» Fantasy » now and forever, Zaza Wish [popular e readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «now and forever, Zaza Wish [popular e readers .TXT] 📗». Author Zaza Wish

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starting to fume. If I were alive I would be turning red with anger.
“Actually zombies are part alive and eat flesh…” Thor spoke in
I glared at him, his snide comment made my eyes roll.

“Maybe we should run a few tests. There might be a cure… or you might have something rare…”
“Oh. You wanna test? Ok let’s test Riki and see what he can do. I said in a playful manner. Let’s probe Riki and see what happens. Look at the cause and effects...
I jumped up. I was in my blue striped boxers but it didn’t matter. I got up and looked at the surgical tools I was too familiar with. I grabbed the sharpest knife and cut open my flesh on my palm. A gap opened and my skin hung to the sides. Everyone looked wide eyed. Nothing happened. I felt no pain. No blood came gushing out. Rebecca cried and ran out of the room. I then glared at Scott who did nothing. I turned around and ran. I ran out of the building. I ran all the way to the streets. People stopped and stared but I ran.
I then opened my eyes. Stopping the movie in my mind. The sun blinded me and I sat up. My clothes were damp. They had dried from the heat of the sun. I looked at the ocean, the suns reflection gleaming on the surface. I remembered the girl. The water girl. I got up and walked back to my house to change. I knew what I had to do.

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Point of view- Riki
Chapter 4
I was in my house, the house that felt real. My damp clothes clung to my skin. I ripped them off. I stood there with my shirt off; I looked down at my pale skin. A ripped puncture was on my chest. It was a whole from where the bullet hit me. I thought only of my friends, and dressed to go see then. I thought about how they haven’t heard from since I ran off in such a hurry. I went and searched for some old clothing so I ripped a piece of and mended my hand. Once everything was done, I went outside. The sun was hiding behind the clouds and it felt like overcast. I walked towards the hidden area and went inside to find my friends and Co .workers. They saw me, and stopped what they were doing. They were worried about me. Rebecca did not look up at me, and Scott moved towards me. His arm reached out and then went limp. He spoke.
“Are… are you ok?”
“Ok?” I replied. “Better than Ok, I feel great.”
They all stared at me in shock.
I spoke again to extinguish the fiery silence.
“I have a new mission for us. I name this mission project… The Water Girl.” I spoke the rest rather fast so I could get it all out. I told them about the dancing girl in the lake. I explained what she looked like, so we could look her up on our database. My friends were relieved to see me happy, and that we have a mission to do. Rebecca looked on the computer to find any matches that looked like what I was talking about. Scott decided to look up for anything odd happening in the lake. About 14 minutes passed and Scott walked over to my desk and opened his mouth to speak.
“Hey, I know a lot… has happened to you. I hope this is not too much to ask but- could you go back out and …”
I interrupted him.
“ So, you want me to go back out in the lake and find the girl.”
“Well, ya. You know, since you have this new thing, you can live under the water and make contact with this girl. We can’t find anything about her. We need you to talk to her and find more about her. Then you need to learn about her and see if she some kind of hidden monster and find her weakness.”
Scott spoke, thinking about his word choice. He then at the end of his speech looked up at me. I smiled at him and agreed to do my part of the mission.

