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In a world filled with unknown, humans fear everything. Including the vampire covens of the mountains, and the mysterious and misunderstood lycans and werewolves of the forests and swamps. In the mythical world of Zxy'Araei, alone and against the odds, one woman is at war with a darkness that has spread vastly throughout the land, a cult that threatens to destroy every nation be it werewolf, vampire, or human. She must find it within herself to conquer doubt, to control fear, and to gain the
To be honest, this story started as a rant. I was so over the non-stop parade of worn-out, cliche-filled "books" about werewolves, that when I found myself reading yet another one (because the title didn't give that salient little fact away), I think I snapped. I waxed sarcastic. I fumed. I wrote. Translation of above paragraph: Don't take this story too seriously. It's me in snide-mode. Enjoy!
Smoke filled the sky, making flight difficult and hazy. Just as the smoke gave aid to the knights, it hid the enemy of the sky. The beast’s molten eyes were made to see through the thick fogs of its mountain home. There was a blood-curdling roar. Fire erupted from the sky, setting the ground aflame. Even from above the horses could be heard as they spooked and flung their riders to the ground.