» Fantasy » The Hidden Kingdom, Aria Meimeibara [life books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Hidden Kingdom, Aria Meimeibara [life books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Aria Meimeibara

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slightly warmer than the marble floor had been but not that much warmer. I make my way back over to my bedroom door and open it gently peering through to see if alex is still their or if he has decided that it wasnt worth waiting this long to talk... unfortunately for me he had decided it was worth waiting for and was still stood outside of the door, i open the door more so and step out of the room...i swear i saw his jaw drop when he saw me in the gown but if it did he quickly corrected him self and just smiled as he examined me up and down his eyes traced my body feeling i had had enough of him studying me i spoke first even though it seemed he was the one that wanted to speak in the first place,
"what is it you wanted to speak about ?"
" oh yes i just wondered if you would like to walk with me? and maybe tell me more of your mothers kingdom" he says this with no embarrassment about being in my room before or even that he has made me dress for a simple walk when thinking upon my self maybe something was wrong, i mutter to my self under my breath and nod my head as i brush my hair behind my ears and off of my face,
" i have to check on Rin first though " i say as i walk past him to Rin's room knocking lightly on the door waiting for a sound to confirm i can enter after waiting a couple of minutes and hearing nothing i creep the door open just a fraction so i can see in, as i do i see a little lump in the bed breathing up and down quite peacefully realising it was Rin i smile and close the door quietly, as i turn to walk from the door i crash into Alexander he had been stood right behind me and had not moved fast enough to move out of the way... i stumble back and begin to fall backwards feeling myself going i try to balance myself with out success just as i think im going to end up sat on the floor on my backside i feel these strong warm hands grab me around the waist and save me from pure embarrassment i look down to the hands now wrapped around my waist and pulling me back on to my feet i trail my eyes up the arms to the shoulders and finally to the face to be startled it had been Alexander that had caught me his face now inches from mine hes warm breath breathing on me, our eyes level and our nose's almost touching, i feel the blush rising to my cheeks turning them a deep crimson colour as i break the eye contact and look down to my feet mumbling a thank you to him and trying to step back out of his grasp, but it seems he had other plans... his hands still tightly grasped around my waist he pulls me into him closer his chest now against mine being able to feel every breath he takes and feeling his heart beat against mine i lo him in the eyes this time as he runs the very tips of his fingers on his left hand up my spine sending shivers down it , unable to move i am frozen from his touch his prisoner as some could say as his fingers climb higher on my back to the base of my neck, pressing his hand to the back of my head he leans forward, at this point my mind is going frantic screaming i cant do this i need to stop it but my body ignores it, My hands move on their own, brushing my fingers over the muscles on his chest my breathing deepens my chest heaving up and down from the antisipation the thrill of it, suddenly i hear a noise from behind me and growl to myself softly pushing Alexander away from me, but not fast enough did i do this as before i could do anything he kissed me, i stood their in shock for a minute or two before completely forgetting what i had heard and kissed him back, the whole world seemed to disappaer in that one kiss my arms wrapping around his neck as my hands trail them selfs through his hair, our bodys pushing together the heat off each others body warming the other, i feel his hands wandering up and down the sides of my body kneeding at my skin as his hands trail down to the top of my skirt and claw at it slowly pulling it up my leg, sliding my hand from his hair i trace it down over his chest and down his stomach to his waist and smile as i hear him let out a small moan, all of a sudden we both heard it even if we didnt want to acknowledge it was their a small cough from the side of us, stopping what we were doing we glanced down to see Rin stood their a grin upon her delicate face i could not help but smile out of pure embarrassment, pulling back i broke free of his embrace and straightened my skirt as i looked at Rin ,
" we thought you were sleeping "
" i was, but now im awake " giggling as she says this she wraps her small tender arms around my leg and then turns running down the hall,I glance at Alexander through my hair and smile as i begin to walk from him after Rin i feel him grab the top of my arm and his lips pressed against mine once more the sweetness of them tingling through mine as quickly as he kisses me he pulls himself back and grins,
" just a little something extra " with in saying this he turns and walks down the opposite length of the hall looking back over his shoulder and winking at me with the devilish grins wrapped across his lips ,Shaking my head i let out a tender chuckle as i go in search of Rin....

