» Fantasy » The Phoenix, Bianca Gray [best books to read now txt] 📗

Book online «The Phoenix, Bianca Gray [best books to read now txt] 📗». Author Bianca Gray

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head and rolled her eyes.
“Ok, being surrounded by superhuman people sometimes make your powers come in earlier. I mean look at Kate. Her hair is starting to turn blue,” said Jolie. Kate must’ve seen my face ‘cause she butted in.
“Just the tips, at the end, ok? It’s ok. Not all of it,” said Kate like she was talking to a baby. I just glared at her.
“Ok, whatever,” I said sighing. I looked at my hands clenching and unclenching them.
“But…how do you know? I mean how do you know I’m a phoenix?” I asked them quietly. Jolie scoffed and Kate gave a little ‘ha’. I glared at them.
“Seriously!” I cried getting frustrated.
“Ok, ok, ok,” said Jolie putting her hands up.
“Well?” I asked crossing my arms. Kate and Jolie looked at each other.
“Ok, well, how to start this? Hmmm, oh I know! Ok. Well, Mel, first your name was supposed to be Phoenix Fire just like your grandma’s,” said Jolie. Aria scoffed.
“Like that’s not a giveaway,” said Aria. Jolie and Kate glared at her. She just glared back. Jolie and Kate gave her a look and looked back at me.
“As I was saying, you said that your name was supposed to be Phoenix Fire but your mom only decided to name you with the last name. So your name is Melanie Fire. That’s what your mother decided and there is no turning back on that one. Anyway, when I first met you,” started Jolie.
“On the swings,” I interrupted. Jolie glared at me.
“Yes, on the swings, you flew off. I had two theories. One, you were just really tiny but the fire that came off of you canceled that theory. Anyway, you have bird-like bones. So my second theory was more correct. That you were the one and only phoenix,” ended Jolie. She smiled warmly at me. I thought about it. I remember feeling like I was flying but not the fire part.
“Ok, but a theory doesn’t prove anything. Plus, that one little thing doesn’t make me a phoenix,” I said crossing my arms. Aria just stared at us like how a kid stares at the television set.
“Well, you didn’t hear about my part yet, Mel. When I first met you, or well, when we first became friends…” started off Kate.
“Yeah, the time where Justin and his friends were bullying you about your mom,” I said picking at my nails. It’s a nasty habit. I don’t bite them, just pick at them when I’m upset or don’t want to think about something. My friends say I have pretty nails all the same. Oh, and piano fingers. Kate stared at me long and hard.
“You know, I’ve been trying to put that out of my mind because I’ve started dating Justin and he’s changed. Now, though, I’m thinking about it again!” said Kate. I smiled a happy little smile.
“Does that mean you’ll break up with that jerk?” I asked hopefully. Kate looked at me strangely.
“You know, sometimes, I think you want me to break up with him because you like him and want him for yourself,” said Kate thoughtfully. Then she looked at me and smiled. I felt my jaw drop and my eyes go big. I knew what I looked liked, like a deer caught in headlights, except, not out of fear, out of shock.
“Um, no! I hate him. I think he’s snobby, a jerk, careless, probably only likes you because you’re a challenge,” and then I stopped. Kate eyes grew wide. It started filling with water, those ever changing eyes.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean…Kate, I…” I stammered. Then I fled the room. I knew I shouldn’t have. I mean, you would think she would flee the room but she didn’t, I did. I opened up Jolie’s dark blue door and saw a sheet of water. Probably Kate’s tears, I thought to myself. Even though it was pouring cats and dogs I ran out there anyway. I like to run anyway. It gives me the feeling of flying. So I ran. I knew I was soaking wet but I didn’t care. When I was about a mile away from Jolie’s house I heard screaming. The screams called out my name. I looked back for a moment. I would’ve thought I was crazy for what I was seeing. Water was pouring down my face and I kept spitting after a few minutes, staring at what was coming my way. Kate somehow had no water hitting her. Aria was in the air blowing water away from her. Jolie was…I couldn’t quite explain it. She was moving the sidewalk so she didn’t have to run. Oh, she was soaking wet but she wasn’t running like Kate. Then I got mad. If I had such great powers, why can’t I control them like my friends can? It wasn’t fair. Soon enough I was dry and I honestly didn’t know why. Well, I didn’t know until Jolie, Kate, and Aria all stopped.
“Mel! You’re on fire!!” they cried. I looked around myself and sure enough I was in a huge fire.
“Whoa,” I whispered to myself. It was like being in a wild fire except it was on you and that you weren’t being burned. Then I changed. It wasn’t like a split second like in the movies. It was slow, like lava. Plus, I kept flickering between my human self and my…bird self. I guess it was because I had never changed before. When I did finally change into a bird, it felt incredible. I could feel a burst of fire tear up inside of my heart. I just flamed. I was a bird and I seemed to fly so fast I left a trail of fire where I flew. No, it did not burn stuff. It was like a jet when a jet leaves a trail. It was awesome!
“Whoa! Good job, Mel!” I heard Aria scream. I laughed. When I was a mythical bird my laugh sounded angelic. It didn’t sound like me at all.
“You did it!!” screamed Jolie. She even threw her fist into the air. Just like old times.
“I cannot believe you did it!” screamed Kate, cupping her hands around her mouth so I could hear. I just laughed some more. I flew in a loop and then landed on the ground, turning back into a human as I did.
“Oh my god!! That was so much fun!” I screamed, laughing.
“Cannot believe you did it. I’m so proud of you. Even before you turned 16!!” said Aria as we were walking back to Jolie’s house. Then she slapped me on the back. We all stayed dry on the walk back because Kate was keeping the water off of us. When we got to Jolie’s house we had to be extra quiet because Jolie’s parents were asleep. No matter how nice they seemed to be, they were really strict and none of us wanted Jolie to get grounded just because we woke up her parents. Then we all just crashed.

