» Fiction » THE AMBITIOUS WHORE, Al Redfern [short books for teens TXT] 📗

Book online «THE AMBITIOUS WHORE, Al Redfern [short books for teens TXT] 📗». Author Al Redfern

Chapter One

Kaie came into the Great Hall quietly, careful not to disturb the men who lay here and there around the room. They were snoring, still drunk from last night's lavish feast. She had not attended, and, unusually, she hadn't heard much about it from anyone yet.

Edging around them and their filth, she made her way towards her father, who sat in his huge ornately carved chair with a fine wool blanket over his knees, fingering his thick whiskers with a dark expression on his face. Nowadays it seemed like he was always worrying about something. Those damn Roman savages would not stop until they had taken everything from him.

'Father?' she murmured, 'You asked to see me?'

Her father looked up, and she noticed that the clouds did not leave his face like they usually did when he saw her.

'Kaie, my little warrior', he thundered, his rich voice rousing his men from their dreams. 'I have grave news, and I must speak with you alone.'

The menfolk all responded to this, and even those who had looked unconscious stirred and began to file out. When the last man had left, Kaie and her father were alone in the vast hall with each other.

'As you know, these Roman dogs have been bleeding us dry for months. They have taken my land, my livestock, my workers and my gold. I have only let them to protect the women and children from their ruthlessness.'

He paused, his words resounding in the quiet of the early morning. Kaie wondered if her father would finally tell her that he could not bear to sacrifice their dignity for the tribe's safety anymore, and that he was planning an attack. Despite his best efforts all those nights of negotiation at the Roman camp, he always came back with bad news - the swines asking for larger and larger taxes. She was ready to agree, and congratulate his ferocity. But she never could.

'I asked you here because they have asked for the one thing I cannot give them. I would give up everything I have, but I cannot ask you to do the same. Their leader has asked for you.'

Kaie felt sick to her stomach. Even she had not realised how low these pigs were. She looked up at him, smiling in gratitude because she knew he would never give her up to them. But then she noticed the sad, desperate glint in his eye. He would never ask her. But it was her duty to do it anyway. She had to be selfless, like him.

'Father, I will go.'

'Oh, no, Kaie.' he protested weakly, taking a sip of ale.

'Father, I beg forgiveness, but nothing you can say will prevent me. With or without your permission, I will deliver myself to the Roman camp to keep our people safe.'

Kaie's father smiled a thin little smile, and pulled her into his crushing embrace.

Chapter Two

It was dusk when Kaie was taken by the two guards to the camp. The whole tribe stood watching them leave, her friends weeping, the men spitting at the feet of their enemies.

Her father did not come to say goodbye.

Kaie noticed that some of the men in the crowd would not meet her eye. Were they ashamed of her? Could they not see that she was giving up her freedom and honour for their sakes?

The Roman soldiers would not look at her either. Their faces were grim, as if this was one job they really did not want to do. They looked ashamed too. Ashamed to be escorting a lowly whore. Kaie felt her eyes smarting with tears and she held her chin high as she mounted her horse, trying desperately not to cry and humiliate herself further.

With her dark green cloak and black hair billowing in the cold wind, she looked back for one last time on her home. Heartbroken, she lingered on the gold plate that was had been her mother's dowry. Beaten into it was a likeness of Sulis, she who is gazed upon, with coiling hair suspended in an intricate halo around her strong and beautiful face. It was her tribe's symbol, and hanging such a valuable object in plain sight showed how that they were powerful and brave enough to be free from fear of thieves.

But now Kaie had to turn and leave, forever.

By the time they reached the camp, it was dark and cold. The guards, on one each side of her, holding her reins, also held lanterns, or they might have stumbled from the thin footpath and into more dangerous land. During the journey, Kaie had tormented over whether she should flee. She knew that Brenn could easily tear free and that she could escape over the hills. He knew this land instinctively, and they would be gone in moments.

But she would never betray her people, so she had to allow herself to be pulled towards an uncertain future.

Kaie had to admit, it was not the slovenly slump filled with drunkards and fools that she had expected. Strange gold poles with decadent eagles at their tops had been pushed into the earth here and there. The neat huts looked warm and welcoming, and the long one she was headed for looked almost luxurious. Gold light shone from a fire within, and the doorframe was painted with blue and gold.

But Kaie felt cold. She could see the Romans watching her. They looked so strange. The men were clean shaven, like little boys, and the wives were dressed so oddly. They all hated her, and she hated them. Worst of all, she could see pity in their eyes. How dare they pity her!

Too soon, she was at the door, and she knew she had to meet the man who had done this to her family and her. Kaie took a deep breath and let her anger flow into her vivid green eyes. Inside, she saw a tall, well-built man standing in front of the fire, watching the flames.

Proud and defiant, Kaie strode into the room, and prepared herself to meet the man who owned her.

Chapter 3

For a few moments, Kaie just stood there, waiting for him to turn around. She could only see the back of his fair-haired head. There was something about the slant of his shoulders that seemed dignified and calm.

It made her stand up tall, and put on the haughtiest look she could muster. If he thought that the only daughter of the tenth chieftain of the oldest clan in the land wouldn't be proud, he was wrong. Pilfering scum that he was, something in her needed to impress him.

Finally, he turned. Kaie was surprised by how young he was. She had imagined a sweaty old man, fat and pompous. But his gentle, handsome face unsettled her.

But she knew that Romans were slippery, deceitful people, so she steeled herself against his manipulation. They stood, frozen, staring at each other. Neither of them said a word. Finally Kaie couldn't take it anymore. She took a sharp breath and poured forth all the complex and barbed insults that she had built up over the years.

She hissed and cursed until she couldn't any more, and all the while he stood there, watching her, his face not betraying anything.

'Oh, you son of a dried-up and dirty husbandless mother! The worst thing of all is that you can't understand me! I'm close to crying and you can't even understand me.'

Kaie was so exhausted from trying to be strong that she stopped, spent, dry sobs shaking her slender body. The Roman looked into her eyes, paused for a second, and spoke.

'But I do understand you.'

Kaie stopped crying. In her shock her mouth dropped open. Unless her fatigue was actually making her hallucinate, he had just spoken her tongue. Not very well, but still! This was the final straw. Enraged, she surged towards him, and shook his by his fine shoulders. A bemused expression came over his face, infuriating her further. He was laughing at her!

'You bastard! You godless cur!' she cried. 'How could you not tell me that you understood what I was saying?'

'I would have, if you'd paused for breath.'

She gasped. He was laughing at her! She was sure of it! His clever eyes twinkled with mirth.

All of a sudden, Kaie realised how close they were standing. Their lips were inches away, and her breasts were brushing against his chest. For the first time, Kaie felt truly unsure of herself. Perhaps he sensed this, for he stepped back a fraction, and said quietly,

'You will sleep here tonight. I have arranged a room elsewhere. Goodnight, Kaie.'

And then he was gone, with the door shut tight behind him, leaving Kaie alone, confused and drained. Her legs folded beneath her, and Kaie crumpled to the floor.


Publication Date: 02-07-2011

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