» Fantasy » Broken, Ellie Anne [books to read to improve english .TXT] 📗

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shoulders and she rested her head on one of mine.

“Erin, what if I really am some psychic healer, what am I going to do, and why me? Why not Sam or Trevor?” she asked, suddenly worried and scared.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen or why but all I know is that I’ll keep you safe no matter what. I won’t let my wolf or Gregory get between us. Ever.” I assured her and I meant it. I’d never let anything hurt her. The only thing I was worried about was the full moon. Sure, a werewolf worrying about the full moon seemed pretty cliché but, regular people got one thing right about us, we have to change during the full moon. They just didn’t get when.

Nik caught me worrying. She stood up and tugged my hands, trying to get me to stand up too. I did and she had a smirk on her face, telling me she thought she won. I pulled her into a hug, holding her tight and kissed her lightly on the top of her head. She looked up and smiled. Suddenly, I caught the scent of Gregory. This was so not good.

“Well, well, looks like you two chose a bad evening for a walk to the park.” he said, voice dripping with faked pity.

“Why do you insist on being a freaking stalker?!” Onika snapped. She’d only met him once before and had already gotten the feeling that he was a creepy one.

“It seems the little flower here has thorns.” Gregory replied.

I could feel Nik tensing, ready to fight this sucker. She may not be as strong as one of us wolves, but she could sure kick like one. I felt bad for the wolf that got on her bad side. I held her tighter, almost restraining her from jumping forward and slapping him. I knew that would only result in a fight she couldn’t win and one neither of us was prepared for. One thing I knew about Nik was that she wasn’t one to give up easily, and she also wasn’t stupid enough to go head first into a fight that was nearly impossible to win.

She realized exactly what I had and I felt her tension leave. I could tell Gregory sensed this too, and that wasn’t a good thing. He sprang forward and tried to separate us. Somehow Nik anticipated this and stepped us aside, letting Gregory ram right into a tree.

“Run” I whispered into Onika’s ear.

We bolted. She knew her way around here like the back of her hand. She took the most twisty way she could think of, taking sudden turns and running like there was no tomorrow. She was faster, faster than most would’ve been in a situation like this. As I focused on her, I could hear some of what she was thinking again. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Why the crap is that guy so friggin set on stalking us. Whatever, I can’t think about that now or I’m going to slow down and that creeper is gonna catch me. Or Erin. No, don’t even think about that Onika, just keep running, whatever you do, just keep running. Nik was mentally talking to herself, she was smart. She was really freaked out, but the way she carried herself said otherwise. She knew not to show how scared she was in the presence of something that probably wouldn’t hesitate to kill her.

We were blocks away from the park in what felt like a matter of seconds. I looked over my shoulder to make sure Gregory wasn’t following us. He wasn’t, he was doing something worse. He was shifting; he’d be faster than Nik could ever be.

“Nik, I’m going to stay behind and shift. I need you to keep running. Don’t stop no matter what.” my voice calmer than I thought it could be.

“You know I can’t just leave you to fight that monster on your own, even as a wolf. I can’t Erin, I just can’t.” she said, her voice unsteady and cracking at the end.

“I know, but please, just trust me. I’ve fought him before and I can do it again.” I said, determined to stop this moron from ruining Onika.

She looked so sad and so desperate. “Fine.” she whispered, almost inaudible.

She turned on her heel and ran.

I turned around and shifted. One thing I was always better at than anyone in the pack was shifting. While I was still in the pack, John timed me just for fun. I was fully shifted in a minute flat. Everyone else usually took around three. By the time I was fully changed, so was good ol’ Greg.

With all my senses so incredibly enhanced, I could still hear Onika’s feet pounding the street. If I could hear Nik’s thoughts, could I send her my own? I had to try. RUN! Whatever you do don’t stop!

She heard me. Erin?! Wha-a-at the crap? How are you inside my head?

