» Fantasy » now and forever, Zaza Wish [popular e readers .TXT] 📗

Book online «now and forever, Zaza Wish [popular e readers .TXT] 📗». Author Zaza Wish

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for good.

Point of view: Riki
Chapter 9
I was so happy that things went as planned. Well part of it. But hey, I’m on a name bases with my enemy- I mean friend. I was now getting a little confused. I saw the girl- I mean Enya leave and I too headed in the other direction. I went straight to Brifly’s HQ. Once in Bryfly, I saw all my teammates waiting around the door. Scott was the closest by the door with his arms crossed, and Rebecca was on the stairs, and Thor was in his seat eating a sandwich. Scott was the first to speak.
“You were gone for a longer time than I expected, did something happen while you were gone? His eyebrow raised in suspicion.
I responded with a happy tone.
“Actually… no, things went to plan. I found out a bit more than I was aiming for.” A smile spread across my face.
Scotts arm dropped to his side in shock. He told me he wanted to know about it all, and so I stood there telling them everything. From how she was in the water, sleeping, and the waterfall, and the cloud and also how I got her name. I did mention the fact that the she wouldn’t eat something with me when I offered and how she ran off after that. I also did not mention how beautiful she was, how she made my dead heart pump again. Scott was a little upset that I let her run off and not know where she was going, I only said that I had a feeling I knew where. Scott then ordered Rebecca to look in the database for anyone named Enya. Thor went online to see if anything water based happened.
“Scott, what should I do now?” I asked.
“You keep doing what you are doing. Get to know about this girl-
“Enya.” I interrupted.
“Er, yes, Enya- and find more about her. And if that works well than you decide if she is dangerous or not.” So I returned home, ready to sleep on what I learned. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. Nothing happened, my eyes only saw darkness. I soon realized that I can’t sleep, it was physically impossible. Well, I guess I will pull another all-nighter. I got up and turned on the television. The newscaster showed a picture of the dock, and a lady ready to speak.
We are here at the Dock, where people say just moments ago the water rose 15 feet in the air and dropped. Splashing the sides of the Dock, and the people who stood by witnessed it all. The people are still puzzled to why this would happen. It doesn't make much sense but we are on the case. This is Libby Sons, signing off.
I smiled and thought about what Enya said that people can’t understand what goes on. Getting my jacket on, I was ready to wonder the streets.

Chapter 10
Riki point of view
“All right people, we need to get all trackers online. Look up anything that can be used for clues!” Scotts booming voice filled the room of the control center. We were all on the computers typing away fiercely trying to get a signal of where Enya the water girl might be. That was the title. We had a new mission called water girl. I kept telling him that she had a name, Enya, but he only said that the water girl was a threat. For some reason, it rubbed me the wrong way, I don’t know why but I got upset that he had no caring feelings for her. But then again, why do I care about her. She is a threat… “People, look up the name, it could mean something!” Scott’s voice broke up my thought. Typing, clicking sounds then filled the room; until Rebecca shouted “Got something!” we all stopped, turned our heads and waited for Scott to speak. He walked over to Rebecca’s computer and read out loud the Article.
The legend of the water family:
Once a time ago, in the past yet in the future there was a family. They were true blood. It started on a space craft up in the stars, on a planet called Fireclaw. Fireclaw was a home planet to many people. As the story goes they were just like us, looked like us. Some say they were our great, great, ancestors. As the story goes, the citizens were a little different than us. They had powers. Each one was born with a power, sometimes small and sometimes more powerful. In the ledged there was a queen mother, who was able to talk to animals, the father King was able to control one of the elements. The king and queen were the rulers of the planet, they were great role models, and they had their own family crest: THE TRUEBLOOD engraved on it.
Everything was great for the True blood Royal family. Until they got a message from the rival Clan, the rival clan wanted the planet for their own. The message was a threat to leave now or get blown up. The citizens of the planet Fireclaw all got ready to leave on a safety spacecraft. While other officers were ready to defend the home planet. The royal family had just a little baby girl. The father and mother look in the cradle of where the baby girl slept. They kissed her goodbye knowing this would be there last greeting. This baby girl was special. The parents knew this. They tucked her in a safe water Orb that the father made. Inside of the orb were food, blankets, and a guide. They assigned two of their top military men to watch over their daughter. They sent her out, a destination where she would be kept safe. A place where it would protect her. Earth, this strange planet was perfect for the girl. She would grow up and live among the humans that have just started. They gave the girl a new home to start with, a cave in the middle of the forest, with a bear. The mother spoke to the bear and told him to guard and raise the girl like one of the bears own. And so as the story goes the girl and the 2 men were sent out of a ship down to earth. And while the orb was racing to earth the girl woke up from her sleep and cried. Somehow she knew. The parents held onto each other and tears crept out of their eyes. Ships started to leave the planet while the parents were ready to stand with the planet. In a matter of seconds the home planet blew up. And the power of the effect hit the orb sending it faster to earth and moving the 2 guards across the world. The girl landed and the bear picked her up and carried her to the cave. Time passed and soon she was a young girl who was raised by a bear and lived in a cave. The 2 guards to this day are still searching for the girl who has blended in with society. Lost or Gone forever.
That is the legend of the water family:

