» Fiction » Fallen Era, Ice Caster [great novels to read txt] 📗

Book online «Fallen Era, Ice Caster [great novels to read txt] 📗». Author Ice Caster

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Chapter 1

Rai ran down the hallway, her heartbeat loud in her ears. Her eyes were focused on the figure in front of her, careful to make sure that she did not lose them in the network of tunnels
that surrounded them. They took a swerve to the left, and she did not hesitate to follow them. As they ran on, she saw a dim light at the end of the hallyway. That must be were the gate was,
that lead outside.... As they slowed to a slow walk, she was surprised at what she saw.
That explained much of why the opening hadn't been found by the others. It lead into a large tree that was hollowed in the inside. You would have to climb high up inside the tree to get out through
a small hole in the side of the tree. She climbed up, careful as to were she put her footsteps. She did not want to slip, because that would be a painful fall back down. She crawled out after the person
in front of her. Finally they threw back their hood to reveal who it was. She had not met this person before, she would remember them. It was a bit strange though, she knew almost everybody
in the Underground Nyte Force. He had the perfect face shape, with blond hair that fell to his chin. His eyes were a forest green, and he had a very serious look to his expression.
"As you can see, there are several foot prints in the mud over by the stream. Many different sizes... that can only mean that there were many people here. Some force has started moving towards
our fallen kingdom, its only a matter of time before they take the place over. I'd say we've got two weeks before they make it there... we need to accomplish a lot in those two weeks, or we are
going to lose everything." He said, and as he spoke... it became obvious, he didn't seem to be the fighting type. He was most likely a stratigizer. One of the queens trusted comrades, who help
sort out the plans for what we'd be doing.
"I'll go scout about," Rai said without bothering to wait for his answer. She climbed higher up into the tree, until she came to a branch that leaned close to the neighboring maple tree.
"Wait, I have not given you permission! And besides, its way to dangerous for that of a girl." The guy said, sneering the last part.
"First, your not my commander... So I don't need your permission. And besides, I bet a girl could do this better than you lumbering guys..." She said back to him in a quiet voice.
She leapt onto the maple branch, and quickly climbed her way down from the tree. She carefully crossed to the prints in the mud by the stream. She leaned down to check them, by the feel of it they
were most likely an hour or two fresh. They probably hadn't gotten that far in that amount of time... well it depended on who it was. If it was the Dae kingdom, they would be moving a lot quicker
than most of the other kingdoms would. If it were the Sky kingdom, they'd be moving a bit slower.
She took off into the forest, her footsteps landing silently on the ground. She followed the way that would start to lead her towards their fallen kingdom. Soon she saw smoke rising into the sky before her.
She stopped, and looked around for a good tree. She found a cedar tree, and she climbed up into the branches. She hopped from tree to tree until she could see the camp of the enemy. Today,
was already turning out to be a bad day.
What she had feared most... it was not that of another kingdom. It was the evil ones.... the evil forces were the ones that started this war, and the ones that brought their kingdom down....
they were the strongest enemies out there. They could have feared nothing worse then them. She held her breath, as she tried to judge how many there were there. To her slight relief, there
were only estimated to be three hundred. That was plently better than the thousand groups they tend to travel in. Except, this was still not good for them. Even though Underground Nyte
Force had around five hundred current working members... With the strength of the evil ones, they were still outmeasured strength wise.
They would have a lot of working to do if they ever wished to protect the kingdom from the evil ones. She tried to listen into their conversations, but she couldn't really hear much... Really,
no one seemed to be talking much. She stood up, and turned to hop away when she heard one of thems start talking. She dropped back down to a crouch on the branch, and focused everything
on the one that was speaking.
"The scout we sent a few days ahead has reported that there seem to be no armed forces within their kingdom. This is our perfect opportunity to take over, and claim the Nyte kingdom as our own.
Since there are no other kingdoms in the area that could even challange our forces, we can take it at an even pace. There will be no rushing to get there, just in case their is a hidden force there...
we do not want to waste our energy. Our designated time of arrival is in one week."
One week.....
One week........
That wasn't going to be enough time at all. There was no way, even though they could accomplish alot in one week.. That wasn't enough to time to prepare for all the fighting that they were going
to be doing. Odds would not be in their favor, but they shouldn't back down either. Whatever the choice, it wasn't hers to make. It was lady Nyra's choice... Rai turned to leap to the next tree, when
the branch she was on snapped. She made it to the other branch safely, but not without notice. Alarms went off through the camp...
And the next thing she knew there was arrow rasing towards her, she deflected it with her arm... but there was a deep gash to be left behind. Rai leapt from tree to tree in a fast manner,
taking turns and zig zags to try to lose them. She no longer saw or heard anyone... but she couldn't be sure. She climbed to the ground and leapt into the stream and let her carry her for a ways. When she
knew that it was safe, she climbed out. She made her way back to the entrance to the Underground Nyte Force. She climbed back down into the hallways. Not it was off to tell the lady,
that they only had one week to prepare.

