» Fantasy » Welcome To Mystery, Dana Smith [short books for teens txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome To Mystery, Dana Smith [short books for teens txt] 📗». Author Dana Smith

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were no other doors here, so deciding that she had hit a dead end, Kessie started to turn around. At the last moment her eyes caught something on the floor. They were foot prints. Fresh footprints that lead up to the paining on the wall opposite her.

As she walked in the footsteps of who had come before her, she noticed that the faces of the mother and father had been cleaned of all its dust, yet the smaller boys had been left covered in it.

Kessie reached out and touched the face of the woman; she looked so kind and serene. Sometimes Kessie would miss her mother, other times, when she was busy, she wouldn't even know she was missing.

She looked at her finger; there wasn't a trace of dust on it, which meant that the pictures had been cleaned recently.

Looking back at the footsteps, Kessie started to follow them again. They walked straight up to some large curtains that hung downtown the floor. Kessie calmed her heart beat before quickly pulling the curtain back, all in one swift motion.

The brunette let out her breath when she saw that no one was there, the only thing that caught her attention was the boarded up window and a little bird that sat in the corner, seemingly interested at kisses arrival. To the girl, it looked like the little black bird was looking for a way out of this dust old room.

Leaning closer to the window, Kessie grabbed a loose end of the wood and pulled with all her strength. The board snapped, allowing light to come flooding into the dark room, changing its appearance for the better.

The little bird chirped at her success; obviously happy had succeeded where it had failed. The little black bird sat there contently as issue pulled the remaining boards of the window. As Kessie out, she saw a cemetery, with five gravestones in it.

The girl opened the window, allowing the bird to fly out, chirping happily as it did so. Kessie climbed out through the window after the bird, and slid gracefully out onto the ground, landing in her feet.

The garden looked peaceful and overgrown, weeds and wild flowers covering up most of the gravestones. The only thing that looked like it was meant to be there was a large cherry blossom in full bloom. The area smelt of flowers and pine trees, making Kessie wonder if there was a pine forest nearby.

The girl walked over to the largest of the gravestones; it read 'Arthur Vulkaan, 1855 - 1900' they were old graves, and Kessie didn't recognize any of the other names either. Kessie wondered silently if they had been rich of powerful, as only people like that could have afforded a place to be buried in those times.

Someone clearing their through behind Kessie made her jump, after all the thought that she could be trespassing had crossed her mind.

Kessie turned around to find Kai standing there, his arms crossed over his chest. Kessie stared at him in confusion, tilting her head to the side whilst doing so.

"Why are you here?" Kessie asked after a while of none of them saying anything.

"You stole my horse." he said flatly, Kessie could understand why, some people are really awkward when it comes to other people risky their horse. The brown haired girl could tell that Kai was thinking, so chose not to say anything for a moment.

"I think we need to talk." Kai said after a while, his voice back to its warm self again. Kessie nodded in agreement, thinking that I was about time someone gave her some answers. Kai lead her back up to the window.

"Remoda terah." he said, opining his palm at the now closed window. As Kessie watched, the black interior swirled into a dusty green, and then back to the room that she came out from. Kai had just managed to change where the doors, or windows, lead to.

"Now that," Kessie began "I have got to learn." she laughed at the thought of being able to choose where to go to. She looked up at Kai, who smirked at her before climbing into the room.

He offered Kessie a hand which she took gratefully, also hopping into the hall after him.

Kai lead Kessie over to the centre of the room, where he proceeded to point his palm at the ground.

“Ventus.” He commanded, at first nothing happened, but as she watched, Kessie noticed a small, seemingly harmless whirlwind appear in the middle of where Kai had pointed. It turned for a few moments before blasting outward, removing the ground of all its dust. Kai sat down, expecting Kessie to do the same; which she did.

“You can teach me that too while you’re at it.” Kessie commented after a few moments of silence. Which caused Kai to chuckle at her?

“The first thing that you should know is that your world is part of five worlds, all connected with these gate ways.” Kai had expected for a shocked reaction, but Kessie sat there patiently waiting for him to continue. “Necris, that’s where you first met me and where the castle you ran from is. Incendia is the kingdom of the Phoenix. Oceanna is the kingdom under the sea, or the sea as you would call it in your world. Fulgoris is the kingdom of lightning and is a more advanced civilization than even earth.

“All these kingdoms are on the ‘good’ side; the Metrix however, has gone against the rest of the kingdoms, and against the Keepers. They lost their only remaining true heir in the last Great War. The Keepers are the protectors of all the worlds, there are five of them, and each of them protects one world. That is the quick overview of the truth.”

