» Fiction » Ghost, Marissa A. Luckett [easy to read books for adults list .txt] 📗

Book online «Ghost, Marissa A. Luckett [easy to read books for adults list .txt] 📗». Author Marissa A. Luckett

Chapter one "My new home" Lilly a 16 year old goth girl living with only her mother,jumped out of the car.She ran up the rusty stairs and walked in."Just as I imagined...old."She said with a sad expresion.She walked up the stairs taking a step one at a time.She walked in to her room snd sat her boxes down.She sat on her bed and gazed around.
"Lilly!Screamed her mother."Yes mother?" "I am going to the grocery store to get grocery's!"My mom scremed to me."Oh ok!"I said back smiling to my self.I gess i will go make some new friends,and as soon as my mom left the parking lot i climbed out my window not grabing a jacket.I quicly for got all about my car the black mustang cunvertible.I emidently grabed my keys of the dresser and walked over to my car.Geting in i turned up the radio on to 106.1 and the band perry if i die young and sang to it.The only thang is no one knows i sing.So i shoted out."Loard make me a ranbow ill shine down on my mother she will know i am safe with you when she stands under my colors ohh and"Then i noticed my moms car right behind me!But she did not notice me and crap the light was green and she zoomed past me seeing me and staring making sure it was me so i pulled over and turned down the randow to call her.
L:Hey mom
MM:Hey Lilly i thoght i saw you out?
L:No why?But i do wana go to the mall
MM:Oh ok you can just dont stay late!
L:K bye mom love you.
MM:K drive safe luv you and take you'r keys and phone!
L:K mom bye!
I hanged up and started looking for a mall
Then I spoted a big mall!Ontario Mills Mall.
I quicly got out and put my phone in my pocket and walked up."Big mall really big mall!"I said out load."I know right?"Said some guy really cute goth guy that looks like this... (shows me and outfit to)"Yah big mall i just moved hear"I said back to him."Cool my name it Jake"He said back
Me:Oh mine is lillly
J:Cool you want me to show you a tore of the mall?
Me:Well no prob i alredy checked my lap top before i moved it has a virtaial tore on the mall sight but ur # whod not hurt
J:Oh ok hear 817-555-8909(I maid # not real)
Me:K i will call you i got my cell any way bye!

*Later that day*
I had been just in time for dinner and the whether was grate hear is what i bought

Then i went home and went threw the frount door.As i walked in no mom or no food smell but a note saying: the movers for got to get some other thangs and lied and was going to sue us in less we got the stuff so i love you i will be back in one week only one becuz i need to do some stuff and talk to my boss so i can get my stuff
Love ur,
Wow I was shocked but the food was put up and money was there on the counter.It was $50 wow any way i just zaped me a easay mack and ate in complet silence.As i got up to put my forck in the sink i heared singing it was more light and i sang"The sharp nife of a short life...hum hum lalala dododo you will die young nananananana"then i saw her with drowned out blodey eyes and a white gown driping in blood.I scremed of horroure and she dissipered.Then my phone rang it was Jake."Hello?"I asked."Yah hey can i come over?i was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me you know watch a scary move?"He asked me."Sure see you in a min"I said giving him my address and hanging up.


Publication Date: 08-04-2010

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