» Fantasy » Transformation, Missy [bill gates books to read .txt] 📗

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for a little bit. He looked around and then he walked towards the window. I smiled and hopped down. He sat on the edge and hesitated. “ Come on now.”
“ Oh the shit you get me in,” He mumbled. He jumped down from the ledge and we made our way to the forest. The town almost seemed like a ghost town. Everyone was too scared to leave their homes.
“ I haven’t been out for a while,” Dylan said.
“ yes I’m quite aware. It’s sad how everything has gone downhill, but the thing is none of the animals or nature has been effected. That’s one of the reasons I enjoy going to the forest, because when I’m their I feel like everything is the same,” I said.
“ Is Ryan still alive?” He asked.
“ of course. We see one another every single day. I actually saw him earlier today,” I announced.
“ That’s nice,” He said.
“ yep..”
Everything around us was quit.
“ I miss the old days,” Dylan said.
“ So do i.”
“ You think…”
“ think what man?”
“ You think my family is in heaven?”
I looked up at the sky.
“ … I honestly can’t tell you.”
Dylan sighed. I looked at him.
“ But I’ll tell you this… their altogether… their happy and their together watching over you. Proud of you. Their together peacefully, and they are happy and they want you to be happy also.”
“ you think?”
“ Pshaw! I know!” I started to laugh. We reached the forest and walked in. it all seemed like how it used to be. Like nothing ever happened. I felt so at peace. Everything seemed like it was all so perfectly put together and it was all care free. Tears started to fill my eyes, but I quickly wiped my face and then darted towards a tree and made my way up it.
“ Never changed,” Dylan said.
“ I know right! I love this place!” I exclaimed.
“ I wasn’t talking about the forest.”
“ What the hell where you talking about then?”
“ You.”
“ me?”
“ Yes Sherlock.”
“ Why would I ever change? I am always going to be the same person I have always been and I will never change. Come on man even you should know that.”
“ Laura you never know.”
“ Rubbish!”
I hovered over Dylan.
“ Your such a guy,” Dylan laughed.
“ Better than being a stuck up girl!”
“ Ha yeah. So how’s the view from up their?”
“ Breath taking. You should come up here and take a look at this.”
“ Maybe some other time…”
“ Some other time my ass. You never will.”
“ once I get my strength back I promise I will.”
“ Pinky promise?”
“ Pinky promise.”
I smiled. I made my way down the tree and we walked back to my house and snuck through the window.
“ That was fun,” Dylan said.
“ Everything is fun when your with me.”
“ Come and eat!” I heard my ma say from the kitchen.
I jumped up and pushed Dylan to the side and sprinted into the kitchen. He followed after me. My ma looked up and saw the life in Dylan’s face.
“ Oh Dylan… you look great!” She smiled.
“ Thanks,” He said.
We sat around the kitchen and my brother and pa came in shortly afterwards.
“ Hey ya’ll!” I mumbled.
“ Ello,” Pa said.
We all sat at the table and started to eat.
“ What ya’ll do today?” Pa asked.
“ Wrestled bears and I climbed millions of feet up in the air… I even… traveled to the moon and back!” I laughed.
“ Wow… must be pretty great to do all that,” Pa said.
“ The greatest man!” I laughed.
We all started to laugh. This was nice. This was our first full diner with everyone. I was happy. I liked this living.

Chapter 3-
Dylan and I walked through the forest. I looked around there was something different about today. There are hardly any animals out today.
“ Did you notice?” Dylan asked.
“ The animals?”
“ yes…”
We looked at each other.
“ I’m going up,” I said.
“ Going where?”
“ The tree.”
We walked around trying to find the highest tree with the sturdiest branches. We walked around for a good ten minutes then came across one.
“ Their!” I pointed to a tree.
I ran towards it and made my way up. As I climbed I looked down and saw Dylan looking up at me. i stopped for a second to catch my breath.
“ Dylan! How high am i?” I screamed.
“ About twenty feet!”
I looked down and then sprawled backward and grasped onto the tree trunk. I have never been this high up a tree so far.
“ Laura be careful!” I heard him screech.
“ Don,” I mumbled.
I couldn’t scream, because I couldn’t catch my breath to. I looked up into the branches and continued going. I reached my hands up and grabbed onto a branch and I started to lift myself up and then the I heard the branch crack. I was dangling in the air and I looked up and saw it start to crack. My eyes widened and I felt adrenaline flow through my body.
