» Fantasy » Degraded Angels, Roza Amel [best romance novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «Degraded Angels, Roza Amel [best romance novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Roza Amel

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now I had to restore there faith in me. Great, even if I’m not an angel of God I still have to do my old job.
“Because if I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead…” I told him almost in-audibly. He looked down at the girl and gave her a brave smile and slowly stood up. I could tell he was still very wary of my presence, but it was a cautiousness I would be used to sooner or later. I had to learn how to control my anger if I was going to survive in this world with the humans. I mean if I met an Angel Hunter I would be dead in two minutes tops.
I looked around and remembered Lizzy was hungry. But for some reason Stefani would not get out of my mind. “Lizzy go look for something to eat, kay?” I told her, she nodded and left to go look in the store for something to eat.
Brutice’s eyes went wide and I didn’t know why “You shirts turning red…” He said, moving closer.
“Fuck. I thought that I healed those.” I growled. Brutice looked at me shocked at my language.
“Turn ‘round son. I’m one them trained EMT’s” He told me quietly, I looked at him shocked and took off my shirt. He gasped and said, “Holy mother of Jesus.” He said, his eyes wide. “Son, that there blood ain’t from losing your wing.” I could hear the worry in his voice. “It’s writing and it says ‘damned if you did, damned if you don’t’.”
I turned on him, my eyes wide. “What?” I practically yelled. He took a step back, obviously he believed the rumors that when an angel, of any status, got angry the lost control.
“Please don’t hurt me!” He pleaded, he was trembling with fear. The fear in his eyes were apparent. It was like it was plainly written on his face. I took a deep breath and looked around. Maybe there was some bandages in this abandoned store. Maybe, just maybe, this place would have clean clothes, and maybe they had a bible. Yes, even after everything I still would read the bible. Not really for the biblical meaning, but because the bible has always calmed me down.
I looked into his eyes, and saw that something else happened in his life for him to be so afraid of an angel that has done nothing to show him that I was to harm him. “What happened?” I asked quietly, studying his face. This man was a complete mystery with me and yet I kind of trusted him. Maybe if something had happened to me he could raise Lizzy… The thought crossed my mind and immediately I felt my blood boil. No! You will not leave another child to the hands of another! My inner self yelled to me. I couldn’t leave Lizzy like I had left Stefani. I just couldn’t, I would literally go insane if I ever thought of doing that.
Brutice gave me a look of fear that slowly turned into compassion. “Turn ‘round son, I can fix them up fer ya.” He told me confident in his abilities. I nodded and took off my shirt once again. He walked around the store and soon found the stuff he was looking for. “Yer gonna die if I don’t stitch up them wounds.” He told me making me sit down, I nodded and then I felt a stabbing sensation in my back. Each time he put a new stitch in I almost yelled with the pain.
Sad, huh? That a grown angel can watch death around him spring up and be perfectly fine, can have something like the wounds happen and not really care, but the minute I get stitches it ends up making me want to scream. I glared at the floor, wishing this pain would subside. But I knew it wouldn’t until he was done. “I’m almost done, son.” Why does he keep calling me ‘son’? I mean I was over two thousand years older then him, and he calls me son. It seemed a bit backwards, but who was I to complain.
I stood up gingerly when he told me he was done, it seemed he was laughing at how weak I was to pain like that. His eyes gleamed with a sort of kind mischief that most replace for old kindness. “Don’t worry son, in a couple of days you won’t feel a damn thing.” He said with his little drawl. I tried to give him a big smile but it only came out weak. And that’s when I heard it, the scream. Oh Lord, the scream.
I took off as fast as I could to where the scream was from. The scream came from Lizzy, the sound was sort of saying ‘If I don’t get help, I’m dead.’ I ran and ran, I couldn’t let anything happen to her, she had to stay alive. Keep her alive, keep your damn promise Michael. You’re going to be a failure if you don’t keep her alive. The words kept repeating in my head, the promise I made myself to keep her alive seemed more important then anything in this world.
I got to the spot and that’s when I saw them, the demons were crowding around Lizzy, it seemed like they wanted something that she had but I didn’t know what that was. “There he isssssss.” The obviously leader lisped out. It seemed like the creature had a hard time talking, I could kind of understand why, if they spent too much time in the human world then something, I don’t know what, would happen to them.
I looked at them, they seemed to be watching my every move. “Here, tem’bel” He said, it was kind of rude how he called me ‘idiot’ in the Hebrew language. I sighed as he handed me a note, the envelope had a stamp on it that said ‘Open in private. –L.’

