» Fantasy » Forever Lonely, Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose [e novels for free .txt] 📗

Book online «Forever Lonely, Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose [e novels for free .txt] 📗». Author Isabelle Johnson + Kaori Rose

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The room is pitch black. I could be walking into a trap and not even know it, but I press on. My heightened senses strain to catch a hint that anything living that has passed through here, but as far as I know there's nothing except for the stench of something rotting. Suddenly, a light appears in front of me, its brightness cutting through the darkness. I'm drawn to the light, like a moth drawn to a flame, and only when I reach it do I realize it’s attached to a hand of a woman. I back off slightly, but the woman makes no move to follow so I relax. The woman puts down the lamp on a table that I didn't realize was even there and pulls something long and shining out of her long dress. Then she turns towards me and smiles. It was one of the most horrific smiles I've ever seen. It’s too dark to make out the color of her hair, but you could easily make out the rotting yellow teeth that filled her mouth. Then she looked up. I stifled a scream as I backed away quickly. Instead of eyes in her eye sockets, feelers take their place reaching out into the air like an octopus.
She spoke softly to me, but I could hear the edge in her voice, "You don't deserve to be here. You killed another of your kind, another angel. You are not fit to be here. I will be doing you a favor when I do this."
She pulled out the shining object out again and I fully see it.
It was a pair of huge scissors with the blades curved slightly as if to cut something off someone’s back.
As if on cue, my wings fluttered out their black and silver feathers gleaming. The woman came towards me, the scissors gaping, but I was too petrified to move. She reached for one of my wings, but I lift my right arm up, making the nearby lamp and table rise into the air. Then I roughly put my arm down and the lamp and table crash into the ground, starting a fire, but the lady doesn't seem to notice. She moves closer, the scissors still gaping when I touch her with my left arm. Suddenly, she's on the floor writhing in pain and as I back away, again, in horror she turns into ash.

I woke up nearly screaming, but I put my fist in my mouth to stifle the scream. The sound of snoring drifted from the bottom bunk and I hung my head over the edge to see it was. It was a boy, with familiar brown hair and green eyes. My mind searched for a memory where I saw him, then I remembered and slipped back into memory.

The night was rainy and I was walking back from taking a walk. Oddly, a boy in short sleeves was walking up to me. He didn't look that tough.
That was before he grabbed both of my arms in one swift motion and slammed me into the wall.
"Take off any jewelry and give me your money." he growled in my ear.
"Werewolf." I muttered, mostly to myself.
He twisted my arms farther behind my back before letting my right arm go. Taking a deep breath, I took off my gold necklace and bracelet before searching my pockets for my wallet. As soon as I found my wallet and was about to give it to the werewolf man, a shape jumped out of nowhere and tackled the werewolf. The figure took hold of the werewolf's shirt before tossing him over a nearby fence like a rag doll.
"I saved you." the boy said as he dusted himself off.
He had white skin, with green eyes, and brown hair. Then I realized that he saw me just give up and felt my cheeks flush. I hated looking like a sissy. My description of him rapidly changed from brown hair and green eyes to dirt colored hair and baby vomit green eyes.
I scowled and said maliciously,
"No you weren't saving me you were taking you battle axe for a walk and just happened to come across my situation. I didn't need saving anyway."
He eyed my suspiciously before shrugging. He examined me in a way that made me feel like he was looking into my soul, before he said, "I need payment."
"What?!?! You save a damsel in distress and you ask for freakin' payment?! Why don't I rip those eyes from your skull!" I yelled incredulously.
"Only if you do it in a sexy way." He joked.
He eyed me with his x-ray vision again before leaning over me and kissing me full on the mouth. I nearly cried out, but even if I did nobody would have heard anyway. My eyes raced around so that I could barely tell which way was up, and I tried to control my racing heart so that I wouldn't turn him into a pile of ashes. That would be a little hard to explain later. Abruptly, he pushed away, but his eyes looked a little glazed over.
"I'll take that as payment." he said, slightly breathless.
Then he ran off so fast that it seemed like he had never been there.

