» Fantasy » Degraded Angels, Roza Amel [best romance novels of all time txt] 📗

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I walked around the streets of the former big city of Los Angeles. I could see nothing but grey skies when I looked up and smog all around, at night when I slept on the roof tops I couldn’t even see the brightest star in the entire world. Everyone that once lived in this once thriving city is now dead. Along with most of the world.
Last year was 2012, now it’s 2013. Happy December 21st everyone. It’s been exactly one year since the end of the world came about. One few were able to hide and live, and now we’re slowly being killed off, one by one by the angels. We’re expendable to them, but to the rest of humanity we’re the future.
As I walked to the Wal-mart store I heard a huge gust of wind and a low laugh. Actually, there were a few laughs. Crap! I ran as fast as I could, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. It never did. If anything, it just made it more fun for the angels that were once sent to protect us and are now killing us.
I felt my heart pumping, everything felt so slow as adrenalin pumped through my veins, carrying me through the twists and turns of the LA streets. The laughs got louder and louder as the angels got closer, the winds from there wings flapping created gusts of wind. My mind was racing, trying to figure out if I could out-smart.
Their was an angel that landed in front of me, I skidded to a halt. My eyes wide, I turned to run the other direction, but I saw there were angels on all side of me. “Well look here, brothers. Looks like we have a little human that hasn’t gotten killed yet.” The angels wings were pitch black, if you looked hard enough you could see little sparkles, they almost looked like the stars at night. Gosh how I missed the stars.
“Should we keep her alive and kill her slowly, or shall we be nice today and end her worthless little life like that?” The angel snapped his fingers, glaring at me, his wings closing at his sides. My eyes were wide with fear, there was no way I’d be able to fight all of them, maybe one, but not all.
I felt a tear sting my eyes, I watched my family starve them telling me not to get caught or I would end up like them. I couldn’t believe it, I just broke my promise. They slowly got closer, my eyes watching them all. The obvious leader growled a curse at me and made every one stop for but a minute. “Do you have anything to say worthless human.” He said ‘human’ as if it stung his lips.
“Why? Didn’t God teach to love all? You’re all just breaking his wish…” I said, as tears fell from my face. The leader lunged for me, his teeth bared, a wild look in his eyes when a white light shined upon me and a loud voice echoed from the heavens.
“Stop!” Yelled a voice, the beholder of the voice was slowly floating down, his wings shining bright gold and a halo unto his eyes.
I dropped to my knee’s along with the other angels. My mouth was open and I was completely awed. “This girl does not deserve to die. The Lord has seen the good in human kind through the few that survived. One woman found a baby crying, one not her own and saved it from the angels coming to kill it, by giving her own life.” The angel stopped and looked at me, “And this girl showed the Lord they do listen.”
And that’s all I remembered from that night, all I know now is that I am now fast asleep in the arms of God as two weeks after that attack I blacked out and starved. I now look down at the humans, tears in my eyes and remember that dark place I called home.

