» Fantasy » Transformation, Missy [bill gates books to read .txt] 📗

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at him. I squeezed his hand. I looked at him and for the first time noticed his radiant bright green eyes. He had golden hair and tan skin. He looked like a model. I gazed into his eyes and the shut mine from the pain. I grabbed onto his hand harder and he placed his other hand on top of mine. I held back the tears.
“ Dam nit are you almost done?” I muttered.
“ Just a couple of pieces left. You’re doing good. Most other people wouldn’t be able to take this. They would of needed something to put them out. You’re a real trooper… What’s your name?” Rickton asked.
“ L. Laura,” I spat out as he pulled the last piece.
Ryan walked in and saw me gripping onto Celeborn, and him looking at me. I looked at Ryan and he just left the room and I let my head fall back. I shook my head and then Rickton started to clean it and patched it up. I went to go sit up and he put his hand on my shoulder.
“ You shouldn’t walk. Not yet.”
“ I’ll be fine,” I muttered.
I stood up and limped towards the door.
“ Like I said a trooper,” He laughed. “ So who you with?”
“ What do you mean?” I asked.
“ That boy Ryan. Is that the only person you with?”
“ yes.”
“ Would you like to join us?” He asked.
I looked around my ma and pa’s room and felt my legs shake and put my hand against the wall. Rickton and Celeborn saw the look in my eyes.
“ You can’t stay here forever,” Rickton said.
I put my left hand in my pocket and felt the picture.
“ I don’t have to,” I said looking down. “ I don’t have to stay here forever and I never had to.” I turned and left the room without saying another thing or looking them in the eyes. I limped past dozens of people and stumbled down the stairs and looked out at the forest. I turned to my left and saw the mother holding her daughter in her arms. Everyone new she was going to die that’s why no one was around. I walked over to her and huddled over her. She looked up at me and saw my leg.
“ Are you alright?” She sniffled.
“ I’m fine.” I sat down next to her and let out a cry of pain.
“ Oh please don’t sit,” She mumbled but it was too late I was already on the ground.
“ I’m fine. How old is she?” I asked.
“ She is seven. Her name is Skylet, and I am Lin,” She said.
“ I am Laura. Your daughter has a beautiful name… how long has she been sick?” I asked.
“ About a week,” She cried.
I looked at her and I gasped.
“ What is it?” She asked.
“ how can she still be alive?”
“ What do you mean?”
“ My cousin got the virus and was dead within a day. Everyone that has gotten the virus dies within a day. How is your daughter still alive?” I mumbled.
Her eyes widened and then she looked at her daughter. I reached out my hand and pulled the coat away from her. She was so pale and her lips where purple. She opened her eyes and they were completely red. Even the color of her eyes. I heard her mom gasp. She was breathing heavily.
“ open her mouth!” I shouted
Lin looked at me weirdly. And she slowly opened her daughters mouth. I crawled back when I saw the inside of her mouth. She had fangs.
“ What the fuck!” I cried.
Lin stared blankly at Skylet.
“ What’s wrong with her?” Lin gasped.
People heard us and came around and saw Skylet. Rickton came over and looked at Skylet.
“ Her pulse. She hardly has one. And she has no heart beat. It seems as though…” Rickton stopped.
“ What is it?” I asked.
“ Like a vampire,” He said.
Everyone started to gasp.
“ Is it possible?” I asked.
“ I suppose… I mean… maybe the virus is a transformation virus…” He started to say.
“ but then why did they all die?” Some asked.
“ Because they may of died because they were not strong enough or the virus was too deadly. Skylet is still alive and transforming and others might too. You can get the virus and either die or live and transform…” Rickton said.
Everyone was quit.
“ So everyone is going to get this virus and they will either live or die, and if they do so live… they won’t be human no longer,” I muttered.
“ Correct,” Rickton stated.
Everyone started to look at one another. I looked over for Ryan, and I couldn’t find him and I just starred at Skylet and Lin. Lin’s eyes started to fill with tears, and I then placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me.
“ It will be okay,” I whispered to her.
“ How do you know?” She asked.
“ I don’t know, but I can only hope.”
“ Hope has given up on all of us,” She cried.
“ That’s why Skylet is still alive….”
Her eyes caught mine, and she realized that there was a person who still had hope for her baby girl. A smile came across her face and her eyes started to water.
“ Don’t cry,” I muttered.
“ im not crying, because I am sad,” She whispered. “ I am crying because I am happy. I am happy that there are still true good hearted people in this world and I have one with me right know.” I smiled and placed my hand on Skylet's head and ran my hand down her face. She felt so cold.
