» Fantasy » Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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perfect match. Both equal in humour and kindness. Sam was deaf when they met and Maisie couldn't care any less. Joking about how he couldn't hear her nagging.

Maisie sighed and let Sam wrap an arm around her, "Did you come to take me home?" her eyes were the mid-day sky, the bluest of blue and they only ever looked at Sam.

Sam nodded, moving to sign, "Of course, my love" he helped put her coat on and wrapped her scarf around her neck.

I smiled at her, "Thank you for keeping me company."

She returned my smile and headed for the door, "I'll come see you tomorrow if you're here."

Sam watched her leave and her get into his car. Turning back to me, his fingers moved, "See you tomorrow at 6."

I groaned and nodded.

6am. Why on earth would anyone want to wake up that early? Not even birds are up that early and I was right because as I met Sam outside of the house the next day, no birds were chirping. Only a soft hum of insects filled the air, the pond was still steaming and the fog now covered the entire house. Cloaking it in a haze.

I was bundled in the thickest coat I could find and the warmest scarf I had. My gloved hands were shaking underneath and I hurried to the door, trying not to knock so rapidly.

Sam laughed at my breath coming out in little puffs, "Your cheeks are so red" his own fingers red from the cold.

"So are your hands" Alice retorted while she typed on her phone.

I smiled at him as the door sung open and August stood there with only a t-shirt and pants. He saw the smile vanish almost instantly and looked me up and down, "I hope you're wearing training clothes under that, pup."

His eyes seemed to burn through my coat and I cleared my throat with a nod, "Are you going to let us in or are we to freeze out here?"

Eyebrows raised, his shoulders shrugged, "Come on, you're already late."

He stepped aside to let us in, Sam and Alice rushed ahead to feel warmth and I lingered on the threshold, "Why did you not request us sooner?" my dark eyes meeting the live artwork in his.

He shook his head, "I needed to organize my own before I help organize yours."

My eyes moved to the painting behind him, capturing my attention and its bulky frame, dominated half of the wall. It was the trees that surrounded the house but except of them being covered in the snow, they were painted in spring. Fields of wildflowers covered the grounds, trees stretching up with shades of green, yellow and blue. The colours reminded me of August's eyes. It's was beautiful. The faintest handwriting in the bottom left read Rotaeche.

Those eyes now watching me watch the painting, "My mother painted it" his voice small.

I opened my mouth to speak but Bain strolled forward with a grin, "Guys, it's freezing outside and you have the door wide open?"

August's hand landed on my elbow as he maneuvered me out of the way as he shut the door.

My arm burned through my jacket from the touch and I smiled at Bain, "Are you going to be training with me?"

August's hand hadn't moved from my elbow and I realized only after he let go with a chuckle, "You need to be paired with your equal strength" my arm missing the warmth.

I frowned, "So I'm paired with an Omega?"

August helped my take my jacket off, his knuckles scraping against my arms and I fought the urge to shiver as his metal ring slid against my skin, "I don't have any Omegas."

Bain gestured for me to follow, "You're not an Omega."

My arms crossed and I could feel August's eyes on my back, "Well, I'm definitely not Beta level."

Bain led me through the hall, the walls made from the same polished cement that covered the floor and I ran a finger against its smooth surface. The corners curving to meet the floor, speckled with different rocks and materials. We entered the last door on the left, into a large room with a towering sloped window and the adjacent wall being completely glass. The snow outside falling softly against the clear wall, making small shadows dance in the room and I spotted Sam instantly.

Sam was already sparring with Quinn. They stopped when we walked closer and Sam smiled, "Took your time."

I shrugged, signing back, "Don't get too hurt" He looked back at Quinn as she landed a powerful blow to his chest. Alice was sitting on the floor, back to the wall and her face in her phone, ignoring the world.

I turned to Bain, "Who am I training with?"

Urith strode towards us and he bowed slightly, "Eden, let's get started."

"If you beat Urie here" Bain clapped Urith on the shoulder, "Then you can spar me."

Bain strolled over to Alice and took her phone, shoving it into his back pocket. Telling her to get up and train with him. Alice rolled her eyes but did as asked. Alice wasn't disrespectful, never a brat. Just a bored teenager with better things to do and a internal connection with her phone.

Urith found us a place and he looked down at me with the same cool scowl that Quinn wears, "Let's start from the beginning."

He taught me where to put my feet, where my hands need to be and how to throw a punch without breaking my fingers. The floor was padded. It was covered with what felt like soft foam, it morphed around my feet and bounced back once I moved.

Urith didn't have the same authoritative aura like Bain or Quinn did. He seemed causal and care-free but his vast amount of knowledge held his chin high.

