» Fantasy » Consumed by Night., Chalen D. [shoe dog free ebook TXT] 📗

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i growled at him.
i sank into the bed as he began to play with my hair.
"i'm only trying to protect you."
"then protect me while i sleep."
he laughed.
"you where never really a morning person."
"don't." i said, as he stopped, playing with my hair.
in one swift movement i was lying on his chest.
i lifted my head and blinked in confusion.
"your shirts off." i pointed out.
he pushed my head back down, and began to play with my hair.
I hate the fact that he knows if he plays with my hair i melt in his hands.
"i love you." He muttered.
"i love you." i whispered.
"you can sleep."
I was walking through a fogy forest. i pushed through a bush and fell to my knees.
when i looked up i was in a cemetery. a woman with long black hair smiled down at me and held her hand out to me. i took her hand and she helped me up.
"you took quiet a fall, my dear."
i looked down at the black dress i was wearing. it was covered with a black see through cape.
"what am i doing here?"
"i was going to ask you the same." her smile was warm.
"i'm scared, but i don't tell anyone cause i don't want to worry them."
why was i telling her this? i had never met her before.
"it's okay to be scared, everyone get's scared, and that's the truth."
"what do i do?"
"trust the ones who love you dear."
"will you help me?"
"i can't do that, but i'll try my best to help guide you."
"thank you."
i felt close he her, like she was with me all along.
"you welcome, now wake up."
"Deven, we're going to be late for school." Preston said, shaking my arm.
i woke up and looked around.
"you okay?"
"yeah i'm fine."
i got dressed for school.
who is that woman, i dreamed about, in a cemetery? does that mean death could be coming? i was wearing black. i always am wearing black when i have these kind of dreams.
"what's wrong?" Evelon asked.
"i'm fine." i whispered back, keeping my eyes on the teacher.
when is this class going to end!
the bell rang and i hurried from the room just fast enough so no one would look.
i'm a bit of a freak show, cause of who i am.
Preston grabbed my shoulders steadying me.
"Sorry, i wasn't looking." i said.
"what's wrong?"
i just looked at him.
"you look nice today."
"oh thanks." he smiled shyly.
"see you." i gave him a quick kissed and hurried off.
after school we were sitting in his room.
"Whoa, who-who's this?" i asked, picking up a picture frame.
"Oh that's my mom."
i studied her face, and her black hair.
"what's wrong?" he asked.
i looked up at him.
"Deven?" he asked, coming to me.
"Would you think i'm crazy?"
"i had a dream with her in it last night. she said she'd do her best to guide me, and i had to trust the ones i love."
"Yep, that's mom alright."
he sat back on his bed.
"don't you think it's strange?"
"well maybe it means something, i was in a cemetery."
"well maybe she was just letting you know that she was there for you."
i flopped down next to him.
i put my hands on my rib cage.
"your not going to let it go are you?"
"i can't what if it means something?"
He breathed out from his nose.
"Don't do that."
"don't do what?"
"your breathing through your nose. you have no right to be annoyed with me."
"how do you- never mind. it probably meant nothing."
i breathed through my nose and narrowed my eyes at him.
"What?" i asked, as he laughed.
"your cute."
"no i'm not." i said, rolling away from him.
"uh, yeah you are." he said leaning over me.
i covered my face.
"leave me alone, i annoy you remember?"
" you don't annoy me. your hard headed so i'm just trying to get through to you."
"i am not!" i said, turning to him, so he was directly over me.
"oh, yes you are."
"maybe just a little."
"A little?"
"don't push it."
i pressed my lips to his.
"what was that?"
"what was what?"
"that kiss, it was-"
i pulled his head down to me.
he smiled, and shook his head.
"what, now?"
"i like this." i said, touching his leather jacket.
"yeah me too."
"why do you say it like that?"
"you take all of my comfortable clothes."
"i do not. no way."
he didn't say anything, waiting for me to realize i was wearing his shirt.
"oh i do. i take Robby's too."
"great i'm with a girl that steals comfortable clothes."
"i'm sorry."
he kissed me.
I shut Preston's door.
"damn, do you ever stop?" Tatum asked finger combing my hair.
"hold still." she said.
"well hold still then dork."
we walked back to the girl dorms together.
"what are you doing in the guys dorm?"
"i got paired with Robby for a project, and he said to tell you he wants his pants pack."
i laughed.
"what's he talking about?"
"i stole his plaid pants."
"oh, I've done that before."
"aren't they soft?" i asked.
"boy's got good taste in Pj's."
we linked our arms and went in search of Evelon.
we all sat in my room and talked. something that we hadn't done in awhile.
"What if he comes back?"
"who?" Tie said, pushing open the door.
he sat on my bed and put his head in my lap.
"hi." i said, looking down at him.
"what's up?"
i laughed.
"He could come back, did anyone here from Gianna yet?" Tatum asked.
everyone shook their heads.
Tie caught on.
"as long as he doesn't come here, i'm good." I said.
"yeah, but he has that mind control thing." Tie said.
"your hair looks really good today." i told him.
"Thanks i used Tatum's Gel."
