» Fantasy » The Phoenix, Bianca Gray [best books to read now txt] 📗

Book online «The Phoenix, Bianca Gray [best books to read now txt] 📗». Author Bianca Gray

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disappearing out of my body I felt sicker. I needed some heat. I needed more heat. While I was thinking this and clutching my stomach, Macy stood up.
“Oh, another toast?” asked my mom, wiping her mouth with her cloth napkin. Macy shook her head.
“Oh, no, Mrs.…?” said Macy. My mom smiled.
“Just call me Margaret if you have a problem with calling me mom,” said my mom. Macy smiled.
“No, Margaret, I’m not going to make a toast. I’m just going to make a suggestion. Could we pray first? I mean, before we eat?” asked Macy. She sat back down. We all looked at each other. Mom and I used to pray when I was younger but then she married George and George doesn’t believe in God.
“I’m sorry, Macy, but in this household, we are not religious,” boomed George. Macy frowned.
“What do you mean? Do you not have a religion? Well, what better religion than being Christian?” asked Macy. Then she puckered her eyebrows in thought.
“Although any other religion is good as well. I don’t judge,” said Macy smiling. George smiled as well.
“What about atheist? Are you against that religion?” asked George smiling like the Cheshire cat. Macy’s smile disappeared.
“You’re all…you all don’t…I mean I thought…you guys don’t believe in God?” stammered Macy. George smiled some more.
“No, we-“
“Yes, some of us believe in God. I do,” I said, interrupting George. Macy smiled at me.
“Well, then we both can pray,” said Macy. Then she bowed her head and put her hands together.
“Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this wonderful breakfast that is before us. We thank you that everyone is here and safe. Bless everyone who is at this table and the world. Amen,” said Macy. Then she looked up and smiled at me again. I smiled back at her. I haven’t prayed in a long time and that felt…awkward and wonderful at the same time. I finished my breakfast in record time and practically ran out the door to get in the heat. Ah, that feels better, I thought. I, later, moved under the shade of the tree to look somewhat normal. Then someone skateboarded by just as Kate was walking up my lawn. I stared at him for a minute longer. He was doing complicated tricks on it but was only 20 feet away from me. Including my lawn, the sidewalk, and half the street. Kate sat down next to me. She glanced the way I was looking and then tapped my shoulder. I rolled my head toward her.
“Yes?” I asked. She smiled a knowing smile. I pulled myself up more straight against the tree trunk.
“What?” I asked. She lay down next to me.
“So, do you know him?” she asked casually, her hands behind her head.
“Know…?” I asked. Then she casually looked over to the boy on the skateboard.
“Oh, no. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him before,” I said. She looked over at me in disbelief.
“Are you kidding me? It’s Michael…in the flesh!!!!” she half choked and screamed. Then he turned around looking in our direction. His cold dark green eyes with gold flecks stared straight into my soul, captivating me in his eyes. Keeping me in his dark forever drowning eyes. Then Kate waggled her fingers at him and he turned away from me to stare at her. It didn’t seem to have the same affect on her but she did gasp.
“He’s so beautiful,” Kate whispered. I slapped her arm.
“Shut up. You have a boyfriend, remember?” I whispered back. Then she winked at me.
“Yeah, but you don’t,” she said casually. Then just as casually she waved her hand in the air as if she was moving something. Suddenly, it started to rain.
“Oh. My. Gosh! KATE!” I screamed. She put her finger to her lips indicating for me to shut up. Then she waved over to Michael.
“Oh Michael! Over here!!” she said. He looked in her direction.
“You should really get out of this rain. Maybe you should come inside, considering your house is two blocks down,” said Kate. Michael looked around then he shrugged. Before I knew what was happening, Kate rushed Michael and I into my house. He put down his wet, gleaming, and onyx skateboard. Then he took off his shining green helmet, the color of his eyes, and he shook out his dark brown hair. I swear, he was like my knight in shining armor. Except you don’t like him, Mel, I thought. Then he flashed me a smile. When he smiles his dimples show. Everyone has dimples! I thought quickly. But as quickly as that thought came another one came. But nobody’s dimples are like his. I knew it then. I’ve gone completely mad. Everyone’s dimples are the same!! Then Macy came running down the stairs.
“Oh whose-,” started Macy. Then she glared at Michael. He gave her a cold stare.
“Stay where you are, hunter,” hissed Macy. Michael laughed. Then he gave her a sideways grin.
“Sorry, but I don’t hunt. Unless you’re asking about other things,” he said smiling. She threw another glare at him.
“Mel? Can we talk? In the kitchen?” asked Macy still glaring at Michael. I looked at Kate confused. She shrugged.
“Um, yeah. Sure,” I said hesitantly. Macy stalked off to the kitchen, her honey hair flying and her green eyes flashing. When we got to the kitchen she stood next to the marble counter while I opened the fridge. I brought out some yogurt.
“Want some?” I asked holding out a strawberry yogurt.
“No, I don’t eat yogurt,” she said still rigid.
“Suit yourself,” I said opening the container and spooning some into my mouth.
“Do you know what he is?” she asked sharply pointing to the other room where Kate and Michael was.
“What do you mean?” I asked putting another spoonful of yogurt into my mouth.
“I mean, do you think he’s something else besides human?” she asked softly her spring green eyes softening. I looked at her like she was crazy. Did she know about this stuff? Was she some magical, mythical thing as well?
“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” I said staring her straight in the eyes. We stayed like this for a little while.
“Mel, just…don’t be friends with him. Not for a while anyway,” said Macy, but I heard the double meaning in her words. Not until I figure this out. I sighed.
“Deal,” I said. Then I threw my empty yogurt container in the trash.

