» Fantasy » Love Of A Werewolf, Forest Ostrander [books you need to read txt] 📗

Book online «Love Of A Werewolf, Forest Ostrander [books you need to read txt] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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Chapter 1: The first meeting

I walked through the woods, my paws barely making a sound on the dry leafy bed that covered the forest floor. It was mid-August and I could feel the chill in the air when a breeze blew through my fur. I had just recently left my pack to stake out on my own, to hopefully make my own mark in this life with a pack of my own with me as the Alpha this time. My mother and father were hesitant at first with letting me leave but with enough persuasion I was able to convince them to let me leave and find my own way in life. When I reached a ledge in the woods with a bubbling creek down below, I sat down and just listened to the woods around me, what leaves were left in the trees rattled in the breeze, branches lightly slapped one another in the breeze and the wind howled through the trees. I closed my eyes and listened to the creek babble on, the water gently rolling over the pebbles and stones in the creek, I enjoyed it when the wind would play with my fur and bring to me the scents of the forest. I could hear faint howls of other wolves in the distance but I knew the neighboring packs around here have way too many wolves to allow me in to their pack, plus none of their males are single and looking for a mate or they just don't want to leave their pack.

After a good while sitting there listening to the surroundings around me I decided it was time for me to head out and find my new home, plus I was getting awfully hungry as well. As I walked through the forest, I heard some voices not too far from my right side, so curiosity getting the better of me I headed to where the voices were and spotted a group of campers surrounding a fire; one camper in particular caught my attention. He had dirty blonde hair with green eyes and faint freckles across his cheeks. He was not on the big side but was more the scrawny side; he had a good weight to him but not coming up short to where you would consider him a weakling. He was also on the farthest side of the camp away from the other campers as he could get which seemed odd to me, humans have always looked like they couldn't be far from their own companions like us wolves yet this boy seemed to be like an outsider. I stood there and watched the boy for a little while longer until the smell of what they were cooking hit my nostrils, at first I hadn't noticed it due to my fixation on the boy but now that I did my mouth began to water like a water fall and my stomach rumbled like an angry bear. I eyed the hotdogs hungrily, I knew taking food from humans was a bad idea but right then and there I could have cared less, plus it smelt so good and looked way easier to get then hunting deer or rodents to satisfy my hunger. I waited a few more minutes before I spotted my opportunity to snag me something to eat, one of the kids was close enough to a huge bush big enough to cover up my white fur and hide my big body but close enough to manage to steal some food from them when they weren't looking. Slinking over to the bush, I hid behind it and watched for the perfect times to snatch me something to eat, campers were good at not paying attention to their food, mother has managed to even sneak some before from a hunter’s camp without being caught with her thievery from either hunter or my father.

After a few minutes, I managed to find my open window of opportunity when one of the kids set their plate of three hot dogs next to where I was, quickly dashing my head out I managed to snatch up all three hot dogs in one go thanks to my much bigger muzzle where as a normal wolf would have to take multiple turns to accomplish something I could do in seconds and in one go. I quickly gulped down the three hot dogs, buns and all and licked my chops while silently laughing as the kid looked around for his missing dogs. I waited for more food and was instantly granted when another kid dropped one of his plates of food which consisted of beans, hot dogs, and a cob of corn and something green that smelt very odd but tasted very good. Eventually with all the food the kids kept dropping I was able to fill up my empty belly quite easily, no wonder coyotes like to hang out around human habitats, they provide you so much food! With a nice, pleasantly plump belly, I lay where I was and slept for a bit. When I next woke up, the stars were out and the moon was full, the perfect night to complete a beautiful day. I noticed no one was out and about in the camp area so I figured they all had gone to bed, yet another perfect time for me to get me a midnight snack before continuing on with my journey. Slinking in to the camp, making sure I was careful where I set my paws so as to not make too much noise to wake the occupants of the camp, I slunk to where they were keeping the cooler, mother had once told me what these weird boxes where and that humans use them to keep their food and meats cold during any kind of heat to preserve their food, she also showed me how to open one with my muzzle and get to the delicious contents inside. When I finally had the lid open, I nosed my muzzle inside and grabbed the nearest thing I could reach, lifting it out I managed to snatch up one of their meats that they had kept inside, easily ripping open the package I dug in.