"you little ass!" she said, chucking a red vine at him.
"want some?" he asked, after he took a bite.
he held it up to me, and i took a bite.
"what kind of bit is that?" He asked.
i took a bigger bite.
"Don't take it all!"
i covered my mouth and laughed.
they laughed too.
"Guys we really need to find out if he came back, it's freaking me out." Evelon said.
"well the only way we could be sure is to go to his layer." i said.
everyone looked at me.
"oh come on what do we say, just go in there and be like, hey, dude, i just wanted to see if your alive again, and now that i know, you are, come and get me? you guys come on."
"It does seem a little strange." Robby said, shutting my door.
"see, at least i have someone on my side."
"yeah, but it would be good to know baby girl." Robby said, looking at me carefully.
"yeah i know." i said, looking down at Tie, who was enjoying his red vine way more than he should be.
i cracked a smile.
"Then we go." Tatum said.
"no i go." i said.
"we're going with you." Tie said, stopping mid bite.
"how are we going to get out huh? Preston will be watching me like a hawk."
"i'll distract him long enough for you guys to get out." Tatum said.
"and how are you going to do that?"
"What else? I'm going to argue pointlessly with him. you'll have five minuets to get out though." she said.
"that will be plenty of time." Evelon said.
"i can't believe we're doing this." i said.
"alright, i'l go find him." She said, getting up.
"We'll wait for you right inside the forest, follow our sent." Robby said.
Tatum grabbed my arm and sniffed my wrist.
"got it." she said, leaving.
"Preston get your ass over here fucker!"
"lets move." Tie said, getting up.
"teacher." i said.
we plastered ourselves against the wall.
once the teacher passed we ran down the hall.
"i don't care!" Tatum yelled.
i came to a stop sliding.
"shit go go go!" i yelled, trying to run, but i kept sliding.
"Gianna!" Robby said, grabbing my shirt and yanking me back.
"it's okay." i told Evelon, as her breathing picked up.
we ran to the front doors.
we climbed the fence, where the wolves met up with us.
we went into the forest and waited.
"Guys?" Tatum called.
we jumped out of the tree.
she spun around eyes narrowed, ready to attack.
"oh, it's you." she said.
"lets go, it's this way." i said.
we all took off in a run.
"Shit." Tatum said slapping a hand over her mouth.
The place was huge, and surrounded by guards.
"you think he's there?" Evelon teased.
"Shh!" Tie hissed, sounding, well , gay.
Benton walked the grounds yelling commands, with a Blonde following closely behind.
"that's her, i feel it." Evelon said.
"the vampire witch?" Robby asked.
"yeah." Evelon said.
"well let's go."
we stopped in the parking lot.
a girl with longish red hair spun to us, hissing.
"whoa red. not cool."
she straitened looking like she was about to cry.
i pulled her into my arms.
"i'm scared!" she sobbed.
"great another Evelon." Tatum said.
"stop, love." Robby told her.
"i got your back, what's your name?"
she was dressed in all black with a black hat.
"peace." Tie said.
" Well can we at least call your ass Liv?"
Liv nodded, so fast i though her head was going to pop off.
"Tatum's a little..." i said.
"Different." Tie said.
"Bitchy, now let's take her to Gianna." Tatum said.
"you look different." Liv said.
"we're vampires." Robby finally said.
she backed away from us.
"Give mew your damn wrist."
Tatum grabbed Liv's wrist, and bit into it.
"there. welcome to being a vampire." She said.
"it didn't hurt." Liv said, looking at her wrist.
"well yeah." Tatum said.
"your a vampire?" Gianna said.
"Tatum bit me." Liv said, sounding like a little kid.
Liv looked like she could kick some ass, but she was really kid like.
"Tatum Lynn, she doesn't know the first thing about being a fledgling, let alone a vampire."Gianna scolded.
"She didn't mean anything by it mom." i blurted out.
"yeah mom, honest, she was just trying to calm Liv down." Tie said.
"she really meant no harm mom," Tie said.
"i gotta agree with them, mom." Evelon said.
"See mom?" Tatum said, tossing a hand at our new sister.
"alright, then you have to teach her."
Gianna said.
"what?!" Tatum and Liv yelled.
Tatum looked like she was going to burst into flames, and Liv looked about ready to burst into tears.
"i got it mom." i said.
"alright, then, but Liv, is your new roommate Tatum, no buts."
"Come on Liv." i said, taking her hand, as everyone else filed out of the room.
"there you-"
Preston cut off, anger lighting his eyes, sending Liv to hide behind me.
"What is your problem, i told you to stay away!" he yelled.
"you don't own me." i said, feeling the need to take a bathroom break.
"you know how that makes me feel."
he grabbed my shoulders and i dropped Liv's hand.
"what's wrong with you!"
i was scared shitless, not cause of him, but cause of tie.
Ties hand flashed out, and locked around Preston's throat.
"if you ever put your hands on her, i'll rip your head off got it?" Tie growled.
this time i reached for Liv's hand.
Liv threw her arms around me, and took a step back.
"Tie!" Tatum said.
Preston fell to the floor gasping for
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