Point of view - girl (Enya)
Chapter 5
I watch as the strange man pulls himself out of the water. I glide over and watch him. Me, who is still invisible, gets out of the water. I do so by controlling the water and have it gush um underneath me. It looks like a fountain pump pushing the water. I stand on the water as it pushes me up toward the surface. I smell the fresh sent of the air. I walk on the dock and stand beside the man. I am dry, once I reach the surface but the man is dripping wet with his soggy clothes. He just lies on the ground and closes his eyes. I sit next to him knowing he won’t realize that I’m next to him. I sit and thing for 10 minutes. Not very long when I realize that I was hungry. Just because I can swim and breath underwater does not mean I won’t eat. I get up and walk away from the man who is lying on the dock.
I walk towards a new building that just opened. I ask for a table but they decline saying that I am too young and little to eat by myself and I should call for my parents. I snuffle a laugh. If only they knew who they were talking too. My parents? Ya right. It has been a while since I last thought about them. I closed my eyes, and I felt my pupil turning into a dark purple. My eyes now had a glazy slip over them. When I opened them, I stared into the waitress eyes. Peering into her soul, and I spoke keeping my voice down a little.
“Lady, you will give me my food for free. My parents don’t matter. And remember this, It’s the princess orders!” I said the last bit harsher to make it stick into her mind. She was under my control and she walked away stiffly. I saw her guide me to the table in the corner.
“Is this table worth for you, Princess?”
“Yes, But I advise you to leave the Princess part off.” I said.
“Yes Princess.”
I sighed. I hated using my powers and having to add the princess part. I try act normal and blend in but I have advantages that I need. And besides, I am hungry. A few minutes later my food came. When I was controlling her I told her my food orders. The waitress glided the food one by one onto my table. It looked like a lot of food for one girl, but after living under water for what seemed like forever I have got to eat! On my table there were chicken fingers in front of me, Oatmeal to my left side, and ravioli to my right. I did one dish at a time. Working from my left to my right. I ate it all, leaving no wasted food. At the end of my eating I felt as if I ate a cow and a pig. I looked down to make sure my tummy was not going to bust. I knew the cure to help me feel better. I walked out of the new restraint leaving a $5 tip and erasing the waitress mind of me. The building was only 3 blocks away from the dock. So I walked the little trip and got to the dock.
Once there I saw that the man was gone. I thought about what happened to him but I let the idea of him slip away from my mind. I jumped into the water not holding my breath. The sensation of the water thrilled me. It felt so good, I could feel my energy rising. Water is a source for me to get my energy. It’s a recharging station for me to heal. I then created a thin coat of water and “slipped” It over my hand like a glove. I then held this water glove and I felt the power rush in my veins. My glove hand glowed. I brought it over my stomach and it felt warm. My stomach then emptied itself, as if the food that was once inside, was gone. I still felt as if I ate, but I was no longer feeling the “fullness” I felt much better. I smiled and felt weary. I slowly drifted into a state of slumber. I then closed my eyes and slept under the cool water. Floating aimlessly in the middle of the water, I felt great.

Point of view- Riki
Chapter 6
I walked along the docks edge and stood there for a few seconds. Thinking about my choices that I had in mind. I had to find this girl, and I had to get my plan into action. I went over my plan in my head.
First I would find this girl, and talk to her. If that would work out then I would try to earn her trust. That part was a little confusing for me. I really had no idea how I was going to do that. The next part I would try to find what or who she is. And then, the part were Scott comes in, trap her if she is titled dangerous. I had no idea what was going to happen; I had no clue where this girl would be and if she would be harmful. After I went over my plan, I did the first part of my plan. I had to find the girl.
I jumped into the water, it rushed around me. I stood still floating in the water. I blinked to get the blurry vision clearer. I’m not sure if what I saw was what I wanted to see. The girl was 10 feet in front of me. She was floating in the water, still and silent. No movements happened. I was scared and crushed. My mission was a failure. The girl was dead. I felt anger rush inside me for no reason. I swam closer to her. Holding in a breath that did not exist… The girl looked frozen. I then reached out to feel her pulse in her throat. I barely made contact before a hand reached and grabbed me. This girls hand had me pinned down under the water. The girl was now behind me cuffing my hands with her grasp. A voice broke my struggle to get free.
“Be still and you shall be gone.” Her voice flowed like a river, smooth and quite. It stopped me from my struggle. I waited for her to make her move. She went on.
“I’m going to take you somewhere; I want you to be quite.” Her voice glided beautifully. I nodded my head and obeyed. A feeling of forced power rumbled beneath us. I looked down to see us standing on top of what looked like an upside down waterfall. This waterfall pushed us into the air and we shot into the sky. It looked like we were in an elevator heading towards the heavens.
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