Sunrise or Midnight, Kate Brown [miss read books txt] 📗

- Author: Kate Brown
Book online «Sunrise or Midnight, Kate Brown [miss read books txt] 📗». Author Kate Brown
Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice
Robert Frost
This book is dedicated in the loving memory of Donna Dean a loving Aunt, Mother, and Sister she always inspired me to go after what I believed in.
New town, new house, new family and once again a new life, I'm 18 and I've never stayed in one place longer then 2 months do you have any idea what that does for my college transcripts? Well I do. I'm sick of moving I guess that is what happens when your father dies and your mother leaves you in a park when your five. This new town is so small probably the smallest yet, at least the house is pretty big from the outside anyways. For some reason I always get dropped off by cops not just any cops though the U.S Marshals you think they would put me on a bus or something it's not like I'm a bad kid or anything I'm a straight A student hopefully a Harvard student next year, If I play my next semester right I will be.
We pull up to the house. Agent Jones opened the door for me and grabs my bags out of the back. We start to walk to the door. That's when I heard someone scream go long, thats when I turned and finally looked around. Not only was the house big but the yard was as well I just smiled. This was gonna be fun not only was this gonna be fun, but very easy as well. This is the best foster care I will have ever had. When we got to the door Jones knocked.
"Come in" we heard someone scream.
I slowly opened the door and told Jones good bye hopefully it will be the last time I ever had to see him as my escort. He gave me a hug and started to walk to his truck. That's when I walked into my new home and dropped my bags off my shoulders and turned around slowly looking for where the voice had come from. A women walked out of what I guessed was the kitchen with a towel in her hands. She was a beautiful women almost to beautiful but I shook it off and introduced myself.
"Hello I'm Midnight Silver, I know kinda stupid but it's what my dad wanted I guess"
"My dear it is far from stupid it is quite unique welcome to your new home, I'm Lucy Stone"
"Well Lucy it is great to be finally near a shower" She just smiled
"Well the other kids are all around the grounds, and my husband won't be home till around supper, which will be at 7 by the way. Oh let me show you to your room darling"
She threw her towel on the couch and started to walk toward me. She turned and started up the stairs, So I grabbed my bags and followed. We went up two flights before she stopped.
"Midnight you are the last room on the right. You and my daughter Hope are on this floor only and the bathroom is right there as she pointed to the first door. Hope the room is to your likings and if you need anything just let me know.
"Thanks Mrs. Stone"
"Please call me Lucy"
I walked to the end of the hall towards my room and opened the door. There against the wall was a queen bed with a black and green quilt on it, a book shelf off to the right side, a couple of end tables and some chairs and in the other corner was a ipod dock with an ipod on it and a laptop next to it, and a dresser with a mirror next to the door. I just smiled and threw my bags onto the chairs. I walked over to my bags and opened them up and grabbed clean clothes and went in search for the bathroom.
"Did you hear mom and dad took another charity case in"
I heard voices when I shut my bedroom door.
"Yeah some chick"
"Did you see her, is she hott"
I heard foot steps coming toward my room. The door knob started to turn so I jumped on my bed. Then the door opened.
"What the hell, oh shit"
"Hi I'm the new charity case and you are"
"Well great now this room is ruined" and they walked out the door.
Well that was just great Midnight way to be a bitch towards your new family. I got off my bed and put my shoes on and ran out my door.
"Hey wait up"
They stopped dead and slowly turned around like they just heard a ghost or something. I finally caught up and stuck out my hand towards them.
"Sorry about that" I said pointing back at my room
"Whatever I'm Luke and this is my brother Dan"
"Hey I'm Midnight"
"Nice to meet you Midnight and welcome to your new hell hole" said Luke.
"It's great to be here, it's not like this isn't my 100th house since I was 5 or anything" I smiled and started to walk towards the stairs.
"That many really" said Dan following me
I turned and nodded my head and then I descended the stairs. While being followed by my new brothers. I made it to the bottom and got to the front door and threw it open and ran smack into someone and they dropped everything. I bent down to start picking everything up when my head hit theirs on the way down. That's when I decided to look at them. He was beautiful some what long hair that covered his beautiful green blue eyes and, his smile was perfect and he was way taller then me that's for sure. He just put his hand out in front of me and said.
"I'm William Stone" I shook his hand and smiled
"I'm Midnight Silver it's really nice to meet you William"
"Would you two stop being weird" said Luke as he stepped over us and Dan followed.
I stood up with a hand full of books, I smiled and turned and walked back into the house and followed him up the stairs to what I guessed was his bedroom, but it wasn't. it was a library a really big library. I smiled and turned slowly because I was in heaven if there was anything I loved more to read it was to play sports and to run. I didn't realize that William was trying to talk to me until he dropped books on the floor and scared me out of my day dream.
"It's ok I'm just really surprised"
He just smiled and nodded his head. I put the books on the table nearest me and walked towards the door.
"Hey where are you going"
"It's almost 7, Lucy said supper was at 7 and I haven't eaten in 10 hours so I'm hungry"
He just laughed.
"Your cute"
I don't think I've moved that fast since I punched that kid for calling me a bitch my freshmen year. Next thing I knew I was in front of William with my arm on his throat. I smiled and said thanks and turned and walked away.
I finally made it down stairs and found the kitchen just in time to see Lucy pulling the food out of the oven, which by the way smelt amazing.
"Hey Lucy, do you need help setting up for supper at all"
"Oh dear Midnight you startled me, No I think Hope has got everything laid out already but thank you"
"No problem"
I walked into the dinning room to find Dan, Luke, William and who I was guessing to be Hope and three other people. Lucy walked in shortly after me. Everyone turned to look at me and only William smiled at me. I slowly sat down in one of the open chairs, I was just hoping it wasn't Lucy's. When Lucy finally got in the room with all the food and sat down, she introduced me to everyone. I already knew some and one I could have guessed but the three other people I knew one must be Mr. Stone whose first name was actually Charlie. Then the two other boys names where Adam who also happened to be the oldest and then Bradly who was the youngest. I just smiled and nodded my head each time they talked to me.
When supper was finally done, I walked back up to my room and opened the door and fell face first into my soft bed I reached over and fumbled to turn on the radio on my nightstand. Soft music came out of it, I didn't care what the music was I just wanted noise this house was to quiet, which is weird when there are 6 kids here. There was a knock at my door. I walked over to the door and opened it.
There she was standing there perfect. She had long almost white hair and I don't think it was dyed either. She had bright green eyes and the most perfect smile. She had to be at least 6 foot and I was the tallest in the family standing at 6'5 last I checked anyways.
"Uhm hi sorry did I wake you"
"No I was just listening to music" She said pointing to the Ipod
"Oh I just thought you might want a tour of the grounds"
"Yea sure that would be awesome let me grab a hoodie" she walked to her bags
"Well as you already know this is the second floor their are three total" he started to walk toward the stairs
I followed along trying not to look at him like he was a piece of meat, It didn't work. We went to the third floor which I found out was the boys floor, Which had two bathrooms instead of one, and this was also the floor with the library
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