When he was coming at me slowly with punches, he spoke, "I've read all the books on Changelings that we have in my library."

I failed to block and he landed a punch on the shoulder, he was strong and I hissed away the pain, "What did they tell you?"

His eyes were a cooler version of Bain's, dark brown but almost black. He shrugged, throwing another punch, "I was reading more about your wolf and when you find them."

Another failed block, a punch to the chest and my eyes widened at his words, "And?"

Another punch and I realised he wasn't wearing his glasses that I first saw him with, "They only told me that others have found theirs and others haven't."

Pain in my shoulder, "Did it tell you anything about how I found my mate?" curiosity swirled within me.

A shake of his head and another punch, "There was only three books, it was like someone came in and took them all" he frowned as I missed another block, "It said that Changelings were a mutation of the wolf gene, the gene was lying dormant within your DNA and it didn't tell me how you can get to it."

I groaned as a punch landed on my chest again, "Typical."

Someone took the books? Meaning there could be a way and I just had to find them.

Urith sighed and grabbed my arms hard, putting them in front of my shoulder and chest, "You need to block properly."

I listened and I blocked his next move, a smile sketching across my mouth and I threw a punch back at his shoulder. He either failed to block or let me hit him and my smile widened, "So you're saying that someone out there has more books?"

Urith's eyes were widening at the realisation, "There has to be."

"You pair are driving me insane" Bain grabbed my arm, pulling me away, "A couple of nerds."

"Go train with that ungrateful child over there" Bain demanded, pointing to Alice who was already sitting back down.

Urith threw up his hands, "You wanted me to do this" he winked at Quinn before heading over to Alice.

Bain pulled me across the room and he stood in front of me, arms raised "Throw a punch."

He blocked my weak punch and he grabbed my fist, looking me dead in the eyes "You are too weak, I need you to be stronger. Your pack depends on you, Eden" his grip hardening, "and you are not strong enough yet."

I wanted to be stronger. I wanted to save my pack and save Alice. I didn't want to need August's help or Bain's, I wanted to have enough strength to save my own pack alone. That was all it took to snap me out of my half-hearted attacks and I challenged all my focus on hitting Bain that didn't talk for the rest of the day.

August came in and out of the training room all day, each time looking at everyone but me. Circling me like a vulture.

It was right before lunch when I got to spar with Sam. Quinn still remained when others left, standing across the room and wearing a blank expression as she observed us. Alice was still seated with her back against the wall and her phone in her hands.

Sam was smiling wide as he braced from my punches. My own smile painted on my lips as I threw all I had at him, he blocked every single one with ease and he laughed loudly, "You suck" his voice coming out strange and odd.

I laughed with him, not at his strange voice but the fact that he thought I was done throwing punches at him, I threw one while he was being smug and dropped his defense. I landed a blow to his cheekbone and he jerked back with a groan, a smile still stretching his face.

My laugh escaped from me and I struggled to hold my hands up to sign, "You fool."

Quinn was watching us with what seems like a ghost of a smirk, "Are you guys done?" she grabbed her water bottle and headed for the door, "It's lunch time."

Alice rolled her hazel eyes at us, "Losers" was all I heard before she left the room.

The kitchen was a piece of art, polished cement covered the floor, several giant stone lamp shades hung from the roof and the whole room smelt of spices as we walked in.

A giant dining table took up the other half of the room and Sam took no time to claim a seat.

August was sitting with his back to them as he ate on one of the stools, on the stone kitchen bench. His eyes watched me as I took a plate of what seemed to be rice, chicken and some vegetables.

I made a quick decision to take the stool next to him, a quick glance his way before I started eating and I turned to the table behind us after I swallowed a mouthful. It was heavenly. Rice was underrated.

Sam was telling them about the rouge wolf that took his hearing. Hearing the story a million times, I angled my body to face August and turning to watch the story being told on Sam's hands. Alice was looking down at her phone but kept glancing up at Sam's hands.

I rested my cheek on my fist and I turned to eat some of the delicious flavoured rice when I noticed August's attention on me.

He didn't move when we locked eyes, no embarrassment or shyness for getting caught. He held my gaze and he swallowed before speaking, "Are you and Sam mated?" his voice so quiet I almost couldn't hear him.

My face contorted with disgust at the idea, at the thought of Sam sexually. Sam was a handsome man and I would be lucky to have a mate like him but the idea was so ridiculous and I huffed out a laugh, "I thought you would be able to scent that."

A shrug and he went back to eating. I watched him for a while longer before I turned my back on the dining table and I eyed August with questioning gaze, "Where is everyone else?"

He didn't turn and only shot an eye in my direction, "Everyone else?"

I nodded, playing with my vegetables

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