Chapter One

People say that smiles can show emotion, as can the eyes, but when people see me smile they see emptiness and longing to be set free. Free of what you might ask, free of love we claimed to have, free of the evil doings we had been doing for a year, and free from the price most will have to pay.
I sit on the empty streets, a throbbing pain in my back from where my once all mighty wings once were. I felt the pain going through my back and slowly becoming numb. “It was what you told us to do…” I said quietly, not to anyone in particular. The year, for humans, was 2014. It was January first, 2014. The extermination of the humans ended only a few short days ago, and now all that interacted in it were being punished.
I could remember the days of the angels, when angels were the most feared creatures in the entire universe. When we would fly above the stars, looking for the unholy, unworthy souls who wandered out into the open air, letting all see those who walked free from fear.
It was one girl, one little girl that stopped the extermination and showed god that us ‘angels’ were the ones doing bad when all we did was listen to his instructions. Instead of taking the responsibility he should have he blamed it on us, his servants, the ones who only did his biding even after we had told him he was going to regret it sooner or later.
I smiled as I saw a little girl walking around in the streets, in the old days we would have killed her on the spot. But now we were content with just watching. The human’s could see us, they could see the mark burned on our arm stating that we once killed a human. Those who were the main killers, such as myself, held a little mark on the back of my neck, stating each human names I’ve killed, forever bearing the mark of the killer as well on my arm. The little girl turned to me, she smiled, poor little girl didn’t know she was probably smiling at someone who killed her family.
“Don’t cry little girl don’t you fear
God is gonna save all your tears
As love is love and gone is gone
Angels that killed are done, done, done,
Try and try as they might
Little girl, they’re going to lose this fight”
An angel with black wings soared down gracefully landing in front of me. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, the light from heaven shining down on her black elegant wings, and her voice as she kept repeating the song of The Bad was eloquent, it reaching notes only some angels can reach and still sound as if she was putting no effort into it at all.
“What do you want Peri?” I asked, she was the most beautiful fallen angel in the history of all angels. Few humans’ have seen her, it is because when most do they think her a goddess because of the way she glows and how awe strikingly beautiful she is. It seemed she showed up just to give us, those who served under the name of God even when we knew it was wrong, the messages from his Holiness.
“Michael,” She put a strong accent on my name, “God has that the worst offenders against his holy name are to walk among the earth until He see’s fit to forgive you all.” Her voice, a combination of harps and sharp pointy pins rolled into one.
Peri smiled at me, her teeth amazingly white. “Good luck in life Michael. You’re going to need it.” With those last words I watched her fly away, the little girl still looking at me and where she was standing.
I buried my face in my hands and just sat there, thinking. “Mister? Are you okay?” The little girl stepped closer to me, a look of innocent worry on her face. Now that I was looking at her, really looking at her, I noticed how pretty she was. The girl had blonde hair with a slight curve in it, her hair framed her face and her eyes were an innocent greenish color, her skin pale from not seeing the sun for a little over a year.
I looked at her, “Where’s your parents?” I asked her, no little girl should be out without her parents anymore, even if the extermination was finished. There were so many people looking to kill everything they see because of the pent up anger created by the angels killing every human they saw. And this little girl, this innocent little girl, who’s eyes told a story of sweetness and rainbows, would be the perfect target.
She looked down, her eyes slowly going to a darker place. “My daddy, he died a couple years ago in the war, and my mommy” Her voice trailed off, her eyes looking distant, “she didn’t wake up this morning.” She told me, her voice quivering a little.
We both knew what she meant when she said her mother didn’t wake up. It was a terrible thing, to watch someone’s parents die, but it’s torture for the child to find the parent die. She looked at me and asked almost inaudibly, “Do you have any food mister?” I looked into the sky and back down at her.
“No, but I’m sure we can find some.” With that I stood up and picked her up. The girl was light, she was about fifty pounds, and I knew she hadn’t eaten in a while. I thought ‘I can’t believe we went through will killing humans… some are so innocent. But we listened.’
I remembered the first human I killed on the orders of the Lords extermination, the woman was about twenty-three years old. She had black hair and dark brown eyes. She was outside, trying to get her daughter to come back outside. I made the child watch, I felt bad about it, but I thought it would scare the rest of the families. I never wanted to kill, something in me always said don’t do it. But I listened to Him. No one else, but Him…

Chapter Two

The little girl looked up at me as if I were an angel sent from heaven, which I kind of was, but in this new dawn of light I was the last thing from an angel. I was more like the devils apprentice. It was kind of odd, of all the angels God sent to go kill humans there was one who never did get sent to kill, Azreal, the angel of death. Most would think he would be the first one to be sent out to kill, but for some reason no one knew why. Not even him.
“My name is Lizzy by the way.” The little girl looked up at me, her eyes shining, “What’s yours?”
“Michael.” I told her looking down, she had a grip on my hand, and her eyes were filled with faith. A faith

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