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patiently at the back of the room began to move.
"The salad's alive!?" Kessie’s eyes widened in surprise, if the salad was alive, she would rather starve then eat it.
"What’s a salad?" Rain asked, slightly embarrassed.
"Chef, make some vegetables for the lady." his eyes remained on hers "so kestrel, where are you from?"
"Necris." she said, she had planned that answer out, it was the kingdom that she knew most about, even though it wasn't much.
"You’re a Necraisian," he said with interest "how odd, I thought they weren't allowed to Terra, but you seem familiar with the food." he used the Ancient Latin word for earth, making Kessie remember how primeval her fear had been of him.
"There was a merchant passing by my village, he had food from the door of... McDonalds." she didn't take her eyes off his, she had learned how to lie from her brother, he'd taught her pretty much everything that she knew which she knew she shouldn't know.

"Fascinating, it sounds so exotic." weather he believed her was hard to tell, but he did sound interested.
A man with a White hat came and placed something in front of Kessie, it was green, which she would have expected from salad, with different multi-coloured pieces in it. Kessie guessed that they were different vegetables.
"So it is a good destination?" Rain asked, eager to keep the conversation going.
"Oh, defiantly, very big, very good." Kessie replied absentmindedly before taking a cautious but of the green salad. It tasted like normal salad, if you ignored the dressing, which was a little too weak for her liking.
"Do you think it could fit a palace?" the image crossed the brunettes mind and she resisted the urge to laugh.
"I don't believe so, to be honest." she said before taking another bite of an unfamiliar vegetable.
"You know, you seem classier now kestrel." Rain said as he looked at her, his intense gaze never leaving her.
Kessie looked up from her plate and smiled with a mouth full, "totally." came her muffled reply.

Kessie had guessed that by the time they had finished eating it would be time to sleep. As they came to a door rain stopped.
"Goodnight kestrel. My day was just a little less dull than normal." he smiled, anyone could tell that he meant it even though it didn't reach his eyes. Not one of his emotions did.
"Glad a prisoner could help." Kessie replied sarcastically as she smiled politely at him.
"Ah," he laughed lightly "you are no longer a prisoner, think of yourself as a valued guest." this was the excuse that Kessie had been waiting for.
"So I can leave?" in the long run, it was a long shot, and Kessie knew it, but it was still worth a try.
"Well, you can walk around, as long as you don't go through a door." it was a start, one that Kessie swore to use to her advantage.
"ok." the brunette replied simply as she walked up to a door, it was normal, she could tell. "Ooh, look, I'm walking through a door." the girl laughed as she closed the door behind her, she was going to make Rain let her go, even if it killed her.

"It’s you again!" Kessie exclaimed as she saw the figure in front of her. She had unknowingly walked outside, it was dark and there was a heat given off something that also held a red glow. It was a volcano or several together, Kessie couldn't tell. She could tell that they were beautiful though.
"Aren’t you meant to be inside?" Kai asked ignoring her sudden outburst. He waited patiently before tapping her on the shoulder; she spun round, taking her eyes off the flowing lava in the distance.
"Are you trying to escape?" he tried again, not taking his hand off her shoulder.
"Yes actually." she replied in a know it all voice. Kai smirked at her and ran his hand down her arm to take her hand. For a moment Kessie thought he was going to take her back to Rain until he led her away from the palace.
"Then follow me."
There were no trees or any other plants for that matter, only black rock that was glowing red at places. Every now and then Kessie would see a dragon flying above. Maiden led Kessie up to a door that was made from dark brown wood with symbols etched into it.
"Kaiden?" Kessie asked once they stopped in front of the door. "Can I ask who you are?" her voice was subtle, trying not to break the peacefulness around them.
"I'm Kaiden." he replied with a smile. It wasn't what Kessie wanted; after all she already knew his name.
"Surname?" after a moment of hesitation Kaiden's eyes turned to look at the floor and he let go of Kessie’s hand.
"Necris." shock crossed Kessie’s face as she looked at the young man in front of her, who would not meet her eyes.
"Your royalty?" she guessed that all royalty had the surname of their kingdom, so it only made sense to assume that this was the case here too.
"Crown prince, actually." he smiled sadly, and the girl in front of him wondered what had caused this sudden change of mood.
"Why are you here?"
"Rain had my family." Kessie instantly regretted asking, she could only imagine how be must be feeling.
"we can get them out, just come with me." she wanted to comfort him, Kessie had lost her father, she had had her mother and brother to help her get through it, she couldn't imagine losing all of them.
"I can't," he smiled sadly at her "I must stay here."
Kessie tilted her head to the side; rain must be using his family to get to Kaiden, that wasn't fair.
"For the war. You'll see Kessie." he said, all sadness gone from his voice, he looked determined, and at that moment Kessie swore that she would do everything in her power to help him.
She looked at the door and ran her fingertips across one of the symbols; it had a large semicircle joined by its back with a smaller semicircle, and in the larger one was a dot.
As she touched it, the symbol flashed orange, before raiding to blue and disappearing again.
"Where does this door lead?" before she got an answer the door was pulled open and she was thrown inside. I guess that means he doesn’t know.

