» Fantasy » Welcome To Mystery, Dana Smith [short books for teens txt] 📗

Book online «Welcome To Mystery, Dana Smith [short books for teens txt] 📗». Author Dana Smith

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this wasn’t a dream.

“If you enjoy fighting fire breathing dragons, sure.” Kayne began.

“Dragons?” Kessie asked getting exited

“Kayne!” Addie protested.

“It’s not just dragons.” Alex began, ignoring Addie’s protests “its Metrix warriors too.”

“Alex!” Addie shouted once more

“So I’ll be putting my life in danger daily?” Kessie asked, also ignoring Addie

“Yes.” Alex said, the same time that Kayne said “sure.”

“Boys!” Addie was now shouting, trying to get the boys to stop.

“Okay.” Kessie agreed, much to Addie’s surprise.

“Are you kidding? She can’t do this alone” Addie started, they had to see that they were intimidating her, Kessie couldn’t do this alone, she didn’t have any experience in the ways of the keepers, let alone in magic.

“So your committing?” Alex asked, his eyes full of hope.

“Yes.” Addie asked, a little unsure of herself. As soon as the word escaped her mouth, her eyes swirled and changed from their dull black to a shining sky blue with purple flecks.

“That, was creepy.” Kessie said, her eyes widening a little from shock.

The group sat there for a while, discussing a variety of different things, waiting for their food to arrive. It never got a chance to.

The doors to the room were thrown open, three men strolled in, their swords drawn. Immediately, everyone in the room was on their feet. There were no soldiers in the room, and the ones that were guarding the door were on the floor. Dead or unconscious, Kessie couldn’t tell.

“Seize the girls, kill the males if you must.” One of the intruders said, he was taller than the other two, and was also probably in charge. Kessie heard a sword being drawn behind her, she guessed that it was Alex, even though she hadn’t seen him carrying a sword.

Kessie tried to run, but one of the masked intruders already had a firm grip on her, Kessie tried to escape but it was no use.

“Run!” she shouted. She was terrified, but at the same time she didn’t want to let her new friends get hurt.

“But Kestrel!” Alex protested taking a step forward, ready to attack the man who was now dragging Kessie away. Kessie looked at him with pleading eyes, begging him to bring himself and the others to safety.

The other guard came forward, coming to grab Adeline, Alex ran forward, and used his sword to attack, only to be blocked. Alex had too much rage flowing through him to let this man win, he wouldn’t be pushed to the defensive. He attacked again and this time landed a blow on the warrior’s chest.

Too shocked to do anything, the warrior was wide open for another attack, and Alex got him right in the middle, ramming his sword straight through his chest.

The soldier fell down, motionless. Alex looked once more at the next approaching warrior. Kessie was right, he had to bring the other two to safety.

“Come on!” Alex shouted at his two defenceless friends, they had to get to a door. The three friends ran forward, any door would be good enough.

“Incendia” Alex commanded, the floor behind him burst into flames, creating a wall that would block the evil warrior from getting to close before they reached the door.

The door came into view quickly, and one Alex reached it, he placed his fingertips on to the door. “Remoda Oceanna.” He whispered. That would allow them to go to the ocean world, it changed the door to glass, allowing the three of them to look into it. Alex had changed the door, something only keepers and royalty can do.

“I hope you know how to swim.”

6 – Seeing the Sides


Alex, Kayne and Addie stepped, or rather swam, into a wet world. It was then that Addie realised that she couldn’t breathe, and how could she, she was underwater. Addie would have gasped at the sight in front of her if there had been air.

“Spira!” the mermaid said quickly and suddenly Addie was able to breathe. She didn’t know what was filling her lungs, but was just glad to be able to breathe.

“Narissa,” the prince smiled softly at the mermaid in front of him, Addie couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, although she didn’t know why.

Narissa was truly a thing of beauty; she had long dark purple hair, emerald green eyes, and a beautiful silver fin.

“Welcome!” she smiled, her voice was like music to the three humans ears, sounding like a waterfall over rocks. She swam gracefully over to Addie and took both her hands in her own. “My name is Princess Narissa Oceanna; it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Hi.” Addie greeted back, trying to sound friendly, but she wasn’t really that good with meeting new people.

“One problem with mer folk, their too friendly.” Alex whispered to Addie, once Narissa was introducing herself to Kayne.

“But we’re safe here?” Addie whispered back, she didn’t want to seem rude to the girl who was friendly enough to let them burst through and just stay here.

“As friendly as they are, they wouldn’t let the Metrix breathe.”

“What about Kessie? We’ll rescue her, right?”

“Eventually. As long as she keeps her key with her, she’ll be safe.” Alex assured her, there was no way that he would allow anything to happen to a Keeper, never mind his friend.


Kessie looked up - and lost her breath.

