» Fantasy » Love Of A Werewolf, Forest Ostrander [books you need to read txt] 📗

Book online «Love Of A Werewolf, Forest Ostrander [books you need to read txt] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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ate fresh kill off of the ground. It’s basically the same thing only without the dirt and leaves mixing in with the meat and blood." I knew what it was like eating out of a bowl, I've watched countless of dogs doing it and have even tried it before once during one of the long winters we had; it proved to be quite a challenge but luckily I practiced it over and over until it wasn't so awkward anymore, still I would prefer a full carcass instead of just chopped up morsels in a bowl.

"I know, I just worry that with you being a Alpha's daughter and all that it won't be right for you."

"Luna, Ever since I left my parents pack I am a wolf with no rank. As far as I am concern, I am a lone wolf. I am not an Alpha unless I have my own pack so as far as I see it, this is ok with me." Sometimes the girl worried about the silliest things ever.

When we arrived at the dining hall, Luna held the door open for me, walking in I noticed James waving to us and motioning to a seat beside him with a dog bowl on the floor to his right, looks like I get to be at the head of the table for tonight. I also noticed that the bowl wasn't filled with pathetic dog food or that cheap food they call canned meat, instead I had three large grade a steaks in my bowl dripping with blood and as raw as if I had just killed the cow myself, mummy. Walking over to the bowl I sat down beside it trying not to drool all over the floor as the camp leader gave the daily announcements and officially welcoming me to the camp and how I will now be sharing courters with Luna for the remainder of my stay here. I heard a lot of kids snicker at the mentioning of Luna's name which made me want to growl at them but I held it in as Luna just sat up straight and didn't show any inclination that they had gotten to her. That's the Luna I know so well, don't let these pathetic humans treat you like trash. We are much better than them in many ways.

Hush, don't be mean to them. They were kind enough to give us shelter here, the least we can do is not bad talk them. Sometimes my wolf was just too mean for her own good, especially words humans. I think the packs law had gotten to her too much and she was inclined to follow it despite the fact that our mate is a human himself. Hopefully being away from the pack and its influences will help her grow out of it and get used to being around the humans while we were here. When the counselor was done, we all began to eat. I dug into the bloody steaks barely being able to hold myself back from ripping into them and making a mess but luckily I had enough self-restraint to only make a slight mess of the blood next to my paws, the steaks were good; granted they left the best part out, the fat, at least they didn't add that cheap seasoning that I smelt in the other meals on the table. When my steaks were finished James placed a bowl of water down beside me and I lapped it up greedily, nothing went well with the steaks than a nice helping of water. Cleaning the blood off of the floor and my fur I lay down and waited for everyone else to finish their meals as well before we were dismissed to our bunkers for the night.

Chapter 6: A month Later

It's been a month since I came to stay at the camp, my visits to the outside world have become few and far between as the kids soon took their rumors and directed them to me. Luna and I could no longer look out the window without getting hateful glares from any kids that passed by, the camp counselor has even begun to grow suspicious of us.

"Luna, what's going on? Why is everyone acting like we are a threat?"

"I don't know Forest but they did this to me as well a month after I came to join the camp. None of them trusted me and all it took was one rumor saying I was not human and all hell went loose."

"A rumor? You mean the one where they think you are a bear?" I asked, in truth she may be able to turn into a bear but Luna has remained human far too long to now truly been considered a full-fledged bear shifter. A shifter if they do not turn or remain in their animal form for a long time soon lose the ability all together as Mother Moon takes away that power as a punishment for shunning the gift she has given them. I for one loved being a wolf more than a human so the only worry I had was me losing the ability to turn human anymore.

"Yes. You remember that blonde girl who you first met coming here?" Luna asked, I nodded; how could I? And to make matters worse, she had feelings for my mate! "She's the one who started it and managed to get everyone to believe it," Luna continued. I was shocked, how could people just easily assume something without truly understanding the facts? How could they judge anyone like Luna? She was probably the most loyal, true hearted girl I have ever met; she was even very gentle to everyone and everything!

"Wow. What gave her the fuel to do that?" I asked.

"I only allowed my nails to grow out a little bit to get a stupid can that would not pop open even with the can opener and she so happened to be walking by when I was doing so. She claims she seen a bear claw instead of a human finger nail and made all sorts of lies that got people to believe her and soon the whole camp turned on me."

"But why me? I never once showed any sign of me being more than just a wolf." I tried to think back to the days I had spent here, every time I would go into Luna's cottage I would change into a human and remain that way for the duration of my stay in the hut, but when I went out I made sure I snuck into a dark room to shift back so no one could see me shift back into my wolf, not once did I let anyone but James see me change back and forth before so why were they turning on me?

"Because you don't act it Forest. You have too much manners that a wolf does not have, you hate grooming yourself with your tongue like a normal wolf would and you showed tameness more than a wild personality. Everyone has interpreted those as you being something other than a true wolf." I was caught off guard with that, was I really showing another side of myself that was not supposed to be how a wolf acted? I had been around here for a month, could the human’s habits have worn off on me that quickly?

"But, anyone would normally think that I had just been around humans for far too long and that I acted more like a trained house pet than a wild animal."

"It doesn't matter, its unnatural to them and humans fear what they do not know. You are going through the same thing I did, I'm sorry." I knew Luna felt bad for me, she had been through this as well and knew exactly what would come of it, I would be like her; trapped in this house unable to venture outside without being spat upon or insulted, a kid even went as far as to throw a rock at me and shouted at me to leave but what irked me the most was James, not once had he stuck up for me or been there when I needed him. His visits had become less frequent these days and he would avoid me when people were looking, he wouldn't even pet me anymore like he used to.

We don't need him. I told you humans were no good, and our 'mate' is proving my point to the T.

But, a mate is supposed to love you no matter what! They aren’t supposed to avoid you!

You should have listened to me. You have been with these humans longer than what we should have been with. Luna isn't even considered a full shifter these days due to her being around humans for a long time. She's been here for three years!

But she's our friend. It wasn't her fault we weren't around when she needed us the most, I didn't even know where she was until we came here.

You still should have listened to me. My wolf said and then she went quiet on me, even my wolf was starting to turn against me thinking I had become too soft.

"Forest, does it bother you that much to be away from your mate?" Luna's voice caught me off guard, turning towards her I shook my head.

"Not really, I kind of should have expected it. I guess even though he's supposed to be my mate men will believe anything a pretty girl says. Honestly, I think he would prefer her over me." It pained me to say it but I knew it had to be true, he was hanging out with her more than even flirting with her! It irked me to no end but I knew that I could not force someone to love me if they did not wish to. Laying her hand on my shoulder Luna pulled me in for a big hug and we stayed like that for a long time, I hadn't realized that I was crying until my cheeks were soaked with tears and Luna caressing my head and muttering that everything will be ok; even my wolf seemed to have loosened up a bit and tried to comfort me.

"Was it all a lie? Are we destined to have nothing but hate thrown at us?" I said now being able to get my tears under control though my voice cracked a bit.

"I don't know. Sometimes fate likes to throw cruel things our way to see us suffer but I believe if we are strong enough than we can overcome it. Besides, I'm sure you will find someone new, there has to be someone out there who was really meant for you."

 "But Mother Moon connected us! She made it so he was my mate! How could there be another? How could I possibly follow a different path when Mother Moon obviously threw me onto this one?" I didn't mean to yell but the hurt and anger just boiled up inside and busted out.

A long moment of silence surrounded us before a knock on the door startled us out of our silent stupor.

"Who is it?" Luna called.

"It's me, James." I froze and Luna tightened her grip on me.

"Do you

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