» Fantasy » Degraded Angels, Roza Amel [best romance novels of all time txt] 📗

Book online «Degraded Angels, Roza Amel [best romance novels of all time txt] 📗». Author Roza Amel

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/> She ate it furiously, I didn’t think a girl her size could eat so much so quick. I grinned at her and took a bite of my little snack.
* * * * * * * * *
After we ate we both fell asleep on the floor, I know it might have been disgusting but in a small store such as this one I don’t think there’d be any better place to sleep. I felt something gently cover me, and suddenly I felt very warm as Lizzy curled up next to me.
I know to some me and Lizzy would have probably looked wrong to some people, but I swear to the Lord himself that she just reminded me of my daughter.
* * * * * * * * *
It was a beautiful day, the birds were out chirping, the wind was in my hair, and something else just seemed different to me. I seemed, well, happy. I looked around and noticed a little girl running towards me, she looked about twelve or so and she came up to me and yelled “Daddy! Come play tag with me!”
I grinned and nodded and started chasing her, playing around. I tagged her and started running, she was a fast girl. And she was also very beautiful. She had wavy blonde hair, vibrant green eyes, and she looked so familiar but I couldn’t find her name in my mind.
“Daddy!” She yelled, laughing when I tackled her and tagged her. It’s like my mind went into hyper mode, this girl is not your daughter Michael. Stefani is your daughter. Said a little voice inside my head.
I shook myself and looked at the girl. “What’s your name?” I asked her. She looked at me like I had lost my mind and just turned away.
“It’s Lizzy.” She told me. I stopped in mid stride and looked at her. Wait a damned minute here, she called me ‘daddy’ like she thought of me like… like a father! But I only wanted to be a father to one girl and that was my daughter.
I looked at her and said “Elizebeth, come here!” I said, an authoritive tone entering my voice. Wow. She turned around, there were tears on her cheeks.
“What do you want!?” She yelled as more tears spilled over, I suddenly felt like a total ass for not realizing who she was.
I went over to her and hugged her, “I’m sorry Lizzy, I had an old timer moment.” She just cried into my shirt as I rubbed her back. “Why did you call me that?” I asked her, not being able to say the word.
She looked up at me and looked at me quizzically. “Called you what? Did I call you Demon?” Her voice changed, as did her eyes. Everything around us started changing into a fiery pit of hell, a whole new look over took her eyes and the smile she gave me probably frightened me the most. She had a smile of no soul, it scared me. Then a different voice took over her, she said in a language I had no clue of, but for some reason could under stand. “Michael, hurry up or you will be the head angel of Hell and you’ll spend all eternity there.” An evil laugh racked through her body.
* * * * * * * * *
I sat bolt upright and looked back down at Lizzy, my heart was beating rapidly. I couldn’t believe the dream I had just had…