It turns out I’m a telepath. That’s why Gregory still wants me in the pack. He doesn’t care what I do; he just cares about what he can do with me. I figured it out while we were walking home and we stopped by those trees. I should’ve told you but I didn’t want you to freak out. Right now, I need you to run faster. Don’t go home, though. Remember when he came to your house that one night? He knows where you live. I’m so sorry this is all my fault. Just keep yourself safe, okay.

Okay she replied and I felt her push herself harder, her pace faster. She would be safe; I had to keep her safe. I turned my focus on the advancing Gregory. I would not let him get Nik, I couldn’t.

He ran towards me, he was ready to pounce. I remembered when I was younger and still part of that pack.

“C’mon Erin, Greg’s ready to practice with us.” John said. I was always so excited to get to do anything with Greg. When I was nine, less than a year before my parents kicked me out then moved, my dad and I used to do all kinds of things. Now, Greg was like my new dad. He was always teaching me how to do stuff and how to fight. I remembered.

Back when I wasn’t as new in the pack and John, another wolf named Sam, and I used to run around trying to bite each other’s ears off. The rest of the pack had always studied me from afar. It was only Sam and John that I was close to. Somehow, I think Gregory knew that I was somewhat telepathic before I did, and I think he told the adults in the pack and they wanted to keep their young away from me. It didn’t really matter because, now, I’d probably never be able to see anyone in the pack but John again. Somehow, that didn’t bother me; the only people who felt like actual family were John, Sam, and Gregory. Look where trusting Greg got me. Here I was fighting him to save a girl I met almost a week ago and had somehow managed to really, really liking. Gregory jumped.

I expected him to land on me and braced myself. The only thing was; he didn’t land on he, he’d jumped over me and was racing in the direction Nik had gone in. No matter how fast she was, she couldn’t outrun what was chasing her.

Part Three

Chapter Nine

I hear a howl so insanely scared and worried, I immediately knew it was Erin. I knew he was warning me of something, I just didn’t know what. But I did know I was in even more trouble. I pushed myself even harder. I took the twistiest way I could think of home. Unfortunately, that was also the longest way I knew. I was still a few blocks away from my street, then another three or four houses away from mine. In other words, I had to out run a wolf, not just an ordinary wolf, a werewolf with crazy heightened senses and strengths. I had to run faster, but I couldn’t, I would explode from fear, worry, and exhaustion.

I thought about Erin, about how he was simply an amazing, cute funny guy, and about how John really liked Sam. Sam. It wasn’t just Erin that was close to me, it was Sam, too. She was always the one I could count on no matter what happened. Then there’s Trevor, crazy, obnoxious, funny, caring Trevor. I found an ounce more of strength and speed. I ran faster.

Erin, I’m a few blocks away. Jeez, what is it with this creeper? Erin, please tell me you hear me. Erin? I thought.

I’m here, Nik, run faster. He jumped over me before I realized what he was doing. He’s running after you. And he’s fast, insanely fast. Onika, I’m so sorry this is all my fault. he replied.

I heard a faraway howl, almost a roar. I was scared, I had no idea what to do and I was still a block and a half away from home. I wanted Erin; I wanted to be sitting on my couch watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I wanted this to be all over and left behind us. Scared and worried, I started to actually show how freaked I was.

I heard claws on the cement behind me.

I was on my street now, but Erin told me not to go home. Why couldn’t I have remembered that earlier? I internally yelled at myself. Sam’s house was back two blocks and over a street. School was too far. I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It was either go home and get Trevor into danger too, or keep running till I get clawed down by and insane werewolf.

Hate to bug you again, but I really, really need you right now Erin. This idiots about to get my and I’ve still got about five houses between me and mine. Plus Trevor’s home. Erin, tell me what to do, I’m. . . I’m scared. I stumbled out the last bit.

Erin didn’t reply in thought, he burst out of a bush behind his old Alpha. I was going to personally murder “Gregory” if he so much as looks at Erin. In about a week, I’ve managed to successfully blow all my rules about guys and actually start to fall for one.
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