The branch cracked and I fell and reached out for any branch within reaching distance. I grabbed onto a branch to my right and gripped onto it and banged against the trunk of the tree and hit the top of my head and I felt blood drip down my head. I was clenching onto the branch and then I heard a whole bunch of ruckus and looked over to my right and saw all of the hovercrafts. They were huge! It looked like you could fit thousands of people in there. Maybe even a million. I saw people crowded around it, and someone else start to get on the ship. They’re all going on the ship. Why?
I started to climb down once branch at a time. My head dripped with more blood and I felt a little dizzy. I was about a foot off the ground and then I missed a branch and fell next to Dylan.
“ What happened to you!” he cried.
“ There is a hovercraft… people… people are getting on it.” I gasped.
He looked around and saw the top of the huge silver hovercraft.
“ What the?” He mumbled.
I touched my forehead and then Dylan helped me up.
“ We must get home right know!” He said.
I nodded my head and slowly stood up and I stumbled through the leaves. We walked to the farm and dozens of people flew past us going towards the hovercraft. I then saw my parents, sister, and brother running towards us.
“ WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” My ma gasped.
“ In the woods,” I said.
“ Are you alright! Look at you! Oh my god,” She gasped.
“ I’m fine ma. What’s? What’s going on?” I asked.
“ Their departing everyone onto that hovercraft and we are living the earth because this virus is killing millions of people and its spreading through the air. Where leaving right know. We have to get onto that hovercraft right away,” my mom cried.
I nodded my head and we all made our way to the ship. Dylan and Markey where on both side of me helping me run. I felt dizzy so they both had their hands around me. A dense crowd was before us.
“ What’s going on ma?” I asked.
“ I don’t know Hun…. I don’t know,” She mumbled. I looked around and I felt so defenseless. Markey and Dylan had this exspression on their face which I have never seen before. Markey saw me looking at me. He saw the worry in my eyes. I was shaking horribly.
“ Excuse me, officer?” My ma asked.
He looked at her.
“ Yes?” He asked.
“ What’s going on? Why can’t we get onto the ship… or more like it why isn’t anyone being packed onto the ship,” My mother asked.
The officer looked around and he knew he wasn’t supposed to say anything and then our eyes met and I felt the tears in my eyes. He stared at me and I felt his eyes go right through me. I started to shake even more and Markey’s grip tightened.
“ We can only get about a one point five million people from each state because we do not have enough room to fit everyone,” he said.
“ What will happen to the rest then?” Ma asked.
“ We will send out another ship and get the rest,” he said.
“ How many more are able to go onto the ship?” Ma asked.
“ This is the last place we got and then where leaving. Well this ship is leaving. We can fit about two or three hundred more people,” The officer said.
My mother looked around and saw all of the people. The officer then walked away.
“ Everyone, we must hold hands so we don’t lose one another. We are getting onto that ship,” Ma said. We all grabbed one another’s hand and pushed our way through the crowd. I ran into people from left to right and most of them where taller than me. my head was pounding. We were close to the ship and my ma started to go up the stairs and then someone ran into me and I flew to the side. I lost hold of my brothers hand. He didn’t notice and continued to walk forward. I sat on the ground and slowly knelt on my knees and stood up and pushed through the crowd. The cops stopped us all.
“ No one else is able to go on the ship! We are full!” They screamed.
I looked around panicked and felt tears run down my face. I saw my family go onto the ship and they were all smiling. My brother looked around and then shouted something to my mom. My mom looked around in frantic. Her eyes peered around everyone and then our eyes met. The look of horror came upon her face.
“ Ma!” I cried. “ Ma!” I screamed even louder.
“ Stop! We need to go back for my daughter! Stop! Stop!” My mom cried over and over again. Tears flew down her face and she thrashed from an officers arm and someone else flung her back into the ship. “ You can fit one more person!” She cried. “ You can fit one more person! You can!”
I watched her fall to her knees and my pa cried out my name. my brother stared at me and my cousin hit windows and cried out to open the doors.
“ Lee! Lee!” I little sister cried my name. “ Why isn’t lee coming?” She screamed. The ship slowly started to go up and I heard the cries of other. I watched the ship go and I just stood where I was. It started to leave and people started to run towards it. Their where about a hundred of us and most of them ran towards the ship or fell to the ground and cried with their loved ones. I watched the faces of my loved ones leave. I just stood there and felt so empty. Tears ran down my face and then I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I turned to my left and saw Ryan. I collapsed and fell to the ground. He held my in his arms and I sobbed.
“ Shhh it’s okay,” He whispered.
“ Where is your family?” I asked.
“ On the
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