Chapter Six

I excused myself silently after the demon’s disappeared, I went into a bathroom that marked men’s. I looked down at the note, ‘Open in private, -L.’ I kept reading those words over and over again, the scrawl on the envelope was beautifully written, a little familiar, but for some reason I couldn’t place my finger on who the mysterious ‘L.’ was. I opened the letter, everything went dark, I could hear the screams of the burning and I knew instantly who L. was. Lucifer.
I looked down at the letter, there seemed to be a red glow that was illuminating the letter. In the beautiful hand writing, it said:
Your first assignment should be easy, I want you to find a Mr. Jacob Gonzales. I want you to kill him, and make sure he can never, under any circumstances, come back to life. He was a bad man, one who doesn’t seem to die all that easy. I hope you won’t let me down, Michael.
My eyes kept reading over the letter, over and over again the name of the man was sticking out to me. Who was he? I asked myself, what did he do to make Lucifer want him dead so badly? I got up and went outside, Brutice was sitting with Lizzy, trying to calm her down. Tears streamed down her face, and when I came in she just looked at me.
“What happened, Michael?” Brutice asked, “One minute you and I was talking, the next you take off after hearing this little girl screaming your name. But boy, I’ve never seen someone move as quickly and efficiently as you did then.” He let out a low whistle. I looked at him and just felt like I didn’t know what to do. There was no way I could take Lizzy with me, but a part of me didn’t want to leave her. Maybe, just maybe, Brutice wouldn’t mind coming with and watching Lizzy?
He was studying me, and finally he put a hand on my shoulder, it was light to the touch, but it held so much power. “What you thinkin’ about, son?” He asked, worry lit his eyes and I just shrugged him off. I would rather not talk about any of this in front of Lizzy.
“Can we talk… Alone?” I asked, looking at him. I needed him to come, I just had to. Even though I had just met the man, I felt like I could trust him. But I couldn’t make him come if he didn’t want to, I knew that.
He nodded and followed me as I walked to a place where I knew Lizzy wouldn’t dare come near. The boys’ restroom was a pretty clean place, I’ll admit it. “What do you need to talk ‘bout son?” He asked me, seriously. I gulped down the lump that had just formed in my throat and was thinking on how to word this right.
“I need someone to come and watch Lizzy while I do stuff I need to do.” I told him with a serious cold voice. I just needed him to come, not only for Lizzy, but because when he was around I felt kind of protective over him even though he looks like a good ten years older then my present body.
He nodded and smiled, “Yes’sir.” He said and walked off, I couldn’t make myself tell him what stuff I needed to do, it just made me seem all the more evil though keeping something like that from a nice, understanding man like him. I shook off the feeling and walked towards to where Lizzy was sitting, combing a dolls hair.
Watching her sit there, so calm, and still having a child hood made me remember what it was like to watch my Stefani grow up. Through my time, it was my favorite past time. I didn’t need to sleep much to function properly but when my body says I’ve had too much sleep I used to watch her. She loved playing with Barbie dolls. She loved dressing them, brushing there hair and acting as if they were real. Her playing always brought a smile to my face on the worst of days. But it killed me knowing that she would never have a dad.
I remembered the night me and her mom made love, our relationship started as a friendship, but over time I grew to realize I loved her. But one night, and I was never allowed to see her again, or to put it in more correct terms, she was never allowed to see me again. I was allowed to watch her, as long as she never knew I was there. But whenever I watched Jaine, Stephanie’s mom, sleep, she would whisper my name.
Oh how I wanted to tell her I was there, but I couldn’t I just couldn’t or she would have to be killed along with Stefani. I guess Lizzy was a replacement for the Stefani I never got to protect but I don’t know, it seemed like I was meant to protect Lizzy.
I shrugged this off and sat down next to her. “Hi Michael.” She said to me with a huge smile. “You wanna play dollies with me?” She said it with so much enthusiasm I couldn’t say no, so I nodded and she handed me a doll.
Her and I played dolls for about an hour before she got hungry. I smiled and picked her up, she always seemed to get hungry for stuff that was decently healthy for her. She smiled up at me and pinched my nose. I wrinkled my nose and pretended like I was going to lick her. She squealed and tried to get away but was laughing too hard. I smirked and found her something quick to eat.

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