» Fantasy » The Hidden Kingdom, Aria Meimeibara [life books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Hidden Kingdom, Aria Meimeibara [life books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Aria Meimeibara

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chuckling to themselves as though something is highly amusing,
"Rin.... why are you clinging to my leg" i say speaking softly to her as not to seem chilled she is of course after all a child my eyes wondering down to her and watching her every movement every expression as she gazes back at me, from this beautiful child comes a whisper so hard to hear for a humans ear but with mine i could hear it as clear as day,
"i want to come with you ...please" looking at me she looks so pure so innocent and yet there is an untold secret hiding behind her eyes.
i nod my head softly my wet hair shaking soft droplets of water from it and on to my clothes the dripping sound clear as a drum beating in my ears, the smell of the child all over me caressing my nostrils every time i breathe in...

i bow once more to my mother and alexander, rin at my side i turn on my heels and head towards the door as rin trails behind me i glance over my shoulder as though to look at her but my eyes sway off their course to land upon alexander his body so strong his attitude so smug as though he owns the world, my mind beginning to wonder imagining his muscular chest bare and shimmering in the last of the sunset shinning through the exquistie windows the rays of light creating a rainbow on the marble floor in the main hall and bouncing on to his chest his whole body calling me to him and him embracing me in his strong arms holding me close to him ...realising rin was looking at him i quickly shake my thought and carry on in my stride out of the main hall...

Chapter 3

we walked through the halls in silence, glancing out of the windows my mind cursing its self for such stupidity... how could i have thoughts like that it would never be between us and i had to know that but yet my mind wondered wanting to explore of his body what was wrong with me i was a guardian a warrior and had to be so until the day i was to die he would only be a distraction as my mind tortured its self i had not realised that rin had stepped up to my side quietly i did not realise she was their till she spoke to me,
"you like him"
this was not a question but an observation and of course like every body else i denied it stongly i could not have people finding out me the freak as i was classed liked somebody had feelings for someone it would be considered wrong they might have accepted my role as my mothers guardian but they had not accepted me,

" no Rin ... i do not he is an interesting person yes but that is it and you are not to speak of this again am i understood"
i look down at her with a stern face trying ever so hard to make her stop and think before pushing it but she did not even give me a glance realising she would carry on i rolled my eyes and waited for it...but nothing she said not a word just smiled innocently her face lighting up her eyes shining wickedly, i did not bother to continue with the conversation i simply carried on walking through the hall ways taking in the beauty that beheld me after walking through the twists and the turns of the halls we finally reached our rooms.I decided it would be best for Rin to have the room down the hall from mine if not for her own safety then so i can keep and eye on her movements, opening the door to her room i take her inside and show her where she is able to find everything she needs,
" ok Rin i shall be going to my room now if you require anything i am but down the hall "i smile down at her as she sets her self on the bed which looks as though it may swallow her as it is more than twice the size of her,nodding her small and delicate head she looks at me whilst boucning her self up and down on the bed,
"Oh you're not staying with me?"
"No Rin i must wash and rest but as i have said if you need anything i will be down the hall " i turn and walk to the door glancing back to her , still sat ont the bed bouncing a smile wrapping its self on my face as i watch her i turn and walk out of the door taking one last look throught it as i close it gently, thinking to myself...well that should keep her amused for sometime at least,

I breath a sign of relief as i close the door to my room strolling across to the marble floor my hips slowly swaying as the tiredness takes over me i reach the bed which seemed as though it took me forever to get to and collapse on to it stretching my back as i do so, reaching my hand down my left leg i untie the lace on my boot, yanking it off and throwing it over the other side of the room hearing it thud as it hits the floor i do the same with my right boot,i wiggling my toes letting them gain some air as i pull my self up from the bed and realise i most definately needed to wash, dragging my tired and weary body to the washroom i started to fill the tub,the steam from the hot water climbing up the walls to the roof and clingng to the windows making them mist over, finally turning the water off i undress sliding my trousers down my smooth semi-tanned legs stepping out of them as they reach the floor slowly unbuttoning my snug fitted top and slip it up and over my self,i pull the tie from my hair and shake my head to let my hair fall naturally,letting out a slight shiver as the coldness and damp of my hair clings to the bare of my back the water dripping off my hair and on to my skin sending cold shivers down my spine, i lower my self in to the tub as my skin touches the warmth of the water i moan slightly, my skin crawling with goosepimples as the water wraps it self over my skin caressing every bit of me, i slide my entire body down into the warm and relax letting all my tension of the past day wash away knowing my mother was safe and well guarded at this time, Finally after half an hour of soaking in the warmth of the tub the water had finally gone cold so i decided it was time to climb out, Leaning over the tub i run my hand along the floor searching for my towel i was sure it was there but yet i could not find it all i could feel was the cold of the marble under my finger tips realising i could not feel any thing but the floor i climbed out of the tub and stood their looking around the room to see where my towel could be my body shuddering slightly from the cold of the room , Finally i see a towel on the chair across the room as i cross the room my hips swaying softly every foot step as cold as the last about i mutter under my breath about people not being able to just leave my stuff alone and where i put it , i grab the towel quickly and rap it around my delicate body as i get colder and colder deciding it was getting to cold for me to saurnter about completely naked the only thing covering me a towel i walked my way back into my room to light the fire hoping it would warm myself and the room, but i only reach the doorway of the wash room when i am startled by a figure stood in my room,
" Who are you and what are you doing in my room ?" i say growling at this figure my body tensing i can feel the muxcles within my calf's pulsig as i spread my weight on my feet evenly ready to attack if this person is of any threat to me,
"do not panic Aria , It is only me... Alexander"
i can hear him chuckling to him self as he turns to gaze upon me still stood in nothing but my towel my body covered now in goosepimples from the cold running up my body from my feet as they are firmly planted on the marble flooring, i can see his eyes drifting up and down my body the towel firmly caressing the curves of my body as i straighten and stand properly still grasping the front of my towel so it does not drop, i make a slight coughing noise as to get his attention back to my face and off of my body,
"what are you doing here? is my mother well?" suddenly realising something may have happened i begin to panic,
" relax aria nothing is wrong ...i just thought maybe we could speak " he says this with his eyes still wandering my body, feeling more than exposed i nod my head my wet hair wafting past my cheeks which have now turned a slight shade of pink the water from my hair dripping onto the floor and leaving prints of where it has landed,
" we may talk but first i would like to change if you do not mind ?" this was not really a question more of a request for him to leave and return once i was decent, watching his expression as i said this i realised he did not feel the embarrassment that i did.. then again why would he, he is not the one stood in only a towel dripping wet.
slowly nodding his head he turns himself and saunters toward the door glancing back to look at me once more a cheeky grin across his face as he does this, i shake my head and roll my eyes as he leaves the presences of my room and shuts the door behind him. Walking across the room quickly i make sure he has shut the door properly and run to get some clothes on.
After searching through my clothes quickly i finally decide to wear the gown my mother had bought me several months ago ...she had bought me this to try and get me to look more like a princess than a warrior but i had just taken it off of her and placed it in the back of the wardrobe looking upon it now though it seemed so elegant so pure it certainly was nothing like me , the snow white fabric not a mark on it the skirt of it just centimetres from touching the floor, the leather straps that wrapped around my torso ever so snug but complimenting the gown completely.To look in the mirror you would have thought this a complete different person not me stood here in a gown of all things i had not worn a gown since i had turned three years of age, shaking my head at myself i grab the brush that is lay upon the dresses and drag it through my hair till i am satisfied with the out come, i place it back on the dresses and place the white pumps on my feet the inside of the
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