» Fantasy » Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fire Moon, Miss CrazyPlantLady [free romance novels .TXT] 📗». Author Miss CrazyPlantLady

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I could say. Disappointment eating at me as fast as Bain was eating the forbidden omelette and I frowned again, "I doubt your mate will know you ate my omelette" I eyed August with a look.

"She'll know" Bain muttered with a mouth full of egg.

My attention snapped to him, "You know who she is?" I watched him questioningly, "How?"

August glared at him, "Because he can read minds, Oracles they call them" the sentence sounding more like a growl then words.

My entire body went still, redness spreading to my entire neck and chest. All my thoughts were either about Changelings or about August's muscles or his eyes or his scent or his warmth.

"So, he can hear everything?" my eyes darting from Bain and August.

Bain waved his hand dismissively "Only if I listen" his words coming out muffled by the mouthful of food.

"Okay that's enough food, you haven't trained all day" August's arms crossed, "How are we to win a fight, if you'll are too busy eating?"

Quinn stood up first, "Exactly Bain" strolling out, to the training room no doubt.

Bain rolled his eyes, standing as well and shoved the last of August's omelette in his mouth, "I hope you know" Bain's finger was accusingly pointed at me, "I am sparring with you today and I'm not going easy."

I let the smile show on my face as I followed him into the hall, "If it's anything like yesterday than I have nothing to worry about."

A click of the tongue and a vulgar gesture before we entered the training room. The room was filled with the light bouncing off the white snow from outside, the snow wasn't falling but it was a winter wonderland through the glass wall.

Sam and Alice weren't here, bets on Alice who would have begged Sam to not make her come and Sam would've gone straight home to Maisie without a second thought.

A groan escaped Bain as he started shaping up and stretched his arms, "I need a cigarette."

I blinked, followed with a frown, "I didn't know you smoked?"

The Oracle's dark eyes flickered with amusement, "You should start, 'tis a peaceful habit."

I scrunched my nose in disgust, I never liked smokers and held up my fist, "You should shut up."

Did August smoke? Was it a pack thing? My father didn't smoke but Wren did and only when he was stressed, which was all the time.

Bain's laugh was short and a higher pitch than I expected, almost child-like but he held his padded hands up with them facing towards me, "If you can hit one of these pads clean through, I'll let you kick my arse."

August's gaze burned at my neck; his light eyes were on me but I didn't turn to check if my suspicions were correct as my fist stuck Bain's mitt.

Again and again and again and again.

I felt the tension release from my shoulders, Bain was taking every single one without flinching and I mustered all my inner strength as I struck one last time.

A hiss and Bain stepped back, shaking the left hand that I just landed my heavy blow on, "Damn E, you have been holding out on me."

I shrugged innocently, "I'm just a small Omega."

August was leaning against the adjacent wall, a small smirk against his face, as if he figured something out and I tried to ignore him as he slid over to us. He was eying every movement, every breath and every punch.

"One punch is not good enough" his voice deep enough to be a growl, "You have to have the same strength throughout, pup."

Our string thinned, threatening to snap along with my frustration and I huffed, "I'm tryin..."

"One weak punch could mean life or death" his booming voice interrupted me, it had a slight clip to it and it made my anger alight in my stomach.

He was standing too close but I hadn't realized until we were almost breathing the same air, so close that his crossed arms almost touch my chest and my chest was aching to be touched by him. His ring blinding me with the winter sunlight streaming through the windows, either he didn't notice or didn't care.

I was thrown by my own emotions that I let August take Bain's mitts and put them over his own hands, "Enough pup training."

My anger boiling as I went into a stance, ready to punch his frustratingly God-made face and I didn't care if Bain could hear my murderous thoughts.

He clapped the mitts together before facing them towards me, "I read one of your Changeling books and it said that you need a great emotion to break that barrier..."

"I know" I interrupted as my fist collided with his padded hands.

"You can't protect your sister if you are not strong enough" he kept adding, "Your sister will die if you cannot master a single fucking punch."

"I am aware" My words coming out as a growl, my voice in a deadly hoarseness and my skin heated with rage.

His eyes flickered with the movement of my hard fist and the registering of my clipped tone, a tone I shouldn't use toward an Alpha but he let it slide and he continued, "I see the fire burning in your blood."

Every collision of our padded hands, sent a warm spark up my spine and even through the mitts, I could feel the heat coming from his hands and my dark eyes captured his as I listened to his words.

My brows furrowed, "How?"

The fire that was ignited in my stomach turned into something else, turning into a smoldering flame and my body was struggling to contain the commotion happening within me.

His eyes searched my burning bronze eyes, his head angling as he studied me and he dared a smirk, "I feel you, Ember-wolf."

