» Fantasy » Love Of A Werewolf, Forest Ostrander [books you need to read txt] 📗

Book online «Love Of A Werewolf, Forest Ostrander [books you need to read txt] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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want me to let him in?" She whispered in my ear, I didn't know what to do; I wanted to see him and demand an explanation but at the same time I didn't want to see his face for fear that he would tell me he could not be with me and I would lose it.

"Please let me in?" James called through the door again. Luna looked at me and I just nodded stepping away from her as she opened up the door. Standing in the middle of the doorway James looked at me, I couldn't help but turn away from him, I knew it was cowardly of me to look away and had he been a wolf he would have thought it a sign of submission but I didn't care, the boy standing in front of me hurt me more than what a male Alpha would have done had I turned away from him.

"I'm sorry Forest, I'm sorry for avoiding you and believing those accusations but..." I couldn't bear to hear what he would say next.

"SO THEN WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO WITH HER THEN! LEAVE ME ALONE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! GO BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT I DON'T NEED YOU!" I shouted and ran out the door leaving both Luna and James standing there. Quickly climbing out the window I shifted into my wolf form and high tailed it to the woods, I needed to get away from everyone and be on my own for a while, I needed to once more live as a wolf and forget about everything. A mile away from the camp I finally paused and allowed myself to catch my breath, an ache in my paw forced me to look to see what was bothering it and what I saw made me sick to my stomach. A Lone thorn stuck out of my pad but what really made me worried was the smell coming off of it, I had stepped on a poisoned thorn!

"Heh, who knew they were this smart?" I said half to myself now starting to feel the effects of the poison, I could no longer use my front paws to brace me so I lay down on my side and tried to steady my breathing. I knew it wasn't the hunters from before, this was of a new kind of hunter, I knew of a boy who loved to kill or torment animals and the poisoned thorn was his way of killing off any kind of animal and I stupidly fell into the trap.

"Great, alone and poisoned; just what I need." I could barely keep my eyes opened any longer and was forced to close them, lucky for me being a werewolf had its advantages, even though the poison kills quickly, at least I did not feel any pain, it was like slipping away into a deep sleep; warm and peaceful and the sense of quiet was bliss.

I thought for sure we would end up dying by the hunters hands. My wolf said in my head and I smirked at her.

I know right? Looks like we were wrong. Isn't it ironic though? Here we are being hunted down by hunters with more advanced weapons and yet a little boy can nail us with just a simple thorn. How ironic is that?

Extremely, but at least our mate will be happy. He can now finally be with that girl without us being in the way.

Ya, and the hunters will finally be off of our trail. I couldn't believe I had finally accepted defeat. I heard a low snap around me and figured it was the boy coming to watch his work in progress but I did not care, I could no longer move my legs let alone open my eyes. My muscles were failing me and my breathing was becoming labored to the point where it hurt a little bit to breath, my mouth could no longer remain shut so my tongue lolled out on the ground and I figured to an onlooker's point I looked as dead as ever, the only betrayal was the faint rising and falling off my chest as I forced air in my lungs. I had expected the boy to deliver the finishing blow on me but instead I felt a different kind of hands and heard a faint yell of my name but even my hearing was zoning out, managing to get enough energy to open one eye I managed to make out a faint outline of Luna and behind her...James. I smiled a bit before once more slipping into the warm embrace of the arms that had held onto me before.

Chapter 7: Death would have been better than this

"Will she be all right?" I heard a voice ask. Wait, I can hear now? I thought I had died! I could not understand how I had survived and who was the voice talking? My mind was fuzzy and I could not recal if I recognized it or not.

"I do not know, she is very weak. I'm amazed she was still holding on when you brought her in here, that poison is powerful stuff, to have fought long enough to get here must mean she has a strong will to survive." What are they talking about? I had welcomed the warm arms of death! I had wanted to die! Why did they have to save me? Didn't they know with me out of the way they all could be happy and move on?

"Dr. are you sure this medicine will work?" I heard a female voice this time. Was that Luna? What is she doing here? I thought she was still at the camp?

It looks like they had come to our rescue, My wolf said, she too couldn't believe we had survived such a thing.

"I do hope so. That wasn't a little thorn in her paw and the amount of poison on it was enough to kill an elephant." So I wasn't imagining it then? I was really dying? Who found me? And how? Did Luna carry me or was it that person with that deep voice?

"James, look. She's moving her ear to our voices." I had not noticed me moving my ear but what she said was true, I could feel it slightly shift to the sound of the voices in the room to pinpoint exactly where it was coming from. OH MY GOD! James was with her?!

"Forest? Can you hear me?" James was now leaning over me, I could feel the air from his breath tickly my ear slightly which made me want to itch the hell out of it.

"Careful James, she may be in a coma but she still might attack." It was the voice of the Dr. again, was he some kind of vet? And how could I attack James? I could barely move! I did however notice that my sense of smell had strengthened and I could finally pick up the scents of the people around me, the Dr. didn't smell human so was he another one of my kind? If so what kind was he? I don't smell wolf on him or even bear like I could smell on Luna, I could also smell the fumes of the cleaning products that they used on the table I was laying on which made me want to cring my nose at the tuff smell, you humans think it smells bad? Well try having the nose of a wolf and see how well you would like to smell chemicals up close.

"James, don't push her. She won't be able to talk yet," Luna said moving him slightly away from me.

"Forest, I'm so sorry. If it hadn't been for me you would not be in this situation, please forgive me?" I wanted to answer him, to tell him that it was not his fault but my own stupidity at falling into the trap but I still could not move my mouth, if I was going to be in a coma than why the hell didn't they just let me die? Death would have definatly have been better than this, how long was I going to be in this coma? Hopefully if I am lucky not very long but if what the Dr. said was true about the amount of poison, no werewolf system could combat that in a day or two, it would at least take months maybe years for my immune system to get it out.

And this is why humans should just not interfere anymore I thought, but as mad as I was at them, I was actually kind of happy that they had even bothered to do anything for me, they could have easily allowed me to slip away but instead they chose to try to save me. I knew if it had been Luna on this table and me in her situation I would have chosen to save her but why James? He liked another girl, with me out of the way he would be allowed to be with her without the mate pull pulling us together and making it difficult for him. Would he even be here now like this if we weren't mates? What if we were not chosen to be mates but had met, would he still have come to my side like this? Would he have even cared without the pull dragging him to me? Deep inside of me, a selfish part wanted it to be true but the other part of me, the logical part; said it would probably not be likely that he would be here but with someone else, maybe he would check in on me to see how I was doing but that would be it.

"Forest? It's Luna. I want you to do something for me, for every yes you give us move you ear ok? And for every no you give us don't move it, got it?" I moved my ear the best I could.

"She moved! She can hear us?" James said and I moved my ear again.

"She will be able to hear and slightly move but that will be the extant of what she can do. Maybe further down the road she will be able to do more but right now, I'm amazed she can even move her ear or even hear you." I hated the Dr. he acted like he knew everything about me and my body but I knew he didn't. I knew he wasn't even a Dr. at all, his scent gave him off to be a vampire so he was probably only here for the free blood bags he could get, he could care less if a wolf, one of his mortal enemies, survived or not.

"Forest, did you know where you were going when you ran out of the house?" Luna asked and I didn't move my ear, I was ashamed to admit it but I had done the same stupid mistake Luna and I had done when we ran away from our families during our teen years. Ha! And I call myself a top predator.

"Forest, are you still mad at me?" James asked and I was torn between moving my ear and not but thinking back to it all and how he acted,

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