Sunrise or Midnight, Kate Brown [miss read books txt] 📗

- Author: Kate Brown
Book online «Sunrise or Midnight, Kate Brown [miss read books txt] 📗». Author Kate Brown
We were running and Lynn kept screaming, William kept telling us to keep going don't stop all I could hear was the howling Lynn screamed again I wanted to cry they were gonna kill us I just knew it.
"Will I can't keep running I'm tired"
"You have too, we have to get Lynn out"
"I know I'll do all I can"
Then William just stopped and just turned around.
"William no" I screamed
"Go don't stop get Lynn out of here.
I turned and grabbed Lynn's hand and pulled she just cried. Then we just left Will behind. I felt so bad but he was right I had to get Lynn out she was our little sister.
I ran to Buck and grabbed the gun. I followed the screaming the I saw a hole I almost smiled I whistled Buck trotted over to me I grabbed rope and threw it down the hole. I just jumped in and ran right into one of those things I just cocked the gun and shot it close range I got sprayed by all the blood, I heard a scream and I stepped over the werewolf I guess that is what it was. Then I took off running my legs were moving so fast and I could see everything. I ran right into two girls, they screamed so loud I grabbed them and ran back to the hole.
"You must be May and Lynn. I need you guys to get up that rope and get up the tree that's out there. I need to know where William is"
"He stayed behind so we could get out"
"Where which way" She pointed and I took off
I was running so fast then I heard him, his heart beat was so soft it scared me I found him laying on the ground he was covered in blood I fell down next to him and grabbed him in my arms I stood up he was heavy but I didn't care I took off running.
"Will hold on you have to make it"
His eyes opened and he smiled, I smiled back then all his cuts and everything started to heal and the bleeding stopped. I kept running while watching the cuts heal I got to the hole and I jumped up out of it.
"Get my first aid stuff now"
"I'm fine Midnight, they are healing I don't know how I blacked out after I hit my head"
"Are you sure"
"Yea I'll be fine, or at least I will be"
I grabbed Buck and grabbed the food and gave it to Will, May and Lynn they ate almost all of it which was good. I sat there and looked around making sure we were safe that they were safe. I could hear them moving below us and I heard some talking fighting how they wanted the captives back. I stood up then and stretched.
"Midnight where are you going" Will sat up
"I'm gonna go look at some stuff, You guys take Buck back home get there stay safe and lock the doors ok, I'm gonna finish this"
"Midnight you don't have to do this" Will tried to sit up and failed
"I'm sorry but I'm not letting anything happen to you guys or anyone else I'm gonna go take a look at what's down there"
"I'll go with you" he tried to get up again and failed again
"No I got to do this myself you almost dead down there and that is not gonna happen again"
I walked away toward the hole and didn't look back and jumped in they were all around me the second my feet hit the ground. I just stood the and pointed down the tunnel and started to walk toward the end of the tunnel I could hear them following me which was good well I hope so anyways.
"So why exactly do you guys do what you do"
"Because we were here first" one of them said
"Well that's cool"
"What are you, you don't smell right"
"You know if I knew do you think I would freak out every time my eyes did this" I made my eyes turn
A couple of them chuckled at me, I just smiled.
"So where were you born"
"No idea don't remember, my dad would but he's long gone"
"Well that sucks, So when do you bloom"
"What the fuck are you talking about bloom"
Chapter 9
I finally was able to get up with Lynn and Mayflowers help then got up on Buck which knocked the breath out of me. I gasped May flinched.
"I'm ok"
"You sure"
"Well I'm as good as I'm gonna get for now"
"Are you sure"
"May I'm good ok, I'll be better when Midnight gets out of those tunnels"
"You like her don't you"
"What, oh yea kinda. She's not like anyone else May"
"Yea I can tell bro lets get you home like she said too"
"Yea lets do that, get Lynn up here too"
We got Lynn up on the horse with me and headed toward home. But not before I looked back at that hole. We took off at a trot with May running behind us. We stopped a couple of times to give May a break she finished the water up and we set out again. We got home around 10 to see Midnight leaning up against the barn talking to Adam. Then everyone else ran out of the house to see us Adam and Luke helped Lynn off the horse, I got down slowly and limped over to Midnight.
