» Fantasy » The Phoenix, Bianca Gray [best books to read now txt] 📗

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the chairs. I didn’t even try to go on. This might sound babyish but I was totally frightened. I was scared that I would hit my head. The reason was my dad dropped me while he flipped me over his shoulder. The worst experience of my life! I laughed along with them but nobody forced me to go. I was happy. Then after the chair wars, it was secret telling. I lay down on my belly, hearing the rustling of the sleeping bag as I moved. We were in a circle, heads facing each other. Kate looked at us, in our eyes, one by one. This part gave me the creeps but I was somewhat used to it because usually Kate did this with Jolie and I. We all nodded once. Then Kate stuck her hand out into the middle and we all did the same.
“Repeat after me,” said Aria. Then I heard an “Ahem!” It was pitch black and all you could see was the flashlight underneath our hands, making it glow.
“I will not speak a word from this sleepover,” started Aria. She paused indicating it was our turn to speak.
“I will not speak a word from this sleepover,” we all repeated.
“Whoever does will be shunned,” said Aria.
“Whoever does will be shunned,” we repeated.
“FOREVER!!” she screamed.
“Um,” we all said looking at each other. Aria looked at us annoyed. I smiled.
“FOREVER!!” we all screamed at the same time. Then we burst into giggles. Aria cleared her throat and looked at us like a bunch of kids. I quickly regained myself. She looked at us one by one.
“Okay, Jolie, since this is your house, you start,” said Kate settling into her sleeping bag. Jolie sat up as straight as a post and looked at the ground.
“There isn’t anything to tell,” she said quietly but loud enough for us all to hear. I tried to catch her eye.
“What do you mean ‘there isn’t anything to tell’?” I asked. She looked at me and then looked back down.
“Exactly what I said,” said Jolie. Aria gave me an I’m-not-buying-it look.
“If it’s about Ian, you can tell us you know,” said Aria crossing her arms. She knows? I asked myself. I couldn’t really say I was surprised. Jolie sighed. When she looked up, we could see she was crying.
“I can’t keep anything from you guys, can I?” she said, not really asking. Kate got up real fast.
“If he broke up with you, I swear, I’ll pummel him to a pulp!” she cried.
“I’m with you there,” Aria and I said at the same time. Jolie laughed a sad laugh.
“It’s not that, you guys. No need to beat up anybody. He just…needs some time, he said. He needs to think things over. When he’s ready again, he’ll tell me,” said Jolie twisting her hands around. Then she looked up at us, her brown eyes filled with water.
“Okay, I’m definitely beating him up,” said Aria standing with Kate.
“Or at least talk it out,” I said. Kate and Aria looked at me like I was crazy.
“Hey, I don’t want to be suspended,” I said throwing my hands up.
“Mel’s right. You guys can’t go beating up a superstar,” said Jolie wiping her eyes. Aria scoffed.
“Says who?” asked Aria. Jolie looked at her.
“I mean you just can’t do that. Maybe you should talk to him or, preferably, just forget about it,” said Jolie. Kate and Aria sat back down slowly.
“Preferably, I would like to beat him up,” said Kate. Aria gave her a high five.
“So would I,” said Aria. Jolie laughed a hard laugh.
“Preferably, I would just want to forget the whole thing,” said Jolie. I took one look at her and decided we should move on. Clearly, she was uncomfortable about talking about it.
“Moving on!” I shouted. Aria gave me a strange look and gave me a ‘ha’. Kate looked at me and I knew she agreed.
“Yeah, okay, Aria, you’re up,” she said waving her hand at Aria. Aria sighed.
“Okay, okay, okay. Well, let’s see…” she said pausing to think.
“Okay I’ve got something to share! Well, there’s this senior at our school…I don’t know what his name is but I’ve seen him around. He’s most likely 18 years old,” said Aria pausing to think about him. I felt my eyebrows pucker up.
“Um, Aria?? What does he look like for Pete’s sake?” cried Kate. Aria looked up to look at her.
“Oh, um, yeah. He’s taller than me by a good three inches, sandy blonde hair, emerald green eyes, kind of tan, definitely cute. Oh and he drives a Mercedes. It’s black,” finished Aria. Jolie, Kate, and I each gave a knowing smile. I put my head into my hands. Then I peeked through my fingers. Aria gave us a confused-if-you-don’t-tell-me-I’m-going-to- lose-it look.
“Do you know whom I’m talking about?” she asked suspiciously. Kate laughed.
“Um, yeah! He’s Mel’s step-brother, James,” said Kate. I groaned.
“Don’t remind me,” I mumbled. Aria laughed.
“Um, wow! Didn’t see that coming!” she exclaimed. Then we all laughed. After telling our secrets I think I fell asleep but I had the strangest dream. All I could see was black but I could hear voices. Mostly Aria’s, Kate’s, and Jolie’s. I could also hear my thoughts.
“Do you think she’s asleep yet?” asked Aria bored.
“I don’t know,” said Kate…or Jolie. They both sound the same to me. Then someone tapped my shoulder and softly called my name. Everything was silent for a minute or so.
“Yeah, I think so,” said Kate.
“Okay good,” replied Aria.
“Maybe we should whisper so we don’t wake her up,” whispered Jolie.
“Is this okay for you?” stage whispered Aria. I could just see Jolie rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, whatever,” whispered Jolie.
“So…she doesn’t know?” asked Aria in a whisper.
“Yeah she doesn’t,” replied Kate.
“How can she not know? That’s like impossible,” whispered Aria. I wish I could open my eyes and see what’s happening! What are they talking about anyway? I asked myself.
“She won’t know until she turns sixteen,” said Jolie.
“Shhh!” replied Aria and Kate simultaneously.
“Oops! Sorry,” whispered Jolie.
“Besides, how do you know this?” asked Kate in a whisper.
“Um, I’m smart!” whispered Jolie.
“Okay you guys, whispering is starting to irritate me! Either we talk about this when she’s not sleeping and when she’s not here or you all are going to have to trust my judgment on whether she is completely knocked out or not. Okay?” said Aria aloud.
“Okay, gosh!” said Kate.
“Yeah, agreed,” said Jolie.
“Good,” said Aria obviously happy she got her way.
“So, what can you do?” asked Kate.
“I can control the air. You know, like the wind? The stuff you breathe in and out? Did you know I could make sure no air is around you and it’s like a vacuum? I’ve never done it yet but I know I can do it. Always imagine doing it to my aunt,” said Aria. Wait what?!
“I also heard that air benders, or whatever you want to call yourself, can also make illusions if they tried hard enough,” said Kate.
“Yeah, I can do that too. Oh, and I like to be called an illusionist. I mostly work with those. They’re easier for me,” said Aria sounding distracted.
“No way! Really? I hear they’re like the hardest thing!” exclaimed Jolie. Then there was silence while they waited whether I would wake up or not.
“Whoops,” whispered Jolie.
“She sleeps like a rock,” said Aria in her carefree tone. There was more silence while they debated inwardly whether they should talk or not.
“So…what do you guys do? I mean, what does Kate and Mel do?” asked Aria. Yeah, what do I do you guys? I inwardly glared at them.
“Well, I can control the water. Waves and stuff. I can even appear it out of thin air. Pretty cool, huh?” said Kate. No wonder why she always has water!
“No, not really,” said Aria. I heard a gush of air being sucked in.
“Well,” said Kate in an insulted tone.
“Just kidding,” said Aria.
“I know,” said Kate laughing a quiet laugh.
“And Mel?” asked Aria.
“Well,” started Kate.
“Mel’s a bit special,” said Jolie.
“How exactly?” asked Aria.
“Mel is a phoenix,” they whispered simultaneously.
“Wait what?” asked Aria. She sounded confused but not confused at the same time. Wait what? That’s what I want to know. And why haven’t they told us this before?
“Mel is a phoenix. We just said that,” said Kate obviously bored.
“But only one can exist at one time and…aren’t they birds?” asked Aria sounding amazed. Well I’m not a bird. Let me tell you that.
“Ok. In her family tree or whatever, her grandmother Phoenix Fire’s great, great, great, great, great, great-,” started Kate.
“Ok! I get it! A lot of greats!” exclaimed Aria. I could imagine Kate give her one of her looks.
“Grandmother, who was an actual bird, traded a bit of blood with a human so their families would stop fighting. In reality, it started even more fighting because her really great grandmother, instead of turning into ashes and turning into another bird, had a baby. This baby was human who could shape shift into a bird. Then the human family had a problem with it. If the phoenix powers skip a generation then there would still be more phoenixes than one. That irritated them and so that family became the enemies. That human family became the very first phoenix hunters,” said Kate all dramatic like. Wow, learning about my history here that I NEVER KNEW ABOUT!! I was done with all the sleeping.
“What are you guys talking about?” I asked slowly and calmly with just a tint of anger. They all three looked at each other.

