» Fantasy » My Owner, Collet devocour [ebook reader wifi .TXT] 📗

Book online «My Owner, Collet devocour [ebook reader wifi .TXT] 📗». Author Collet devocour

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Chapter 7


It had been two hours since Damen had left. I knew Lucian had kicked his ass it kinda made me happy to know that. I puut some jeans and a sweater becuase I wanted to go out. Suddenly low growls wher comeing everywhere from outside the house . I checked to see what it was and to my shock their where wolves everywhere around the house! Their where about thirty wolf surrounding me.

" Where is the dark prince ", One of them said in a very scratchy voice.

This wolf was bigger than the others he was the alpha I could almost assure it.I said nothing but one wolf kept on staring at me . Their where to many I couldn't take them all out.I fetl as if I knew the wolf that kept on staring at me the eyes seemed familar.It seemed as if the wols was arguing with the one I thought I knew.

I started to run like hell was behinmd me I was quck but the wolves where also fast . I glanced behind me and saw that the wolfs where getting closer and closer . Damn it was near Damen no I had to go the other way they would find him if not eventhough he made fun of me I still loved him.

One of them got me and put a huge paw on my chest pinning me to the floor I tried to fighgt him of but it was no use it scratched my face I saw some vampire guards coming . I saw the eyes and I recognized him it was Edmund a guy who had asked me out and I said no .

" Edmund ", I said in a week voice before passing out.


I was at the celebration with crystal at my side when th guards came.

" My lord it was the wolves they surounded your house and they also took the girl that lives with you.", said one of the guards.

" What how could this happen did you not check around for the wolves ", I shouted .

Why had the wolves taken autumn? Was she even alive ? Many questions ran through my mind and I didn't have any answers .

" Search for the wolves everywhere I will personaly join the search ", I said.

" I will to help ", Lucian said.

Not only him many nobles and royals said they where going to search for the wolves. Autumn hadn't led the wolfs here thankfully . We stopped the celebration. I gatherd thing up and searched through town and through the forest finding nothing . Hours passed it was about four in the morning and nothing . We were about to give up hope but then we came near a very old mansion wolfs where guarding it .

I climbed up the tree and spotted Autumn .

" So babe you where a vampire intresting ", Said a guy to autumn as if he knew her.

The guys hand began to travel up her leg Autumn tried to pull away. I sensed Lucians precence near me . He wanted to kill the guy and so did I .

" We could have a little fun ", He suggested.

" Not in this life ", she said .

" Bitch ", He said wiping his face.

She got up quickly getting a knife from the table stabbing the guy on the neck.Sh jumped out of the window . The Wolves followed her. She kept on running.

" Hurry kill them all " ,I said to the noble guards.

I saw Autmns face she looked tired and weak she was about to faint but I cuaght her. Blood spilled out of her mouth she was breathing fast.

" I will kill you for killing my son ", said the alpha wolf said leaving with half of his pack the guard followed them but they left no sign.

I took Autumn back to the house I laid her on the couch . She woke up and was about to go.

" You should rest you lost a lot of blood ", I told her.

" I'm fine ", she said and left.


I was everything but fine . My body hurted and so did my face. I had killed Edmund an alphas son. I knew the alpha would want revenge he had made that clear before he left in the mean time I was stuck her with Damen and being his servant.

Chapter 8


I packed the little clothe I had and went ouside my room where Damen was waiting for me. Damen bited me alot and well I could read his thought , I never told him I could but it was strange becuase I could only read him.

" Are you done already you took a long time", he said.

" Sorry ", I told him.

" I thought you where anxious to go back to california ", He said.

" I am but I won't be able to see anyone I know ", I said .

" Why no " ,he asked .

" Remember you forbided me to go out or to anyone ", I said .

" Oh yes I did that when you tried to stake me ", He said.

I said nothing as we drove through the green forest . I found Damen staring at me.I didn't look at his face ever since I told him I loved him I had been ashamed of myself .

" Keep your eyes on the road Damen, and stop mocking me already I get it ", I said.

" I drive perfectly find and I'm not mocking you I was just looking at you ", He said as he drove.

" Well stop looking at me I don't like it ", I barked at him.

" Fine don't get all pissy on me", He said

We drove our way silently to the airport .I got on the plane . Good ridence I thought when I was on the plane.

" You're mocking my birth country by thinking that ", He said.

" When are you going to stop reading my thoughts " ,I said .

" I'll stop when ever I feel like it ", he snapped.

" Damen can I ask you a question ", I asked.

" What kind of question " He asked me.

" Personal ", I told him.

" Okay ", He said .

" If you are over four-thousend years old why haven't you aged more I mean no offence you are old as this earth", I told him.

Annoyance and anger flashed through his eyes.

" Look I haven't aged becuase I don't want to and I am not as old as this earth ", He snapped.

" Well where you alive when dinosours where around ", I asked him.

I bit my lip from laughing but I failed. I was cracking up when I felt Damens rage.

" Just shut the hell up", He said.

I stayed quiet not becuase he told me but becuase I remembered my friend. I missed the beach and the warm sun another reason I didn't like transylvania was becuase it was always foggy . The only thing I didn't miss from california where my aunts I hoped I didn't run into them.

Suddenly Damen asked" Why don't you like your aunts ?".

" Becuase they used to treat me like their bitch ", I snapped.

I wasn't lying my aunts would make me clean their house paint hteir nails and cook. those things where the reason I didn't mind being a maid it was as if I had already been .

" Why do you care anyways " I asked.

" I care becuase they said they had hired a maid so you wouldn't do anything , liers ", He said.

I stayed quiet and remembered my friends and my botfriend. I wish I could see them right now but I couldn't.We were finalley in Califorina . We got off the airp,lane silently .

" I expect everything to be the same like when we where in Translyvania ", Damen said.

I nodded.We where driving right by my house well the place that used to be my house .

" Autumn Aliania wants to see you I told her she could , she wasn't very happy when I told her what you did ",He said .

I winced when he told me Aliania wanted to see me she would probably lecture me like a little girl and slap me .

" I will be there when she speaks to you" , Damen told me.

I read his thoughts and knew he wanted to tell me something.

" What do you want to tell me ", I blurted out.

Damn it he would probably notice I read his mind . What was I going to do .

" How did you know I wanted to tell you some thing ", He asked.

I stayed quiet knowing that if I spoke more he would soon find out . I also blocked my thoughts.

" Did you just block your thoughts ", He asked in a shocked voice .

Still I said nothing .

" Fine when we get to the apartment you will explain everything

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