"Hey how you doing"
"Pretty good, go spend time with your family we will talk later"
"Are you sure"
"Yea I'm sure, I'll come up and see you later"
"You better"
I turned and limped over to my family, my mom gave me a hug, and my dad just smiled. He had May and Lynn under his arms. Adam and Luke helped me up the stairs to my room and I layed carefully on it.
"Do you need anything"
"No Adam I'm good, but thanks"
"Yea no problem get better bro"
"I will"
Adam and Luke left. I layed there for a while then my door opened. I tried to lift my head up but my body hurt so bad the cuts were healing slowly. I smiled when I saw that it was Midnight.
"Hey, it's good to see you're not hurt"
"Yea apparently I don't get hurt easily. How are you feeling"
"I think I broke a couple of ribs because I can't sit up easily"
"I'll get the first aid"
"No I'll be fine just come sit by me" I tapped the bed
She walked toward me she looked completely different but same all at the same time. Her eyes where so dark blue with the silver slits. Her hair was no longer white but pitch black she looked like she was ready to kill someone or something at any moment. She was watching me very carefully when she sat on the bed. I gasped because the bed jolted. Her hands shot out toward me like she wanted to help.
"I'm fine just a little more sore then I thought"
"Yea they told me you would be"
"What do you mean by that"
"I mean I was talking to the wolves and they said you would be hurting real bad. They said you would heal all the way on the next full moon which by the way is in 4 days"
"What are you talking about"
"Never mind it's nothing, we will talk about it later"
I walked those tunnels for about an hour listening to everything the wolves had to say how when I turned 18 I would bloom and how everything would change and the war would begin. I just laughed but then it sunk in and I was sitting there in those tunnels thinking about what they said and I headed out for the house. I got there around 9 I guess the tunnels were all over the state and could get to a place faster then when in a car. I got there and I waited by the barn it was about 10 at night before they came up the drive on Buck. I just stayed where I was and the family came running out.
I went to my room after Will talked to me I got clean clothes out and went and showered, I almost screamed when I got out and saw that my hair was black as night and my eyes where still midnight blue with silver. I didn't want to be like this I wanted my normal and go to school but what it sounded like I would be some kind of god it didn't want that not at all.
I layed on Wills bed and just looked at him he had fallen asleep. His breathing was really shallow every time he took a deep breath he gasped. I wanted to make sure he was gonna make it through the night I believed he could he was strong. I stayed there all night watching him he woke up around 6 covered in sweat breathing fast.
"Are you ok" I grabbed his arms to help him up
"It hurts real bad"
"Come on lets get you to the shower maybe that will help"
I walked him to the bathroom and helped him get undressed he tried to tell me he could do it him self but every time he move he screamed he could barely stand by himself I got undressed myself and got in the shower with him. I held him up while the hot water ran off us his ribs were bruised and he had cuts every where some were healing right there in front of me the bruises were starting to disappear. I wanted to cry they told me this would happen. By the end of the shower he could stand by himself his bruises were all but gone all but a little one right below his rib cage.
"How you feeling now"
"Pretty good how about you" He got out of the shower and stretched all I could hear was bones cracking
"I'm good. It's weird I'm not tired or sore I feel more alive, they said that would happen closer to my birthday",
"Whens your birthday Midnight" he looked really worried now
"One week, May 5th I'll be 18 then I can get out of here and get away from whatever they mean by the war , I don't need that"
"Ok you need to explain to me what is happening"
"A world we don't understand or know are fighting in a war, most people think that they are just reading about people killing other people homicide but really it's the werewolves and witches and any other thing that you thought was a fantasy it's real. And I'm the reason why I guess I got a little bit of everything I'm like they say a hybrid, that I will be able to stop, well at least that is what they are hoping anyway"
"So this war is that why those
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