Chapter 4
I’m a phoenix. Great! Anything Else?

“Um, Mel, exactly what did you hear?” asked Jolie.
“Everything,” I replied crossing my arms. They all mouthed ‘oh’ at the same time.
“So you heard about the whole-?” asked Kate not quite finishing.
“Yes. Apparently I’m a phoenix. Anything else I need to know? Oh I know, Jolie, you’re a tree nymph right?” I asked sarcastically.
“Well, kinda,” said Jolie. I felt my jaw drop.
“No. Way,” I whispered between gasps. Jolie shook her head.
“No! I mean, I don’t live by a tree. I control earth,” said Jolie shrugging.
“Ok, either you all are crazy or this is just a dream,” I said shaking my head.
“Yeah, it’s a dream, kid. Now go back to beddy bye or something. NO! This is NOT a dream! GROW UP!!” shouted Aria. Then she crossed the room and slapped me across the face.
“Nope. I’m good. Yeah, I deserved that,” I said rubbing my face. She smiled at me and walked backwards back to her sleeping bag.
“Ok. If I’m a phoenix and someone’s hunting me…why haven’t any of you told me??” I asked. Kate and Jolie shrugged.
“You weren’t supposed to know until your sixteenth birthday. That’s when your full powers come in. But being surrounded by super powered people,” started Jolie.
“Um, I prefer superhuman,” interrupted Aria. Jolie shook her
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