Chapter Seven

I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night, the images, the way her voice changed; we had to get out of there, and fast. I couldn’t believe in my dream someone called me ‘daddy’, it just seemed wrong not coming from my own flesh and blood. I didn’t care though; I cared about getting my job done and getting those things, the sheds, away from Lizzy.
I gently picked up Lizzy and went to go find Brutice. It was still dark outside and I felt if we didn’t leave now, we never would. I could feel the nights without a lot of sleep affecting my brain, my body felt so lethargic. The store was quiet, but in the same note it was also elegant. It had the small town feeling, while having an air about it saying ‘I’m here to stay.’ I smiled to myself, no one in particular really.
I smiled down at her, and gently moved her hair out of her face. I saw a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she cuddled closer into my chest.
I heard a step, it wasn’t a heavy step like Brutice has, no, it was a light, soft step. Like the person was trying to make sure no one heard him or her. I spun around to where I heard the noise, I set Lizzy down as gently as I could and out of the way. I ran to where the noise was, I sensed him before I saw him. His eyes were blood shot, his crystal blue eyes were also glazed over.
His magnificent white wings stretched out; there were little spots of black here and there, but nothing major. I studied his movements, they were jerky and quick. His movements reminded me of someone who wasn’t sure of what to do, and acted on impulses. I smiled, “Hello brother, how are you this beautiful night?” I asked, in a mocking tone. His eyes were glued to me, I watched him move as if he were in slow motion as he lunged for me.
He knocked me down, we were rolling, trying to see who had the bigger will to win and fight. Before I knew what I was doing I saw my fist go up and hit him squarely in the jaw, he flew backwards, his jaw was popped out. Not the prettiest site, but at the moment, I really could care less. In less then a second I was on my feet, running towards where he was just barely getting up. He turned his back towards me and opened his wings.
Taking off towards the ceiling, I felt his strong wings push the wind towards me, hoping to slow me down. I must admit, it slowed me down, but just a tad. I jumped up on to the shelf and tried to give myself as much momentum as I could to reach him. I was running, the still air was going through my hair, and then I was air-borne. The feeling of the air around me was exhilarating, oh how I missed the wings I had taken back from me.
I grabbed around his waist, his weight combined with mine was too heavy we started going down. I felt my legs dangle. Damn, Michael, c’mon you can do this. You can do this. I said, bending my knee’s making sure not to lock them. I gritted my teeth as we both landed, he made a grunting noise and was looking at me. He bared his teeth at me, and lunged again, but this time I was ready. I ducked under him almost a second too late, almost. I knew we were making a lot of noise but neither Brutice nor Lizzy woke up.
He let out a high pitched squeal as his wings tagged along my foot. I let out a gasp in pain, one thing I forgot to mention is that the bottom of an angels wings are that they are sharper then a lot of things, just a small touch can rip open your skin pretty easily. “You bitch.” I said, it’s eyes went wide, most angels weren’t used to cussing, but I had been through a lot. So I did cuss.
“God damn you to hell Michael Arie-Hangle, God damn you.” He said, his voice didn’t sound evil nor mean, in fact I recognized it. But his voice, oh his voice, it was the sweetest but the most cruelest sound I had ever heard.
“Gabriel? Brother, why?” I asked him, he was Gabriel Arie-Hangle. Also known as Gabriel, the messenger from God.
“You should know why, you traitor. You work for Lucifer, He is more disappointed in you then you will ever know.” Gabriel said, how did I not recognize my own brother, my own flesh and blood. His eyes held something I had never seen once in my life, they held something almost incomprehensible. But at the last moment I recognized it to be something horrible, something that showed me he really has given up on me, to turn my own family against me: Disappointment.
I went up to him, his jaw was still pretty messed up but it was healing in place. I lifted his head, Gabriel was younger then I, he was my little brother. It was understandable why I had this small bit of compassion for him even after he tried to kill me. “Come here, Gabriel. Let me fix your jaw.” I said, lifting my hand to his jaw. He flinched as I barely touched the skin. I cracked the bone once more, resetting it into it’s rightful position.
“Why did you help me? You’re the devils minion.” He asked me, looking down.
I sighed, a long desperate sigh. “Gabriel, I might work for Lucifer but he does not own me. I am my own and I chose to do as I wish.” I looked at him; his eyes were brimmed with unshed tears. “I had no choice but to join with Lucifer; the Lord made me.” I said more to myself then to him. “He sent me to be with the people who would do anything to get there hands on an angel, he said it was all my fault. I had heard him myself.” I was in a glassy state now. I couldn’t believe it was real, the Lord still tried to make me the bad guy.
He shook his head and walked out, taking flight immediately after he set foot outside. I sat down against the wall as sobs racked through my body. It was getting bad, but this was only the beginning, I had hit the lowest of all time, fighting my brother who was out to kill me for something I had no control over. He who was supposed to protect all his children made family go against family. It turned my blood cold, the faith I had always had that at some point He had a plan finally disappeared, turning into nothing but a bunch of fake little beliefs that used to be.
I didn’t even notice the foot steps that were coming near, tell you the truth, the only thing that told me of someone’s presence was Brutice’s big hand falling lightly on my shoulder. I turned towards him, and wiped my eyes. “I heard everything, son.” He told me quietly, like he didn’t want to believe what he had just heard. “And even though I am still part of the Lords chapel I don’t believe in letting his real close children going off an’ doing somethin’ stupid without at least one other person there to take the blame.” He said standing up. He offered me his hand, but I didn’t grab it. I just stayed where I was.
“The weight of the world may be on your shoulders, Michael, but always remember, faith is what brings you through it all.” My father had told me that when I was no more then eight years old. And here I am, suddenly realizing he was wrong for once in my life. My father was wrong.

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