"Hey! What are you doing here wolf!" I heard a voice behind me and looked to see that boy I had seen sitting alone, he was glaring at me but I felt no fear from him, a kid his size was no match for a werewolf like me so I just turned around and turned my attention back to the meat.

"What's going on out here?" I heard a deep male voice, this one did strike fear in me for it was the camp leader. Locking eyes with him with a piece of the meat still dangling from my jaws the man waved his arms and screamed at me but for some reason, I lost my fear for reasons I knew not why.

"Get out of here Wolf! Go on!" The man shouted throwing sticks and pebbles my way which still didn't faze me.

"What's all the racket out here?" By now I had the entire camp up and looking at me raiding their food and now I was beginning to feel some fear appear inside me, so many people and I bet they had weapons in case wild animals came into their camp, it was a camp leader's responsibility to prevent any harm to come to their campers and I happen to be the nearest 'wild animal' in the camp at the moment with a bunch of kids around me and only one adult to protect them. I slowly slunk back to the bush while keeping my eyes on the group, I knew if I did no fast motion that they might not harm me so I inched my way back until one of the girls said.

"Don't chase it off! This is our chance to observe wildlife! This is the opportunity to get our wildlife badges!" I stopped in my tracks at the girl’s voice. Wildlife badges? What's that? Mother never mentioned anything like that before I thought. I watched the camp adult as he silently thought it over, the boy I had noticed was staring at me with curious eyes. Could he tell I'm not like other wolves? Does he sense I am different? I too eyed the boy in return.

"All right fine, she can stay but don't feed her!" The adult said to the kids and they all cheered but I was not having any of it, taking my chances I quickly whirled around and dashed away, I was not going back to that camp and being part of some of their 'badge' receiving whatever that was.

When I felt like I was a good distance away, I allowed myself to relax, that was a bit too close yet I felt drawn back to the group, mainly due to that boy. What is it about you that I find interesting? Why do you hold such a feeling on me? I was not used to being drawn to a human before, it was almost unheard of in the werewolf world, in fact if you were seen coercing with a human you were either exiled, killed, or shunned from the entire community and disgraced as a wolf in general. It was also deemed a betrayal to the moon mother, the lady who had given this gift to us in the first place and made us special for some reason and mingling with humans was tainting that gift. I knew if my father had learned of what my mother had done behind his back, he would surly shun her despite her being his mate, he was too in to the book to allow such disgrace to come to his name as an Alpha of the pack. I learned from my mother that it was not bad to rely on humans for some things but that it was in her mind viewed as bravery, as a chance taker to try something new, something forbidden. Like eating the forbidden prey from another packs territory, its wrong but that only makes it taste so much better. My mother was a rebel like me, and I had inherited her stubborn side and inability to be controlled by anyone. I laid down on the rock that I had stopped on, once more thinking of that human boy; I had no idea why I felt a pull to him, like I was meant to be around him or something. It was both thrilling and disturbing to me at the same time, like a moose drunk on apples which is both funny but disturbing to watch. I looked up at the twinkling stars, I knew I had to forget about that boy, I was a werewolf and I had to stick to my own kind, but I still couldn't resist the urge to go back and look at him once more, the way his green eyes locked on with my blue ones; the way he looked at me as if he was studying me and trying to figure out what it was about me, I sensed he could feel the pull that I did, it felt like how I would feel with a male werewolf who was supposed to be my mate. Could a human really be my mate? Am I not meant to mate with another werewolf but a human? Is this another test on my part from mother moon? Why would she choose me of all wolves to go for a human? I was utterly confused about everything that had happened, no matter how much I thought of it, I could not wrap my mind around what mother moon could be planning for me and why she chose me and

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