» Fiction » Unwanted Gift, Angel92296 [bearly read books .txt] 📗

Book online «Unwanted Gift, Angel92296 [bearly read books .txt] 📗». Author Angel92296

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“What do you want us to do about the boy?” I asked, playing with the hem of my dress. I felt his cold eyes on me but I didn’t dare look up.
“Get what we came for, Ace,” he answered. I could hear the hatred and impatience in his voice.
“Stop calling me Ace,” I said, rising from my seat and heading down the steep stairs leading to the basement. The lights were off which isn’t how I left them. I couldn’t help but laugh at the boy for thinking he could even try to escape.
“Marco!” I called out in the dark room.
“Polo,” the boy growled from behind me. His fist was two inches from the back of my head before I grabbed it and pulled his fragile body over my head.
“I love these little games but time is of the essence. I need you to tell me what I want to know. Then maybe, just maybe, I will let you go.” He was clutching his right shoulder that I probably dislocated.
“What do you want?” he asked, glaring up at me.
“When was the last time you seen Megan?” I asked him.
“A week ago,” he answered. “She was at the bar not far from where you grabbed me up.”
“Do you know why she was there?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
“At first it looked like she was just having a good night out but then three guys walked in and she became all business.”
“Was she with anyone else besides three guys?” I asked.
“Yeah, she was with some chick that goes by the name Violet.”
“Who did she leave with?”
“She left with the chick.”
“Do you know where I can find this Violet?” I asked.
“Yeah, she hangs out at that bar every night so she’s probably there,” he answered.
“You come in handy,” I said, dropping my hands to my sides.
“Can you please let me go?” he begged.
“I’m sorry but I just might need you again,” I said, chuckling. He cursed under his breath as I turned and walked up the stairs, closing the door behind me.
“What have we learned Ace?” Damon asked. His voice was still hard, cold and full of hatred.
“I thought we learned that my name isn’t Ace,” I replied, my voice just as cold as his.
“I’m sorry. What’s your real name again? Patricia? Patty?” He asked.
“Go screw yourself,” I said.
“You first,” he replied, getting up from the chair he sat in. “What did he tell you?”
“We have to look for a girl name Violet. She was the last one with Megan but for she disappeared.”
“So let’s go,” he said, heading for the door.
“You’re not going,” I said, without moving.
“What did you just say?” He asked. I think that I really just pissed him off.
“You heard me,” I said, glaring at him.
“Are you losing your mind? No one gives me orders. Ever,” he said, coming to stand over me.
“You heard what I said Damon,” I said. I tried to move around him but he was faster and in a second he was in front of me again.
“Who do you think you are?” he asked.
“To you, maybe I’m a monster or whatever it is you call me behind my back. But to me, I’m someone trying to find her sister.” I said, looking down at the floor. “I obviously can’t stop you but don’t get in my way.”
We didn’t say anything to each other getting in my car. After a while he cleared his throat loudly but I ignored it. He cleared it again but louder this time.
“What?” I asked.
“Do you really believe that I call you things behind your back?” he asked, a hint of a smirk played at the corners of his lips.
“I don’t really care what you think or say Damon,” I said focusing more on the road than actually necessary.
“Well, I don’t,” he said, looking out the passenger window.
“It really doesn’t matter,” I said, tightening my grip on the steering wheel.
“It does matter. I should have been a little nicer to you. You are my bosses’ daughter” he muttered.
“You don’t have to be nice to me and I’m hardly his daughter,” I said, gripping the steering wheel hard.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked. I was a bit surprised there wasn’t any hatred in his voice.
“My mother was fourteen when your ‘boss’ raped her. Everyone thought she was crazy when she kept saying that a monster had raped her. Everyone thought she was insane. Even me. They eventually took me away from her and put her in a mental hospital. Me, I was pushed from foster care to foster care.
“When I was sixteen the strangest thing happen to me. I was hanging out with a group of guys. My boyfriend was there but he was totally wasted. I didn’t live to far from where we hung out so he offered to walk me home. He was so drunk. He didn’t know what he was doing but he grabbed me. I cried out in pain. All I know after that is his limb body in my arms. It was an accident. Then I learned what I was.”
It was silent for a second and my grip never loosened around the steering wheel. I could see the marks of my fingers form in to it. I took a deep breath and focused on the road.
“That’s terrible. She was only fourteen,” he said, grabbing the dashboard.
“She never regrets having me though,” I said, loosening my grip a little.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
“I don’t want your sympathy,” I whispered. I stepped on the brakes causing it to come to complete stop. I was the first one out the car. But it didn’t take long before Damon was at my side.
“What about your sister?” he asked.
“She was different. From what I was told, he married her mom. After her mother gave birth, he took Megan from her. He threatened her life if he she told anyone.”
“Why would he do this?” Demon asked.
“He did this because one of his children is supposed to carry a gift. A gift that could save the world. Or destroy it.”
“Is that why Megan was kidnapped?” Damon asked.
“Yes. But she isn’t the one with the gift,” I said. I stopped walking and showed him my hands. I felt them get warm and they began to glow. He reached to touch my hand but I pulled back.
“That’s how that boy got killed. Because I didn’t know how to control or what it is,” I said. He began to reach again and this time I didn’t move. He touched my hand and I began gasping for air. As he held my hand, I learned. I saw every pain he ever had, every tear he ever shed, every lie he ever told, and every kill he ever made. I cried out and snatched my hand away.
“What just happened to you?” Damon asked, worry in his eyes.
“Everything that’s ever happened to you,” I answered weakly. I took a deep breath and began walking in the direction of the bar. Damon never followed me into the bar and I was more than glad he didn’t.