We stood there; it felt like had just watched a move that felt too real. “It’s just a legend… right? It can’t be true…” Rebecca’s soft whisper was the only sound in the silenced room. We just stood there waiting for Scott to give us an order.
“Ok guys, this is a great start; let’s see if we can find more on this family. Riki, you know this girl better than any of us. Does this relate to her in the smallest of bits? “
Um, well… Kind of, I guess.” I answered my voice shaky. In fact it sounded a lot like her, a water orb was mentioned and I remember seeing Enya create one. She seems to do the impossible, but a bear? What was that supposed to mean? It must be just legend nonsense. The same nonsense that’s just crazy as Enya lived before human, its just crazy to think that it could be possible. It doesn’t take many brain cells to realize that Enya is just about 17 years old, and she was a baby when she “lived with the bear.” All these questions and new information was too much, it was getting too confusing. “ I don’t think this article on the ledged is going to help us much, why don’t we just stop and think about this?” I state calmly.
“Think about this, what is there to think about? We got some facts and we have you, you did just agree that the legend related to her in some way…”
“w –well, yes but maybe we should think with some common sense.”
“Common sense? You want to voice your opinion with common sense? What has gotten into you? You know this job, you know the requirements, you’ve done missions like this before, and you just now start to act all… I don’t know... just act like THIS! We work with the strange, the unusual, the aliens and monsters and unexplained creatures, and we are doing what we normally do, get some facts, track it down, catch it, and figure out what we do with it!” Scott was red in the face now.
“Yea, I know the requirements and all that jazz, but maybe we should look at this “case” a little differently. The only facts we have is that article, maybe we should look into who wrote it, and maybe that person has more knowledge on this. And maybe, just maybe we should gain more knowledge than track and attack.” I say with emphasis on attack, I kept my voice steady and calm, I was getting a little red in the face also. I look around; I had forgotten that the others were still with us in the main floor room. Rebecca is playing with her hands, trying to look preoccupied. Thor just sitting his seat, looking from Scott to me, me to Scott and then his eyes looked at the grey tile floors.
“Maybe, just maybe, you’re right… We might want to look at this from a different angle. Thor! Look up more info on the author and other articles that relate to this mission. Look the up True Blood family and other legends. Rebecca, keep a watch on the monitors and look for anything unusual, and if it appears then notify me right away!” Scott looks at me and gives me a small nod. I felt exhausted and didn’t feel up to working on the mission anymore.

“I’m goanna call it a day.” I yell out to my friends.
“What, now? When we have vital information that could help us, you want to call it quits?” Scott says annoyed.
“Yea, just goanna take a break for today, I’ll come back tomorrow if you want?”
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