Eyes. Blue eyes. Except they weren't just blue, they were a shade Kessie couldn't describe. The only place shed seen a blue like that was in winter, when the sun rose late, at the precise instant of dawn. Then, she had glimpsed an unbelievable, luminous colour, which had lasted only a second before fading to the ordinary blue of the sky.

No boy should have eyes as dauntingly blue as that, it seemed unnaturally exotic, in the most imaginable way possible, like he had just stepped in from a different world.

Oh, right, yeah... Kessie thought coldly, snapping back to reality.

But even as she did so, she couldn't help but risk another glimpse of his eyes, as she did, they seemed to swirl dangerously, turning into a dull midnight blue. Like a starless sky.

Kessie looked away, taking in her surroundings; it was like a typical 'bad guy' hideout in the movies, the throne the blue eyed man was sat on was large platform made from what looked like metal, behind it, was what Kessie now noticed was a sleeping black dragon, her tail curled around the throne.

This time the brunette didn't stare blankly in shock, this time, she got up, much to the warriors protest. They placed two firm hands on her shoulders, one each. The blue eyed man lazily raised a hand, and the warriors removed their hands, allowing Kessie to stand freely.

She took a cautious step forward, seeing if she would be restrained. She wasn't. She walked cautiously closer to the sleeping dragon, her breathing controlled. She had always been taught not to let animals smell your fear.

When the girl was a meter away, the dragon let out a low rumble, which Kessie could feel to the bones, making her uneasy. She stopped dead, soaking in all that she could in the dim light of her surroundings. The dragons scales seemed to soak in all the light, not reflect it, which made her seem even darker. As Kessie continued to gaze at the beast, it lazily opened an eye, looking like it was reading Kessie.

The brunette girl couldn't help but notice how sad the dragon looked, it looked pitiful and helpless, it made Kessie want to cry. This magnificent beast was meant to be free, yet something was trapping it.

"She’s beautiful." Kessie whispered suddenly.

The boy glanced at her, his pupils dilating; he smiled softly and nodded his head. "She is." Though that was all that he seemed to be going to say, and Kessie wanted answers.

"Who are you?"

Silence hung in the air, and the smile on the boy's face dropped and turned into a frown. "Let me ask you that question, then i may consider giving you an answer."

" name is...Kestrel." she lied, she had a feeling that she couldn't trust this man, there was just something about him that she couldn't trust. Something dangerous.

"Then my name is Rain Incendia, pleasure to meet you, Kestrel."

The dragon growled again.

Something clicked in Kessie's head, she knew that name.

"You're Alex's brother." It wasn't a question. Rain blinked; he looked surprised, but Kessie didn't know why. Now that she thought of it, Alex and this boy shared a remarkable similarity, but Rain was clearly older, his hair was shorter, and he was slightly more tanned.

"How is he?"

"He's...good...I guess."

Rain smiled again, leaning forwards in his throne. "I miss my brother; I may visit soon before the war."

"War?" Kessie cut him off, taking another step towards the boy; the guards took a step towards her, their masked faces suddenly looking more threatening.

“Careful, Kestrel.” She stopped, frightened by what she sensed in him. Looking into his eyes, she saw something so alien, so terrifying, she couldn’t move, and yet it seemed familiar to her. It was then, at last, that she believed what was happening.

Full realisation of what had happened on the previous days, and what this boy was planning to do, crashed into her. The young man in front of her was going to start a war. A war of the worlds.


“Trevanian! Prepare a feast for my friends.” The purple haired mer girl clapped, out of both happiness and in commanding. The blue finned merman swam through the large doors, not saying a word.

The three humans had been shown all the palace grounds; including the princesses own seahorse sanctuary. It was taking a lot out of Adeline; she couldn’t sit here and now have a feast when a keeper, a friend, was in potential danger.

Kayne and Alex seemed to be enjoying the company of such a beautiful, happy girl. Weather it was genuine or just politeness Addie couldn’t tell, either way, she didn’t like how they seemed to have forgotten about Kessie altogether.

“Here, sit.” Narissa handed Addie a glass of purple mixture, which went from purple to lilac to white, with the white at the top. She wasn’t given a spoon, so proceeded to take a sip. A burst of flavours exploded in her mouth, not all of them nice. Some reminded her of walnuts, and others of tomatoes.

Narissa led the three to a table that was large enough to only fit four people on. As they were seated, Narissa started a polite conversation to Alex about how the kingdoms were living nicely together. Addie sat patiently waiting for the meal; she guessed that it was about six o’clock, in the earth world, so she had three more hours to get home, before someone suspected anything.
“I believe that Incendia has fallen to the Necris.” Alex said solemnly, it was hard for him, to lose his kingdom and maybe even his family in such small time.
“If they are starting a war, we have no choice but to fight back. However, I believe that you should speak to my father.” Narissa was suddenly so serious, it was hard to
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