Chapter 4

After whats seemed like hours of searching for Rin i decided i would head back to the castle and attend dinner, hoping maybe just maybe her stomach had got the best of her and she had decided to go back,The walk from the garden was a long one but i did not mind as the scenery was magnificent my fingers tracing over the petals of the dark crimson sakura, all the flowers in the bloom the blood red rose's closing their petals for the night as the fresh smell of newly cut grass wafted up my nose with ever breath i took a small soft smile of delight crossing my pale pink lips,The sound of small strong pebbles crunching beneath my feet with every gently step i take a soft breeze brushes past the cheeks of my face touching it as though it was touching a lover.Finally i reach the doors pushing them open silently with my small delicate hands my fingers curling around the cold gold handle of the door as i close it quietly once more taking a moment to brask in the warmth of the castle surrounding my body climbing around the gentle curves of my body.

As i stroll down the hallway my fingers trailing the lines on the wall my hips sway from side to side softly the fabric of my skirt barely brushing against the bare silkin flesh of my legs, i admire the craftmanship put in to building this most exquistite palace, Every stone hand craft to perfection not a surface unlevel the floors finely layed with the purest of marble the walls climbing high to the solid ceiling beams the age of the wood showing but yet not showing any weakness with in a singles one of them, The window patterns finely drawn on as though they were done by hand the amazement never seeming to fade on me reaching the end of the corridor i begin to smell the food from the kitchen drifting around the palace the smell sending my lips to curve into a smile....finally reaching the Dinner Hall i stop as i hear the sound of muffled voices behind the doors placing a small tender hand upon the door i push it open just enough to slip my form through my eyes adjusting to the lighting within the room my eyes finally falling upon the figures of the voices i heard, the voices where Alex and my mother i stand and looks for a second before i bow gracefully to them my voice spoken softly traveling across the hall to them,
"Greetings, i hope i am not intruding"
returning myself up right i turn my head to glancce upon Toruk standing guard and nod my head softly to him returning the nod he bows to my mother and Alex before turning to me and laying his closed fist across his chest,Turning and walking away he leaves the hall closing the doors behind him with a gently thud of the lock catching, returning my attention back to my mother and Alex i see Alex's eyes once more wander my body searching every curve upon me before finally his eyes rest upon my face my own eyes wandering him and admiring the view of his chest filling his black cotton textured shirt it tightly stuck against him watching him breath his chest moving softly up the shirt tightening even more across him and then exhaling his shirt ever so slightly slackening upon him.I regain my self before i start to dribble thinking of his firm well built chest bare against me his hands wandering their way down me as mine do his....Quickly looking towards my mother i smiles walking over to her my feet silently stepping upon the marbled floor my arms coming up to embrace her in a most delicate of hugs, feeling her mother arms around her sent a small shiver down her spine as her smile broadened her voices spoken in but a bare whisper,
"how are you mother ?"
"I am well daughter " stepping back from the embrace i feel my mother kiss my forehead most tenderly and watch her as she takes her seat at the head of the table both Alex and I following her example,I sat my self down on the right hand side of my mother pulling the skirt of my dress neatly under me as Alex takes the the chair on the left of my mother, suddenly noticing that Rin is not at the table with us i look to my mother raising a most delicate eyebrow as i speak to her with warmth.
"mother....has young Rin been seen...she went off wandering on her own i have looked the grounds for her but....well i have been un successful in finding her"
Felling my mothers hand softly placed upon mine as she smiles a most beautiful smile her words spoken in the most gentlest of ways i can not help but long to be a child once more and spend the once special times with her,
"she arrived back not long ago daughter, do not worry your self she is well and safe in her chambers i gave orders for her to eat in her chambers and settle as it has been a most distressing day for her "
"I see ... thank you mother i have searched high and low for her, I am indeed great full for your orders for her to settle"
" you are most welcome my child" removing her hand slowly i feel the once warmth of
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