» Fantasy » My Owner, Collet devocour [ebook reader wifi .TXT] 📗

Book online «My Owner, Collet devocour [ebook reader wifi .TXT] 📗». Author Collet devocour

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behind the door opening it when I sunk my teeth into her neck. I felt Lucians shock
his anger grew stronger becuase he could here Autumns moans of plesure I was satisfied . Autumn turned around and saw Lucian . Her ayes filled with shock.

" Lucian I- I can explain please ", She called after him.

She followed him but Lucian ignored her.Then he stoppedand turned around.

" Damen took the only thing I wanted from you wich was your blood , you are no use to me any more ",He said coldly .

Tears came outof her eyes as Lucian left. She ran up to her room slamming the door.I went to my own bedroom knowing I should feel happy knowing that Autumn wasn't going to see Lucian anymore but I felt no happiness.I had ended Lucians short relation ship with Autumn.I fell asleep knowing that when I woke up it wasn't goinng to be easy.


Shock and shame had filled me up when Lucian saw Damen taking my blood. I was going to kill him. I quietly went to his weapon room and got a stalk. I never really looked around thhe house but I maneged to find Damens room it was painted in a dark gray . Their was a table the view was nice you could see the dark green trees. Damen laid on the bed peacfully . I pounced on him waking him up.

" What are you doing here he said ",He said eyeing the stalk.

I didn't ansewr him I acte stalking him . I ran out of the house into the forest knowing it was a stupid thing becuase their werent many places to hide in transylvania .I finaley came near a girl who seemed to be at least fifteen years old.She had coal black hair and very dark brown eyes that remindid me of a treem branch she had a cute doll face.
" Hello ", She said in a kind soft voice.
" Hello " I said .

" Are you lost , my name is amelia pepole call me amy " Amy said.

" Hi amy my name is Autumn and yes I'm lost ",I said .

" I can help you ", She said.

" Really, thanks ", I said to her smiling.

As we walked down the forset I asked "Do you live around here",.

" Yes my house is near the town ", She said.

The girl asked a lot of questions wich I had to answer with lies. We finaley made it into town . The town was small and the way it looked was like tecnology never exsisted here like years hadn't passed. My heart ached for Damen I had killed him a person who I loved the vampire who owned me was dead and I had killed him. I felt a tear come out of my eye .

"Are you okay ", Amy asked.

" Yes I am do you know somewhere I could stay ", I asked her.

" Yes their an inn here I can take you"She said softly.

" Thankyou very much for helping me " I told her.

" No problom glad I could help you ", She said.

She led me to an inn it wasn't fancy but it was nice.

" Thanks ",I said.

Amy left and said if I needed help or anything to go to her house. I got a romm it was nice but I felt sad as if I made the worst mistake in my life. Why was I crying if I had killed Damen becuase I wanted to be free I wanted him to stop drinking my blood ,but I was stupid enough to have fallen in love with him . I had never fallen in love so he was my first love. Damen had been right about Lucian he only wanted my blood and he wanted to sleep with me.

I fell into a deep sleep thinking about Damen .


Rage and pain flashed through my body thankfully Autumn hadn't penetrated the stake to much becuase it would have pierced my heart and I would burts into flames. I pulled the stake out. Shit. Their was a piece of wood stuck in me. My hands where covered in blood. Oh when I find that bitch I was going to make her pay dearly I might even kill her if I find her right now . How did she find a stake? She probably found it in my weapon room I forgot to lock it.

I had to call victor I had never been so weak in my life I could barley stand up. I called Victor and told him what was wrong he told me he would be here immediatly . I saw him and he wasn't alone he was with Lucian , Jason crystal ,and other vampires including Autumns parents. I heard them come in the mansion.Victors eyes where filled with horror .

" Who did this Damen? ", He asked.

" It doesn't matter just take the damned piece of wood off already",I growled.

As victor got his things out I called for the guard to come out .

" What do you wish sire ", Said the guard.

" I want all of you to go look for the girl that used to live with me here bring her to me in

wich ever cost she might be in town check all the inns", I ordered.

" Yes sire ", one said .

Once they left some council members entered and so did Lucian .

" My Lord who did this ", asked William .

William had been a close friend of my father . Father had been killed by dark hunters centuries ago.

" It was the girl that used to live with you was in it ? ", asked another one.

" No it coudn't be ", Said Shiara .

" Why not ", Asked william.

" It wasn't her some dark hunters where here and we were attacked ", I lied .
Victor gave me a look that said he knew I was lying.

" Then if it wasn't her where is she ", Lucian asked.

" Shes in town ", I said .

" I will send the others to check the area around ", said autumns father.
I nodded .

" We should let Damen rest now ", Victor said.
They left . Sooner or later I would have Autumn in my grasp she had gone to far this time.


I had to find a way to get out of town what if the others found out I killed Damen they would probably kill me. I had asked someone to tell me if their was a way to get out of Translyvania but they said I should wait for the bus . I knew I didn't have much time . I didn't bother to check if Damen was alive becuase I knew I thrust the stake into his heart . I needed to be somewhere where I could clear my mind and my feeling . I decided to walk in the forest. I cleared my thought and thought about what I had done and how much I regreted it . I regreted killing Damen.

I knew Damen had been right about Lucian . I had never forseen this moment .I heard sound many foots step . Then many guys apeared they surrounded me.

" You must come with us our lord Damen ordered us to bring you to him by will or force ", One of the guys said.

I gasped did , did he say Damen.

" Damen is alive ?, I asked.

" Yes ", One said.

My heart started beating real fast . I wanted to see him but I knew he was going to kill me that probably all he wanted to do. I started to run but they where to fast and their where many. One caught me by the neck .

" You're coming with us ", Said a guy with black eyes.

" Okay ", I gave up.

We walked through the forest until we came to the mansion . I saw Damen waiting in the living room.


I saw the vampire guards with autumn I knew they where efficient .

" Leave us ", I told them .

I saw fear in her eyes .

" You have all right to fear me ", I told her.

She said nothing. I got and bit her I was going to drain her dry .Tears came out of her eyes ..You went to far I said to her in my mind . I could feel her heart it was beating very fast . I knew in a few moments she would be dead .

" Damen I love you ", She gasped .

Shock filled through me did she just say she loved me . I let her go she fell on the ground but she was still awake.She was breathing fast.

" What you can't be serious you tried to kill me and now you tell me you love me ", I growled at her .

I got her by the wrist and pulled her against the wall making her look at my eyes.

" Tell me now looking at me in the eyes ", I ordered .

I didn't know why I was doing this. Was it becuase maybe I did love her maybe I did care for her .

" Yes Damen I love you and I regret stakeing you", she said.

I laughed at her .

" Awe look at you ,you just said you love me I expected you not to be so easy to get to but I was wrong", I said.

I knew I was hurting her but I didn't care she deserved it she derved more than that.

" If you think I'm going to love you back you are wrong and stupid . Get this clear I will never love you. Your a fuckin basterd and I'm a prince ", I laughed.

Tears slid down her face. I through her week body against the room. I was full of rage that I might kill her .

" Go ahead Damen kill me, I perfer to die than to feel this for yo ", she shouted .

" I would kill you but if I did the other would find out you where the one who almost killed me they would think I am week ", I barked at her .

I slapped her so hard blood came out of he mouth.

I got her up and led her to the celler .

" You're goingto stay here just like you deserve", I said.
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