She sat there silently staring at the floor, as the lady passed back and forth in front of her. She had never really spoken to the lady that much, but when she had told her commander about what
she had overheard... he told her that she must speak directly with the lady about it. Rai never thought she'd see the lady acting like this. How quickly she walked, the look of distress on her face...
and the look of panic in her eyes. Suddenly she stopped pasing, and stared at the ground.
"There's nothing left we can do. We can't fight them, it'd be suicide! A complete waist of all our training and hardwork! There would be no hope for us winning what so ever. None. No matter
what we did it just wouldn't work.... No matter how hard we trainied and prepared.... We'd lose, no doubt.The only thing we can do for now is make sure to keep our location
hidden. We'll make the work schedules harder and stricter, and just keep up with our training. Thats all we can do for now." Lady Nyra stated after a minute. Rai was completely shocked.
Lady Nyra was always the one that had the most hope and confidence in themselves, she never backed down from a fight that often.
"What? You're going to give up just like that!? Thats not the lady Nyra thats guided us this far! I bet with enough training and preperation we could take them out easily!" Rai said, but even
as she spoke the last words she did not believe in them. Even if they were to suceed, way over half of their forces would be wiped out. With that, they'd be left with barely no fighting
strength to defend and uphold the night kingdom.
"I can see it in your eyes though, Rai. You do not believe in the words you speak. And if you see it that way, then yes I am giving up. I care about my peoples lives, and I do not want to watch
them be thrown away after we've worked so hard." Lady Nyra said, sighing.
"Yeah, I guess your right. You've always made the right descisions... and besides.... after fighting them, if we're to win, we wouldn't have enough forces to uphold and defend the Nyte kingdom."
Rai said, a sad tone to her voice. It made actually be best to wait until they take over the kingdom. They could attack from beneath the city when they least expect it.
"Your-" The lady was cut off by a buzzing siren that flooded the room.
"Intruder Alert, I repeat, Intruder Alert." The voice was loud in clear coming through the mic. Rai drew her sword, and followed the lady who was already running down the hallway. As they came
into the main hall, five figures stood there. One held a small child in his arms, his knife at its neck.
"Ah, Lady Nyra. Lets make this simple, we'll let this kid live if we may have one of your soldiers in return..." The figure smiled, a crooked smile.
"How did you get in here? Why do you want one of my soldiers?" Nyra demanded, but he continued without answering her questions.
"Of course, I don't want any soldier. I want a certain soldier, with a certain potential that I am searching for..... Ah, yes. That girl that stands next to you, it burns bright in her eyes. She
would be the most perfect one to take." The man said. Nyra shoved Rai behind her.
"You can't have any of my soldiers, and I'm warning you if you hurt that child....." Lady Nyra began.
"And what if I do hurt this child. There isn't much you can do from that distance, and look around Lady Nyra.... Almost all your soldiers have fallen, they're not dead of course." He said.
"Lady Nyra, I'll go with them." Rai said.
"What?" Lady Nyra looked shocked.
"That child has a lot of skill and potential, he is essential to the Underground Nyte Force. I can handle myself, I'll go with them... I'll find a way to escape from them. Don't worry, I'll be fine. I
know what I'm doing." Rai told her in a voice only Nyra could here. There were a few moments of silence as Lady Nyra started at her, but after a minute she sighed.
"Very well." She muttered, and turned to look towards the five. "She has agreed to go with you, of course only if you let the child go." Lady Nyra said.
"Girl come here," The man said. Rai walked towards him without hesitation, that childs life was more important than hers no matter what.

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