Chapter 6

Macy gave me a look and then ran up the stairs. Huh, I thought, I haven’t even seen her room yet. Too bad. I shrugged. Then I walked into the sitting room where Kate and Michael were talking.
“Oh, so Justin is your boyfriend. I wasn’t sure,” said Michael with his arms around the back of the couch. Kate frowned. Then she laughed.
“Yes, yes we are together. As in a relationship, together. You know? You just don’t see us together because…well…no one ever sees you,” said Kate.
“Huh. Too bad,” said Michael turning his grin on me. I frowned and tried to flow hate through my eyes. He turned back towards Kate.
“He’s a lucky man,” he said to her. She blushed and ducked her head. Figures, I thought, a flirt. Then he turned his green-gold eyes on me.
“You’re…Melanie, right?” asked Michael gazing up at me. I sat down on the far end of the couch.
“Mel, actually,” I said staring straight into his eyes. I won’t let him see what he does to me. He smiled at me. I just looked at him in a bored way.
“And you are…?” I asked, knowing who he was already. He frowned.
“Oh, I thought you knew who I was. I, um, I’m Michael,” Michael said with a frown still on his beautiful face.
“Nice to meet you Michael,” I said smiling.
“You know we are in the same classes,” he said smiling back at me. I frowned. Not all of them, right? I asked myself.
“You’re in my first period…I’m sure of that,” I said slowly.
“And all your other classes,” he said back. We stared each other down for a few moments but then Kate coughed.
“It looks like the rain has stopped,” said Kate. Michael looked up at her and smiled.
“Thanks for letting me stay here,” said Michael sincerely. Kate blushed for a second.
“Well, it’s Mel’s house,” she said. Michael looked at me with his cold gaze.
“Um, thanks,” he mumbled and then he practically ran out the door.
“Freak,” I muttered under my breath when the door closed shut. Kate glanced at me.
“He probably likes you,” she said looking at her nails and frowning.
“Um, no he doesn’t,” I said. Does he? I asked myself uncertainly. Of course he doesn’t! I sighed.
“Let’s go upstairs,” I said heading for the stairs.
“Ok, sure. Don’t ask for my opinion,” mumbled Kate. I turned to look at her.
“Honestly, I don’t want your opinion,” I joked. She faked laughed. When we got to my room, Kate went straight to my dresser where all my nail polish was.
“Why do you have so much yellow, orange, and red nail polish?” asked Kate holding up a light red bottle of nail polish. I shrugged.
“I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with being…oh I don’t know, a PHOENIX!” I half yelled. She put the bottle of nail polish back down. Then she sat down beside me on my canopy bed.
“Wanna talk about it?” she asked softly.
“I just don’t think it has gotten through my head yet. I mean everything adds up. But, if someone was looking for me, you know the phoenix hunter, wouldn’t you think that they would’ve figured it out before I did?” I asked looking at Kate’s sea green eyes. She opened her mouth as if she was about to say something but Macy beat her to it.
“Not if you’ve got your Guardian Angel around,” said Macy leaning against my doorframe, smiling.
“Macy, sorry to break it to you but I don’t think that there is such a thing as a Guardian Angel,” I said slowly. She scoffed and walked into my red room. She sat down on my computer chair, which was black.
“Sweetie, if there is no such thing as Guardian Angels, I wouldn’t be here right now. I mean some people don’t have a Guardian Angel in the flesh but there are such things,” said Macy brushing her hair behind her ear with her hand.
“Wait, what?” I asked startled. I looked at Kate and she looked back at me. She shrugged.
“I don’t know everything,” said Kate. I sighed. Macy let out a peal of laughter.
“Haven’t you gotten it yet?” she asked smiling. I frowned.
“Not really,” I said slowly.
“I’m your Guardian Angel,” said Macy staring in my eyes. I had this feeling like I wasn’t in my body. It was like I was floating around my body. Or like I was above it. I couldn’t feel a thing. Then I slammed back into my body and I could feel everything.
“My, my Guardian Angel,” I stammered. Macy nodded.
“Uh huh,” she said urging me to go on.
“I have a Guardian Angel,” I said slowly.
“Yes,” said Macy.
“And its…you?” I asked. She nodded. Then I lost it. I started laughing, like mad. I kept laughing and laughing. Kate and Macy just stared at me, startled.
“I think she’s
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