“ Do you think it’s true?” I asked.
“ Is what true?” Lin asked.
“ That’s vampires drink blood?” I questioned.
“ That’s what they say.”
“ But just because they say something don’t mean that it is true,” I muttered. “ From what I can see anything is possible. Your daughter aint gonna die. She gonna live,” I whispered.
“ Thank you,” Lin sniffled
I looked at Skylet and touched her cheek.
“ May I hold her?” I asked.
Lin slowly put Skylet into my arms and I cradled her. Her breathing was heavy and I tightened my grip around her.
“ I promise, I aint gonna let anything happen to you,” I whispered to Skylet.
She opened her eyes and they where dilated and red. I felt my stomach drop and I brought her closer to me and touched her cheek. A smile formed around both of our faces and I felt tears fill my eyes.
“ Let’s get going!” I heard a man shout.
“ Who is that?” I asked Lin.
“ He is one of the leaders. There are three of them. He is the first. His name is Larone. The second guy next to him that has blonde hair is Merark, and the third fellow that is bald is Octas.” Lin said.
“ nice names?”
Lin started to laugh.
“ everyone! Please we must get going.” Larone stated.
I looked at Lin.
“ Are you coming with us?” She asked.
I looked down, and then looked at my house.
“ I know it will be heard to leave… But if you stay here forever you will be alone. Come with us.”
“ I won’t be alone. My boyfriend is here with me,” I said.
“ The both of you come.”
I didn’t know what to do. I nodded my head and stood up.
“ I’m going to-”
Lin stopped me. “ It’s okay. Say goodbye and then follow us.”
I nodded my head and walked towards my house. People where descending from the door, and walked towards the road. I bumped from people to people and stood in my empty filthy kitchen. I walked to my parents room and then sat at the edge of the bed.
“ Are we going to go?” Ryan asked.
I looked up at him and then looked around the room. I placed my hand in my pocket, and felt the picture. Tears welled up in my eyes, and then Ryan wrapped his arms around me.
“ No matter where you decide to go I’ll be there. Forever,” Ryan whispered.
I gripped onto his shirt.
“ Let’s go,” I stated. He stood up with me and we slowly walked out of the bedroom and out of the house. When we reached the edge of the grass and looked back at the house.
“ Goodbye,” I cried under my breath, and we continued on. I kept my head down and my hair in my face. Ryan had on of his arms around my shoulders and we walked side by side next to hundreds of people.
“ New?” A women asked. Without looking up I nodded my head. She looked at Ryan and then saw he was the only one with me, and by the way he was holding me not my family. I heard a little gasp from her and she patted my back. “ I’m sorry,” She whispered and then continued to walk. My legs felt a little limp, and I felt cold inside. I hated when people to pity on me. usually im not the person to cry, or too feel sad for a long period of time, but losing everything I had within an instant has taken quit a lot out of me.

Chapter four-
“ Laura,” Ryan whispered.
I looked over to my side and Ryan stared at me for a while.
“ What is it?” I mumbled.
“ I just wanted to check on you,” He did a faint smile.
“ Im fine Ryan…”
It went back to quit and we didn’t say anything more. We continued to walk deep into the forest to the point which you could no longer see roads, home, nor the community. It was so deep into the forest that it was hard to see through the trees. My legs started to feel tired, and it was getting hard to walk.
“ Ryan how long have we been walking?” I asked.
“ Hmmm… About three hours. Are you okay?” Ryan asked.
I nodded my head.
“ Just wondering,” I smiled.
Everyone started to slow down, and we came to a halt. I stood there, and tried to look beyond all of the people but it wasn’t working out, so I just leaned back into Ryan and closed my eyes.
“ We will be staying here for the night,” a deep voice shouted over all of the people. I opened my eyes.
“ We are sleeping in the woods?” I asked looking up at Ryan. He nodded his head. People started to spread apart, and lay blankets on the ground and people would sit together and talk. I looked over to the right and saw Skylet, Lin, Rickton, and Celeborn.
“ Ryan lets go sit over there,” I showed him. He nodded his head, and we made our way towards them, and Lin looked up at me, and smiled.
“ Hello Laura,” She smiled.
I nodded my head, and Ryan sat on the blanket next to Rickton. I walked past the blanket, and sat on a patch of grass and leaned up against a tree trunk. Celeborn sat on the blanket across from me and he was watching me.
“ Why don’t you come sit on the blanket?” He asked.
“ Hm im fine Celeborn,” I smiled, and leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I took a
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