Chapter 5
Adoption, dreaming, and more

When I woke up the next morning, I thought it might’ve been just a dream but, no, I realized, it was much more than that. After we all got dressed the doorbell rang. Jolie’s mother (who thinks I’m so polite and sweet) called me up from the basement saying my mother was here.
“Bye you guys,” I said and they all looked at me strangely. I guess because I haven’t said one word since I woke up. I had a lot of thinking to do. When I got upstairs, I thanked Jolie’s mother for letting me stay. Then I climbed into my mom’s big green van. My mom’s eyes were practically glowing. Her dark green eyes had a sort of twinkle in them and my mom’s usually wild red hair seemed tame.
“Hey sweetie! How was the sleepover?” she asked casually as she backed out of Jolie’s driveway.
“Good,” I said warily. She glanced over at me and smiled.
“What?” I asked running my fingers through my hair. I really need a haircut, I thought.
“Sweetie, what if I told you I’ve been thinking about adoption?” asked my mom keeping her eyes on the road. I frowned.
“I’d be fine with it I guess. I mean, if that’s what you want…and I’ll help baby-sit,” I said looking in the glove box for a lollipop. My mom always keeps lollipops in the glove box. Jackpot, I thought grabbing a grape one.
“Well, sweetie, I don’t mean adopting a baby,” said my mom slowly. I looked at her quickly.
“I’d be ok with a toddler too. You know me, besides I adore little Sarah so…it would be ok,” I said taking the wrapper off the lollipop.
“Honey, I mean a girl your age,” said my mom pulling into the driveway. I looked at her confused. She sighed and cut off the ignition. Then she turned in her seat to look at me.
“Melanie, a couple months ago I went to the adoption center with George. I expected to adopt a little baby. You know me, I love little kids. But the thing that changed my mind…I saw an older girl there. A girl your age. She had such a way with little kids. They all looked up to her. She had this glow around her. Here, you’ll see her when we go inside,” said my mom smiling. I looked at my mom like she was crazy.
“Mom, please just say I don’t have to share a room,” I said in utmost sincerity. She looked over at me and laughed.
“C’mon! Meet Macy!” cried my mother. I slowly unbuckled myself and opened the door of the car. I walked up the stone sidewalk and up the stone steps. My mom then unlocked and opened the big red door. I smelled something really good and figured George was cooking. I dropped my stuff and walked over to the kitchen. Then I screamed. It wasn’t George it was this…stranger!
“Melanie!” scolded my mom, “its just Macy!” Macy was in an apron and was holding a spatula ready to flip the pancakes. She was wearing a white, simple but elegant dress. She wasn’t model thin but she wasn’t completely obese either. Her figure was homey looking. I can’t explain it. It was like motherly feeling but in a teenager. Her hair was a dark honey color and her eyes were a spring green. Her wavy hair came down to her shoulders and she had side bangs that kind of covered one eye. She looked over to my mom and then to me.
“Um, hi? Do you like pancakes?” asked Macy uncertainly. She had a certain glow around her. It was something unnatural, something you couldn’t find with humans. I must be crazy, sometimes people just draw other people around them, I thought. I looked up at her.
“Yeah, I love them,” I said. She looked at me and smiled. We won’t be as close as sisters but we may be as close as friends. When we all sat down to breakfast, which was delicious, George stood up to say a toast.
“A toast to Macy and her delicious breakfast that she made,” boomed George gesturing to Macy. Macy blushed delicately and ducked her head.
“Let’s eat!” cried James. Then he picked up his fork and dug in. I didn’t start eating because I felt a bit sick. Reality was starting to catch up with me. I’m a phoenix. I turned into a bird…on fire! Also, because of all that fire
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