and a smile spread across his face.
"Good Morning." I said.
"Mornin'" he mumbled before kissing me.
I moaned and pulled him harder against my mouth. We both sat up, Gage pulling me onto his lap. He tangled his hands in my hair pulling me even closer to him.
"Stop making out. It's too early for me to be strangling someone."
We broke apart, startled.
"Thank heavens." the voice said, relieved.
"Henry, haven't you been taught how it's unmannerly to spy on other people?" Gage snapped.
"No I haven't actually. But you are intruding in our bedroom so I have the right to spy on you two." Henry replied snottily.
"What idiot made up that rule?" I asked before Gage could intervene.
Henry snorted.
"I did." Henry huffed.
"Of course you did. Are you jealous?" I teased.
"Maybe." Henry huffed.
I giggled, sliding out of bed, grabbing a towel and an outfit.
"You two feel free to do the whole 'I'm-the-better-guy' thing you guys do while I shower. I don't want to listen to it." I said, before locking myself in the bathroom.
I knew immediately they started arguing, their voices at a yell before I even had the water running. I slipped off my clothes, testing the water with my hand, before getting in.

I got out, shaking the water from my wet white hair. I dried off, slipping into jeans and a blue half-shirt. Pretty simple today. I came out of the bathroom, to Henry and Gage throttling each other. I stalked over to them, pulling them apart.
"I'll throttle both of you if I have to. And Gage, what happened to your shirt?" I snapped, seeing that Gage was shirtless.
"You take too freaking long in the shower. I got hungry, and ate it." Gage retorted, grinning like an idiot.
"Wonderful. Now that you've eaten, you have no reason to ruin our lives. Thank god you didn't have the brains to eat my steak." Henry said.
"Oh, so if I ate your steak I'd be eating all your steak and ruining your lives? Amazing." Gage said.
"Shut up." I said.
"Fine." They groaned in unison.
"Why can't you guys go annoy some other girl?" I snapped, crossing my arms.
They both turned and gave me puppy dog eyes, causing me to giggle.
"Fine." I said, imating their groaning.
"Not funny." Henry said.
"Says Mr.Puppy-dog-eyes." I said, giggling again.
Gage and Henry shared a look at each other, before grinning and chasing after me. I dodged, shrieking, as they tried to catch and tickle me.
"No, NO NO!" I shrieked, grinning. I ran out of the room, and straight into a guy. I hid behind him, clutching onto him as a shield from Gage and Henry.
"Not fair! You two can't team up against me! You're supposed to hate each other!" I said, hiding against the guy I bumped into. The guy I was hiding by seemed to be in shock. He turned and looked at me, causing my heart to stop. His strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes rung a bell.
"Aureli." He sighed.
"N-no, y-y-you're sup-p-posed to b-be dead. H-how." I stuttered, dropping to the ground, holding my head as I shook.
"Aureli..." He sighed.
"H-how did you come back?" I whispered, before raising my voice. "HOW DID YOU COME BACK, KADE?" I cried.
Kade looked at me, sadness in his eyes.
"Who is this?" Gage asked, jealousy in his voice.
I put my head between my knees, hoping it would help me breathe. Kade was explaining something to Gage and Henry, before I blacked out.
I dreamt of the day I was prosecuted for murdering my best friend.
I was surrounded by a jury of angels. All wore frowns that seemed to grow angrier when they looked at me. They started asking questions right off the bat.
"Why did you kill Kade?" one man asked. I recognized him as the prosecutor.
"I-i really didn't mean to. I-i just touched him and...and..." I tried to explain.
"Why did you do it?" The man asked again, this time staring me down.
I gulped and started again. "I honestly didn't kill him out of cold blood. It was an accident."
"You're lying." he said like it was a matter of fact.
"I'm not! Why would I kill him! He was my best friend! Why do you think I would do something like that!" I yelled angrily. I could feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes. Don't they know that I would never, could never, do anything like that?
Then I heard my mom's voice. "I think you should let her speak. Maybe it was an accident after all."
"Xenia, this is none of your business to assess..." the prosecutor started to say before my mom cut him off again.
"It is my business because she's my daughter!" she snapped.
This caught him a little off guard, but he quickly pulled himself together and replied,
"All the facts show that she killed him. Whether it was on purpose or not is out of question. If she were any older we would punish her like a normal angel would, but since she is a child, we will be a little more lenient."
He turned and looked at the rest of the jury. "Does everyone agree that we will punish her in the normal manner, except with lenience?"
All the angels nodded their heads in unison.
The prosecutor nodded curtly, then called the guards. He whispered something in their ears before stalking off. All the other angels took that as their cue to go and they filed out the door.
"You'll come with me." one of the guards hissed in my ear.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
He didn't reply. Instead, he took me by the arm and led me towards a room. He fiddled with some keys in his pocket before choosing one that was small and silver. It fit into the lock and the door opened with a click. He shoved me in the dark room saying, "Stay in here until someone comes to get you." Then he closed the door. With a click the door locked.
I was alone.
I waited awhile, but as I was sure a day passed, I grew sure they were lying. I grew weary of sitting and waiting, so I got up, exploring the room, to find it was actually a hall. I tried each door, but none opened. I could be walking into a trap and not even know it, but I press on. My heightened senses strain to catch a hint that anything living that has passed through here, but as far as I know there's nothing except for the stench of something rotting. Suddenly, a light appears in front of me, its brightness cutting through the darkness. I'm drawn to the light, like a moth drawn to a flame, and only when I reach it do I realize it’s attached to a hand of a woman. I back off slightly, but the woman makes no move to follow so I relax. The woman puts down the lamp on a table that I didn't realize was even there and pulls something long and shining out of her long dress. Then she turns towards me and smiles. It was one of the most horrific smiles I've ever seen, twisted and evil. It’s too dark to make out the color of her hair, but you could easily make out the rotting yellow teeth that filled her mouth like corn on the cob. Then she looked up. I stifled a scream as I backed away quickly. Instead of eyes in her eye sockets, feelers take their place reaching out into the air like an octopus.
She spoke softly to me, but I could hear the edge in her voice, "You don't deserve to be here. You killed another of your kind, another angel. You are not fit to be here." She stopped to grin. "I will be doing you a favor when I do this."
She pulled out the shining object out again and I fully see it.
It was a pair of huge scissors with the blades curved slightly as if to cut something off someone’s back.
As if on cue, my two pairs of wings fluttered out, their gold and silver feathers gleaming. The woman came towards me, the scissors gaping, but I was too petrified to move or to flee. She reached for one of my wings, but I lift my right arm up, making the nearby lamp and table rise into the air. I roughly put my arm down and the lamp and table crash into the ground, starting a fire, but the lady doesn't seem to notice. She moves closer, the scissors still gaping when I touch her with my left arm, channeling my fear and sadness into her body. Suddenly, she's on the floor writhing in pain and as I back away, again, in horror she turns slowly into ash.
Her voice seemed to change as she mumbled her last words to me. Her voice became deeper, and more man-like.
"Aureli. It's not real. Wake up. Wake up. It's okay." She said. With a jolt I realized, she was using Gage's

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