Sunrise or Midnight, Kate Brown [miss read books txt] 📗

- Author: Kate Brown
Book online «Sunrise or Midnight, Kate Brown [miss read books txt] 📗». Author Kate Brown
"Yea and it's not just the area it's the whole state those tunnels that you were in the run all over the state it's kinda handy"
"Yea handy to steal and kill our family members with"
"No ones dead they are just turned into wolves and are trained for the war unless they die while fighting"
"So what happened down there with you?"
"Nothing really just talked and learned things about my past that I can't remember or don't want to remember. They explained kinda what's gonna happen or at least what they think is gonna happen"
"I'll help you with what ever happens I won't leave you ok"
"I'm not gonna be the only one who is gonna need help William"
I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom and went down to my room I wanted to cry he had no idea what was about to happen to him. When I left the bathroom I could tell that William wanted to follow me but he just stood their and watched me walk away. I sat on my bed then I fell backwards I started to cry and cry I tried to stop but I just couldn't my eyes burned. All I could think about was my part in this world how I could be the key to stopping all of this. There was a soft knock at my door and I shot straight up and wiped my eyes.
"Come in"
"Sorry did I wake you"
"No Lucy you didn't, what's up"
"I just wanted to thank you for risking your life to go and bring William and the others home. I know that you care for William. That's why I'm not gonna ask you to join our family as my daughter I will let Will decide what happens there. But in the mean time I want you live here under mine and my husbands care if that is ok with you that is"
"Lucy I'm surprised you noticed with all the stuff that goes on around here, I'll give you some major credit for being more aware then I thought"
"I also now for a fact that you didn't dye your hair when you were out their in the woods and that your eyes never use to be that color until you came back. I also now that you came out of the tunnels you didn't walk home above ground. Your father said you would be special but I never believed him.
"How do you and Charlie know about my father"
"Oh we tried to get you here when you first got into foster care, but they wanted to keep you close to home, but then we found out that you were way across the country and every time you got moved it was to a different state. It's like they knew you were special and were trying to protect you or hide you"
"But then why didn't they just send me here?"
"Because your mother never trusted us"
"Why didn't she trust you guys?"
"Because she wanted them to find you so she wouldn't have to care for you any more"
"That can't be true, can it, why would my own mother do that to me I was only five. I had no idea what would become of me and I still don't"
"We will help you. Your mother did what she thought would be best for you at the time she only wanted you to grow up in a real home with a real family"
"Yea that didn't work out so well know did it"
"No but it is now and I think that is what matters the most"
"If you think so Lucy"
"I do now why don't you get some sleep, you look like you need it"
Lucy got up off the end of my bed and walked out of my room the door closed with a click. I fell backward on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. So many thing were running through my head. Like how my mother could leave me or how my father really died or why it took me nearly 13 years to get to the foster home I was suppose to be in right away. I sat there and thought about this for a long time before I knew it the sun was shining through my windows. I got up and wondered to the bathroom towel in hand I knocked on the door but no one answered so I walked in. I turned the lights on and there sitting on the toilet was William he just smiled at me.
"What are you doing in here"
"I wanted to see you, plus I figured you didn't sleep at all last night either and would be the getting up to get a shower soon"
"So let me guess you didn't sleep at all last night either"
"Nope I wasn't tired even after all that happened yesterday and the day before"
"Interesting, so what did you want to talk to me about"
"I wanted to know what to expect in a week when you have your birthday. Are you gonna run or are you gonna stay" He looked so sad
"I'm not sure yet, why what would you like me to do"
I shut the door and started to get undressed.
"You want me to leave I can"
"No your fine you saw everything the other night any ways"
"That doesn't mean you want me in here though"
"Your fine if you want to join me you can"
I got in the shower and turned on the water it was cold at first then finally got warm. I felt Williams hands wrap around me from behind I smiled. He kissed the back of my neck then my ear I turned around toward him. We started kissing slow at first then it got faster, he pushed me against the wall of the shower I moaned I could feel his man hood against my vag. I moaned he picked me up I felt it go in I moaned some more it felt so good. We got out of the shower dripping wet he layed me carefully on the floor the sensation was amazing. My body arched toward him I moaned so loud then there was such a wonderful feeling and then there was a knock at the door. I scrambled for my towel, I opened the door and Lynn was standing there.