Kessie looked at Kai, taking all of the details in, yet it seemed hard to when staring into his bright blue eyes.

“And the whole of the truth?” she asked after a moment of staring.

“That.” He began, getting up. “Is for another day.” He finished holding out a hand for Kessie.

“So I can see you again?” She asked taking his hand and also getting up. He let go of her hand and walked away, over to the door.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Kessie’s smile dropped, she was glad that he couldn’t see as he was still facing the door.

“Oh.” Was all that Kessie could reply, too stunned by his blunt answer.

“Remoda terah” he said once again, and walked back over to Kessie, leaving the door closed.

Kai grabbed her hand and walked with her over to the door, before opening it and swiftly pushing her through. Too shocked to react, Kessie allowed him to push her through.

Kessie looked around find herself in the school offices. In one swift move, she dropped to the floor, onto her hands and knees.

The only time students were allowed in the offices when they were doing a job for a teacher, so not Kessie then. She started to crawl on the floor, making sure not to bump into any teachers while doing so. When she reached the main door, she quickly opened it and crawled out.

Kessie was met by a pair of feet directly in front of her; she looked at them, scared of who they might belong to.

5 - Unearthing the Truth

Kessie looked up to find that the owner of the feet was Adeline. She sighed in relief as she got to her feet. At least it wasn't a teacher.

"We need to talk." Addie stated once Kessie was on her feet. Kessie willingly followed Adeline, although she would have been the last person Kessie thought she would get answers from.

Adeline continued to walk past the dorm rooms, and Kessie instantly knew where they were going, the attic. The girl in front didn't say a word as they walked up to the attic, and Kessie presumed that she had good reason not to, after all there were a lot of students in the hall ways.

The door to the attic was open so Kessie walked in and let Adeline shut it behind her. As Kessie continued further into the room, she saw the Top Hat Guy, who was sat on a cardboard box. Upon seeing her approaching, he stood up and nodded to her. As she came to stand next to him, he placed both hands firmly on her shoulders.

“Sit,” he commanded as he pushed her down to sit on the cardboard box. She did as she was told. Adeline walked up to them and moved a box in front of Kessie, taking a seat after doing so. Kessie stared at her, was she going to tell her what was going on or not?

“Right,” said the guy, he was moving to sit next to her, as he sat down he said “Okay, we’ll start with something simple-.”

“What about your name?” Kessie glared.

“Ah, yes, my name… Kayne. Now, there are 6 worlds-“

“Yes, I know.” Kessie said coldly, she didn’t take to kindly to being abducted by some weird guy and his apparent accomplice.

“How do you-?”

“Kai told-.”

“-Kaiden, his name is Kaiden. Kaiden Necris,” Kayne growled, his gaze falling to the floor.

Adeline had also averted her gaze, so it made Kessie wonder; who really was Kai? Just as she was about to ask there was a white glowing light from the door that caught her attention, and the other two’s eyes visibly widened, Kayne jumped up from the box that he was sitting on and grabbed Adeline’s hand to make sure that she followed him in his rush to get behind some boxes.

Kessie noticed their alarmed faces and also ducked behind a different section of boxes. The presence of the person that came into the room made it almost freeze over. As Kessie looked over to the small round window behind her, she noticed the spreading of frost in the corners.

The heavy footfalls made Kessie snap her head back round to face the brown boxes. As she continued to stare blankly at the boxes, she resisted the urge to look over them, to see who the mysterious person who came through her mystery door was.

‘Don’t move.’ It was that voice again, in the back of her head. She sat still, trying to figure out where she had heard that voice before.

She returned back to reality by the slamming of a door. As soon as it did so, the frosty air vanished, and was replaced by the normal stuffy air. Kayne was the first to stand, followed by Kessie, who had a look of shock on her face. Adeline didn’t stand.

“Addie?” Kayne asked while offering a hand to her, she grasped it but didn’t stand. Kessie walked over to the door, which was now closed, with no sign that anyone had ever come through it.

“I saw him.” Kessie faintly heard Adeline while she was searching for signs of what the mystery person had done. “It was a Metrix Warrior.” Adeline said as if that explained it all. As Kessie walked back to where the other two were, she noticed for the first time how pale Adeline really was. It was like she was truly scared of the Metrix.

“What did he want here?” Kessie asked, while sitting down back on the box, this time facing the door,
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