Fire in my blood? Ember-wolf? I felt the fire within me, I felt it rage and simmer. I was burning within. A fiery inferno. The fire died as fast as it arrived and my body went rigid.

Quinn walked up to us with a cold glare, "Let's not start a domestic" her slender toned arm slid between us.

I blinked away my flame, "I'm sorry."

August let Quinn take off his mitts and he crossed his arms, "I think I know how to find your wolf."

My heart leaped at the thought and before I could speak again, August grabbed my arm and pulled me into the polished hallway.

I eyed him skeptically, ignoring the heat spreading from his touch and the string that threatened the snap between us.

"I was going to wait but she wants to meet you" his voice was hushed as he continued to pull me down the hall.

We passed the kitchen, Urith's study and to what seemed like the end of the hallway but August made a hard right turn and we went up a short staircase, following right until the last door on the left. This hallway was nothing like the main hallway, paintings covered both sides of the walls and there were soft violin sounds pouring through the close door.

He opened the door and light flooded my vision as we stepped inside.

The room was almost a replica of the training room, except the walls were covered with unfinished artworks and there were shelves full of paint tubs, cans and brushes. Instead of the entire wall being glass, this room only had half a wall of glass and every window was covered with a foggy mist.

My eyes tried to take it all in but my attention was caught on a finished painting, it was sitting on an easel and looking right at me.

It was my eyes.

My own brown eyes staring back at me.

I opened my mouth to speak but a figure moved from behind the painting.

A small thin woman with a long braid of blonde hair and her pure blue eyes widened at the sight of me, "My dear Eden."

I blinked, confused at how she knows my name and how she painted my eyes yet we have never met, "Have we met?"

"This is my mother, Sara" August's words seemed far away.

Sara smiled at me and grasped my hand, squeezing, "I have met you but you have not met me."

My brows furrowed and I looked at August, "How did you meet me?" I asked Sara, turning back to her.

"Augie told me so much about you" She turned back to the painting of my eyes, "but I met you in my dreams."

The lines around her eyes creased as her eyes smiled at me and my frown was still on display, "You saw me in your dreams?"

Her eyes became distant and glassy, she backed away and sat down at another easel, started to paint and my eyes met August's again.

August's eyes were cast in a the almost hint of sadness, the emotion swirling in his mixed eyes and he sighed, "After the death of my father, her mate, she lost herself" he looked at the painting of my eyes, "She barely remembers anything, barely remembered my name until a couple of months ago."

The devastating result of the death of a mate. Some end their lives immediately, not being able bare it and some lose their minds, their memory and their soul. Not remembering their life or the people around them due to the trauma of losing their mate.

I took a walk around the room, paintings of strong hands, soft gardens and intense eyes were displayed randomly around the room. Memories of her life. The memories she remembered in her subconscious. So detailed that I could see the faint hairs on the hands she painted. The texture of the flowers she created in the soft aura of the gardens, that seemed to have come to life. The eyes so alive that they stared right back at me.

"You're incredibly good" I felt myself mutter as I took in another painting of eyes, these ones I knew. I knew them like the back of my hand. August's eyes. The same colour palette as the painted gardens around me.

Sara stopped painting suddenly and came back to where I was standing, "I knew you'd get those books off your father" her smile wide, "The second I told Urie, I knew you'd get them."

I blinked as realization clicked in me, "You're the Gamma."

"Augie, why would not bring her sooner?" Sara returned to her painting, her eyes glazed over and looking off into the distance, "I have so much to talk to her about."

August's mother was the Gamma. She was the one who told Urith what happened to the books. She knew who I was the entire time and I didn't even know she existed.

August was pulling towards the door, "We can only see her for short periods of time before she forgets about the conversation" his touch warming my bones as we entered the hall.

"I'll ask her about your wolf tomorrow" he sounded tired.

"Why did she dream of me?" my question hung in the air as I spotted Sam rushing towards us.

A frown grew on my face and I opened my mouth to speak but Sam's hands stopped me.

His hands moving so fast that I couldn't look at his face, "I came as soon as I could" I could feel his breaths on my face, "It's Wren."

My chest hollowed out and my heart stopped as I watched him word the last words.

"He's missing."

I wasn't breathing. I couldn't breathe. My sight was hazy as Sam's warm hands gripped my shoulders, shaking me out of my state of shock. My throat was bone-dry, tight and threatening to close forever.

I swallowed and opened my mouth to speak but no words came out.

"What happened?" August asked for me.

Sam's hands were the only thing I could concentrate on, "No one told me anything but Wren's study is clean and organized, the books are all in the original spot and there is no sign of him anywhere."

Never was Wren's study in order. It was always disheveled. Always in a used state. Something was wrong.

"We have to go" A strong hand gripped me in place and I turned to meet August eyes,

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