Kessie slipped at the sudden change of terrain and... Came face to face with a masked man. Kessie remembered the smell of him, and instantly recognised him as a metrix warrior. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, making her wonder what was really behind that mask.
"Come on you." it said, its foul breath filling Kessie’s lungs.

Once they were back in the palace, Kessie started to pay attention again, she didn't want to know what rain would do if he found out she had tried to escape, let alone if he knew that Kaiden helped her.
The brunette looked up to meet a pair of impossibly blue eyes, the owner was lying back in a chair, his feet slung over one arm rest and his back supported by the other.
"Found her in Incendia my liege."
Rain smirked at her, making her cheeks heat.
"busted." he said simply, letting out a low chuckle.
"I was only looking for my bedroom. It's not my fault if doors aren't labelled." it was such a stupid excuse, she wondered absentmindedly if rain actually bought it.
"You’re obviously not responsible enough to have your own room. You shall sleep here now kestrel." her eyebrows shot up in shock, this wasn't what she expected.
"ok." this time it was rains turn to raise his eyebrows; "only if I get the bed." rains eyebrows slowly came back down as he stood up. He motioned for the guard to leave; it did so without saying a word.
Now that they were alone, Kessie realised what she had agreed to, he kept peoples family's hostage to get them to do what he wanted, Kessie was sure he wouldn't have a problem with hurting her too.
He walked slowly over to her, his eyes dark, loose strands falling into them. He stopped only centimetres away from Kessie, looking directly into her eyes. Her stomach flipped at the proximity of it. She hadn't been this close to a boy before, well, not one that wasn't related.
Rain leaned in slowly, running both hands from her shoulders to her wrists, where he grabbed them. Kessie was too shocked to scream as he backed her up to the wall. The brunette knew that she was getting dizzy, yet her mind was totally clear. It wasn't normal.
"Stop... Stop it." she said, her voice shaking. Her hearing was starting to go fussy and sounds came to her muffled and quieter. The girl tried her best to breathe but her breaths were coming out in short, desperate gasps. She knew she was losing consciousness, rain was doing something to her, and she could protect herself.
Finally Kessie closed her eyes, as she did so; her last thought was that she had to protect herself.
It was too late when rain noticed it, Kessie had begun to glow, and a black energy was surrounding her. Rain stood dumbfounded as the black energy began to pulse and grow larger. In one large explosion it blasted outward, causing rain to be thrown to the floor. The last of the energy remained around Kessie long enough for her to be placed softly on the floor.
"Rain..." Kessie whispered as she lost all consciousness, the boy in front of her looked down, his eyes now as clear as glaciers and as blue as the sky at Dawn.
"Who are you?" he asked.


The next morning Addie planned to leave early, hoping that Narissa would notice. When it turned out that she was already awake, Addie was thoroughly disappointed.
So as they walked through the door to Fulgoris Addie wasn't in the best of moods, already annoyed at Narissa.
"Where are we going?" she asked, she wasn't only annoying Addie, but also Alex. Addie thought that Kayne must be immune as he doesn’t seem to be annoyed in the slightest. Narissa had her hair tied up and had a long purple tee over some black riding trousers.
"Were looking for someone." Alex said frustratedly. He continued walking along the busy road, ignoring the dirty looks he received from other people. It wasn't often that other-worlders came to Fulgoris.
"Were here on business. Well stop when Alex wants us to." Addie explained for the millionth time before Narissa even got the chance to ask if they could stop and rest.
"I could stay here with Kayne." Narissa offered but everyone including Kayne refused.
"Oh stop you complaining." everyone turned round to see a hooded figure, obviously female, standing behind them. By the look of her clothing she was from Fulgoris, but Alex knew better.
"Who are you?" he asked, purposely ignoring her jibe at Narissa.
"Name’s Zitora, I've been following you since you came here. Hear lube been looking for me." Alex smirked, impressed with what he saw, she was as good as people said.
"You’re the princess from metrix, the keeper? You’re meant to be dead." Kayne said bluntly, not caring who he might insult.
"Keepers are immortal once they've accepted the change and reached full maturity." Alex informed, not bothering to look at him. This news took Addie by surprise; she wasn't going to be able to die?
"w-what? You mean I can't... We won't grow together?" tears pricked in the corners of her eyes, and forced to spill out completely
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