"Hey Lynn what's up"
"I was just wondering if you were almost done"
"Yea I'll be done in about 10 minutes or so"
"Ok thanks, just come get me when your done"
"Ok I will"
I shut the door and turned toward William he was smiling at me.
"Well that was fun" I smiled back
"Yes it was you might want to finish you shower"
"I will"
William got dressed and left the bathroom so I could finish my shower. I didn't want him to leave but he told me we could go for a ride later. I got done and knocked on Lynn's door she opened her door.
"Hey the bathroom is open"
"Oh thanks"
"Yea no problem"
I walked to my room, I layed down on my bed and looked at my ceiling. Then I heard howling I jumped up so fast and grabbed jeans and a tank top. I didn't even bother putting shoes on I ran out of my room and saw that May Lynn and Hope standing outside of there rooms.
"Get in my room NOW. Just the door lock it and barricade it I don't care with don't come out until I come and get you ok"
"What's going on"
"Just go"
They ran into my room I heard my door slam. I took off as fast as I could the boys were running down the stairs too.
"NO turn around get safe" I screamed
I saw William look at me like he wanted to come with. I just shook my head and took off down the stairs. Lucy and Charlie were waiting at the bottom, they looked sad and worried.
"Charlie get Lucy safe"
I ran out of the house I took off toward the tunnels I ran as hard and fast as I could. I slid into the hole.
Chapter 10
They were dead every where. I ran and ran looking for any survivors their was blood all over the place. I finally stopped and listened I collapsed on the ground and dug my hands into the dirt the ground was talking. I never felt any thing like this before then I heard a very faint heart beat I took off toward it now that I was looking for it I found it easily. I found the wolf whose name was Kota he was a young one still turned five moons ago, he was back in human form he must have taken a lot of damage.
"Kota stay with me ok I'll get you fixed up"
"Midnight they were looking for you they killed everyone just to make sure you weren't hiding among us"
"Kota why would they do that"
"Because they tracked you here"
"How did they Lucy said they did a hide me spell"
"I don't know"
"Alright, lets get you out of here and safe"
I picked Kota up and took off running. I found a hole and jumped up out of it. Buck was standing there looking at me I just smiled thanking god that he had gotten out of barn some how. Buck bowed down and I got Kota up on his back, then I pulled myself up. We took off for the barn going as fast as Buck could go. We got there and I jumped off, Buck stopped and I grabbed Kota. Lucy was standing in the door I ran up the stairs and into the house I ran up to my floor Kota was barely breathing I kicked open the bathroom door and grabbed towels and put them on the floor I set Kota down carefully and grabbed the first aid kit. I noticed Lucy standing in the door.
"Go get me some raw meat please"
She turned and ran out of the door I heard her go down the stairs. I heard someone breathing behind me.
"William go you don't need to see this"
"Can I help at all"
"No I need to save him myself he is my responsibility"
"Midnight it's not your fault"
"Yes it is. They attacked because of me"
"No they didn't"
"Whatever I'm doing this myself"
"I'll be here if you need my help"
"Thanks Will"
Lucy handed me the meat. I had most of Kota cuts cleaned and bandaged. I gave him the meat and he ate fast. The cuts that weren't bandaged started to heal and some bruises disappeared. Lucy gasped when she realized what he was.
"Lucy he's not gonna hurt the family I guess you could say he's a cub"
"How are you so sure"
"Because he's a friend of mine and I trust him. Plus we will be out of here by full moon"
"You don't have to leave Midnight"
"I do though because I'm not letting this family get hurt any more"
"It's your family to"
"Not anymore it's not safe for you guys and I'm not making it any better"
"Well let me know when your headed out and we will get you guys set up"
"Thanks Lucy"
I helped Kota up and started to walk to my room I banged on the door.
"It's me guys your safe open up"
There was a lot of noise then the door
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