» Fantasy » My Owner, Collet devocour [ebook reader wifi .TXT] 📗

Book online «My Owner, Collet devocour [ebook reader wifi .TXT] 📗». Author Collet devocour

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again. I went up stairs to her room. I opened the door and saw autumn sleeping peacfully on the bed . She suddenly opened her eyes .She saw me their standing.The sun hit her golden blond hair making it look more beautiful .

" I was just checking if you where okay I thought you where sick or something " I told her.

" I'm fine its just I went hunting outside and I wnt to sleep late " ,she said.

Hunting ?

" Okay I'll wait for you in the garden so we can eat breakfeast out there " , I told her .

" Okay " ,She said her voice sounded sleepy their was a small glow in her eyes.

I turned around and left the room. As I walked downstairs I felt her thoughts.Their was a thought that unleashed hell through me she was thinking about Lucian. Lucian is such a gentle man she thout. Gentle man, Lucian was everything but a gentle man. If autumn knew him well she would know that.I waited for her downstairs when she came down she looked beautiful her hair looked like a cascade of gold.We sat down and ate.

" Damen remember you told me I could go out as long as I came back ", She said.

" Yeah why ", I asked.

" Its becuase i'm going out with someone today like at five", I said .

She was going out but with who ?

" Who are you going out with ?", I asked.

" Lucian ", she answered .

Hell unleashed through me .

" You are not going out with him I forbid it ", I barked at her.

Rage flashed through her .

" You can't tell me who to go out with", She said.

" You barley know him and besides I control you and your will I own you ",I shouted at her.

" You're just a stuck up son of a bitch "she screamed in my face.

I went white and slapped her face so hard she fell of her chair .She got up and launched at me she scrached my face blood ran down my face . I grabbed her neck and pinned her to the floorshe kicked me in the private parts . She got a knife and stabbed my arm . I got her by the hair and slammed her head on the table she fell unconsious Blood fell from her head . I realized
I had hit her to hard .

" Clean up this mess " I shouted at the maids . I picked her up and carried her to her room. I tried to wake her up but I couldn't. I started to worry . I called Victor he was a vampire doctor .

" Damen what happened to her she very injured ", Victor said.

"What do you mean very injured she's a vampire she'll heal ", I told him.

" Its not that simple Damen her body might heal but she suffered a very bad head injury . When she might wake up I'm not sure , but what happened to her ", He asked again .

" She fell down from the stairs " I lied.

" Well we are going to have to wait until she wakes up ", He said.

" Okay " ,I said .

Three weaks had passed and autumn still hasn't woken up . I myself had other probloms their had been many werewolf attacks in the last few weaks I had to deal with them after all I was the strongest vampire .

" What are you going to do about the werewolfs your majesty ", asked one of the council members .

" I will send some vampires to deal with them ", I said.

I left the meeting as soon as it was over. Autumn mother had been very worried when I told he and so where her sisters Liana, Rebecca ,and Emily.

" So has she woken up " ,Lucian asked me when I was about to get in my car.

" It is none of your concern Lucian "I growled .

I drove away fast . Autumns nurse was waiting for me outside.

" Is something wrong with her ", I asked .

" No not at all its actually good news the girl has woken up but she's weak she can barley stand up she needs blood", She said.

I was actually happy to hear she was a awake I went up stairs to see her.I entered the room and saw her sitting up she looked at me with so much hatred and rage I could've sworn she wanted to kill me.

" What do you want", She hissed.

" I just wanted to see how you were ", I said.

" Well how the hell do you think I am , I've been unconsious for three fuckin weaks ",She shouted angrily.

I was startled by her anger her rage was suprising.

" I'm sorry ",I told her.

" No your not all I wanted to do before I fell unconsious was to kill you I was just faking to be okay but nothing has been okay becuase I hate you", She kept on shouting .

I said nothing and left knowing she was saying the truth I noticed she was tryingo real hard to be around me but I never said anything before the fight that had left her unconsious.
Chapter 4


I had been shocked when Damen forbided me to go out with Lucian the fight was so big I had been knocked out. When Damen came in I had let out all the restrained anger and frustration. If Damen thought that saying sorry was going to make me forgive him he was wrong .I wished I had stayed unconsious for eternity . I had told him I hated him and that I wanted him dead wich was true , but I had also felt other feelings for him feelings I just couldn't describe I was just growing confused . I had to concentrate the only feelings I should feel for him are hatred and discust.I fell asleep.

Suddenly I heard growls but wolf growls i got up and saw some where wols surrounding the house . Damen burst in the door.

" Autumn we have to go ", Damen said.

Dang it I could barley walk it had taken all my will power to get up.

" Never mind ", he sighed .

Damen picked me up and carried me down stairs quickly.

" Damen put me down ", I ordered.

" Shut up they'll here us ", He said.

" Oh the great dark prince is scared of a bunch of over grown dog I thought you where suppose to be strong", I mocked.

I saw the look he gave me I thought he was going to throw me but he didn't. I felt his strong muscles and for a vampire he was really warm .

" Look I would fight them but you can barley walk ". He told me.

He was quick and in a flash we were in the car.He drove us away very fast the wolf were following us. One was in front of the road but Damen ran over him.

" Wait here ", Damen said getting out of the car.

Damen began fighting with the wolfs I saw more coming from behind. One wolf broke the door off and was about to kill me but I shoved him off and ran. I was suprised my feet actually moved.The wolf got on top of me I tried to fight him but he was to big .Suddenly I saw Lucian he got the wolf of me by killing him .He helped me up. I was startled when he put a hand around my waist .

" Thankyou ", I told him.

" No problom , but are you okay ", he asked me .

" Yes i'm find "I answered.

I sensed Damens presence behind us we turned around at the same tim I saw rage in his eyes.

" You can let go of her now Lucian she can stand up by herself ", Damen said .

" No she can't Damen she hasn't had any blood ", Lucian argued.

I felt somebody else's presence.

" How did you get so fast here Lucian ?", Jason asked.

Jason had dark brown hair and brown green eyes.

" What took you so long ?," asked Lucian.

" Their where more wolf baaack at crystals mansion so I helped her out ", Jason said grinning I not knowing why.

Lucian kept his hand around my waist Damen kept on looking at Lucian as if he where going to kill him.

" Did you call the death dealers ?" , Damen asked Jason.

" Yeah they came but they where late no one died though ", Jason said.

" Well we should get going , tell the others were going to meet at transylvania as soon as possible " Damen said grabbing my wrist.

" Sure ", Jason said.

Lucian gave a growl as Damen pulled me away from him . Jason and Damen looked at him but he said nothing.

" Thanyou Lucian again ", I told him.

Damen and I left in his airplane to Trasylvania. Eventually I fell asleep thinking about Lucian and how he had saved me .


I was shocked when I saw Lucians hand around Autumns waist but most of all how could she have let Lucian do that that made her look like the kind of girl that was easy to get which I knew she wasn't.The flight was over we were here in transylvania my real home the place I was born. I didn't want to wake Autumn up so I picked her up . I laid her in my old bed and looked at her face she seemed inoccent but she was just another vampire girl who I could easily hurt she was easier than the others becuase I owned her I owned her will I owned her soul.

I would take care of

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