I entered the bar and went straight toward a familiar face. The bartender that I used to hang out with was pouring a drink for a man that looked well past his forties. He looked up and a shocked expression formed on his face. I smiled at him and sat at the counter.
“Hey Sammy,” I said. He looked at me without blinking for a few seconds.
`“What’s up Drucilla?” Sammy asked, beginning to wipe down the counters.
“I haven’t seen you in a while,” I said, watching him closely. “I decided to stop by."
“You’re lying,” he said. A man sat a few seats down from me and nodded at Sammy. Sammy nodded back and then turned on me. “What do you want?”
“Who’s Violet?” I asked.
“She is the one sitting in booth nine. You can’t miss her. She is dressed in all violet,” he said. He stared at me and I stared back. I couldn’t help notice how handsome he has gotten since I last saw a year ago.
“Thanks Sammy,” I said.
“Whatever,” he said and he began to walk away. I reached over the counter and grabbed his wrist.
“What time do you get off,” I asked. He starred at me like I was insane before he spoke.
“Eleven,” he sighed.
“See you in an hour,” I told him. I felt his eyes on me as I wandered over to booth nine. There was a girl there with three guys. They were chuckling when I approached them.
“Violet, right?” I asked.
“Who’s asking?” she asked, leaning back on the leather seat.
“Drucilla Daniels. Megan’s sister,” I answered. As I spoke, she straightened.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“Right now? A beer but all I really want is my little sister back.”
“What do you want me to do about it?” she asked.
“I was told that you were the new girl in town,” I said. I place my right hand on my hip and smiled evilly down on the girl.
“Go away freak!” she spat. The guys she sat with chuckled and I smiled more.
“You have no idea who you’re dealing with,” I said. I grabbed the front of her shirt and with a small motion of my wrist, threw her across the bar. I heard a few screams and the scrambling of chairs as people rushed out the door. I walked to where she fell. She was in a crouching position and ready to attack.
“Oh, so you’re a mongrel,” I said. She growled and threw herself at me. She missed me by a half a second. I caught a sight of Damon in the back of the bar watching me.
“Do all his daughters play games,” the girl growled.
“They never told us not to play with our food,” I grinned. She sat in the crushed wood of the table and glared at me.
“What do you want,” she asked in defeat.
“I want to know where my sister is,” I said. I sat in a nearby chair and crossed my legs. I played with the ruffled hem of my dress and looked at the girl from behind my bangs.
“My job was to only deliver her to him. I have no idea what he is planning to do with her,” she said.
“By him you mean?” I asked.
“Alexander,” she said. Her voice went cold and so did every part of my body.
“Leave,” I heard Damon’s voice somewhere in front of me. I couldn’t even see my hands on my lap.
“Is she going to be alright?” the girl asked.
“The main question is will you be if you don’t leave,” Damon growled. I heard her footsteps getting further away and two more coming closer.
“She’s is in a shock. This is her worst one yet,” I heard Sammy say to Damon.
“Why do you say that?” Damon asked.
“Because her eye color keeps changing and it would have stopped by now,” he answered.
“Is there a guide book to her?” Damon asked.
“If only,” Sammy sighed.
“By the looks of it, I’d say you fell for her,” Damon said.
“I was just going to tell you the same,” Sammy said.
“I don’t

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