My eyes focused again and I was forced back into the present.
I looked at the boy again.
My first thought was to lunge at him and tear his eyes out like I threatened that night, but I had a better idea. I concentrated on the largest weight that sat on the floor and lifted my arm. The weight followed my arm easily. I leveled the weight to the bottom bunk and swung my arm. The 600 pound weight flew towards the bottom bunk with an extra 300 pounds of force. It crashed, splinters flew everywhere, the guy screaming.
He rolled out of bed and stood up shaking splinters out of his hair.
"What the hell was that for!" he yelled.
A part of his head looked caved in and the area where his rib cage was stained with red blood, but within seconds the redness vanished and his head reformed.
"Morning sunshine." I said not without the slightest hint of a smile.
His brow furrowed. "Don't call me that. My name is Henry."
"Good for you." I retorted, before hopping off the bed.
I walked over to the closet and flung open the doors.
Fencing swords, baseball bats, and all other sorts of weapons spilled onto the floor.
"What the hell did you do to my closet!" I yelled at Henry.
He quirked up his mouth into a smile and said, "Only adding to the collection. You already had a frying pan in there and a knife. What is the frying pan for, anyway?"
I glared at him and spat, "To give the stupid idiots that I have to deal with a concussion, which is what you are gonna get if you don't close that stupid mouth of yours."
He laughed and I glared at him before turning back towards the closet. After a couple minutes of shuffling through more weapons, I got to my dresser and yanked the drawers open. I took out a black shirt and acid washed jeans, before jumping out of the closet and running across the room to the bathroom.
The bathroom was cold so I quickly slipped out of my pajamas and put on my clothes. My white hair covered my purple eyes in a tangled mess, so I ran my hand through it before checking the time. Crap! It was 8:15 and classes started in 5 minutes! I ran into the room and kicked Henry's shin, "Get your ass out of bed! Classes start in 5 minutes!"
While he sat there rubbing his eyes, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.
I looked back at him, still waking up and I yelled, "If your ass isn't in class when the bell rings I will personally take all your possessions and sell them on eBay. Now, get the hell up!"
He finally stood up and shuffled slowly into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him
I sighed and whispered to myself, "Men." before rushing out the dorm room.


Dang, that girl hit me. I winced at myself in the bathroom mirror as I felt the soft spot of my skull where the dumbbell hit. It had healed but still hurt like hell and it had bruised, leaving a blemish the size of an egg on my skin.
Might as well cover it up. Everyone marvels at how pale you are and now you’re purple too. Soon I'll be considered a new species of human and be locked in a cage and sent to the zoo.

I thought to myself, as I covered the bruise with a lock of my hair.
I pulled on a shirt and shorts, all the while, my mind wandering so that I became feisty composure, her sense of humor, beauty, I had liked her from the start.
Aureli crossed my mind and I focused on her. H
"Snap out of it!" I yelled at myself.
I couldn't have her, I knew that, and it was killing me not to have her.
The night I had kissed her, well, I went overboard. I could have killed her. I mean, literally sucked the soul from her body.
Dumb vampire powers.
Expertly, from years of practice, I pushed Aureli out of my mind like I did with the rest of my jumbled thoughts. Finally, I could think clearly. I walked out of the bathroom and through the bedroom into the hallway. I read one of the clocks on the side wall and jumped. Ah hell! I was an hour late for class! I rushed through the corridors until I reached homeroom. I flung open the door and eyes turned.
The teacher, Mrs. Stalin, set her mouth in a firm line and said, "Henry, you must be better about your attendance, class is ending in ten minutes. Please sit down though because I haven't yet assigned homework and since you haven't learned today's lesson, I can assure it will be hard for you. Sit down now."
I flushed, my cheeks hot with embarrassment, before sitting down in my seat. Aureli leaned over the space between the desks and whispered, "You are late. Your stuff is mine."
I sighed and listened to the teacher drone on about x plus y equals nine thousand when the bell rang. The teacher plunked homework onto my desk and sat back down on her desk. She gave us the evil eye and we all quickly packed up our homework and left the room. I walked out of the room and

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