» Fiction » Summer Nights, Damian Pelletier [summer reads txt] 📗

Book online «Summer Nights, Damian Pelletier [summer reads txt] 📗». Author Damian Pelletier

It was summertime and we were all sitting around the campfire. Bobby had to go to the bathroom. We decided to pull a prank on him. We took all of his stuff and hid it in a nearby cave. He came back and found that his stuff was gone he was furious. "Wheres my stuff", he shouted. "Calm down", i said. "No", he shouted,"I want to know where my stuff is." "Okay, okay calm down ill go get it", I said. as I walked toward the cave Summer said,"You're a traitor". i pretended that I didn't hear her. I turned back to look at the fire and everyone was glaring at me. I thought to myself why did I have to give in. So I walked to the cave where Bobby's stuff was. i went inside. It wasn't there! The cave wasn't that deep so i searched the whole cave for it. it was gone. i ran back to the fire and told the others what happened. They didn't believe me."i think you're lying so i won't get my stuff back",Bobby told me. "I'm not lying we can search that whole cave and the forest around it it's not there. So we split up in teams of two: me and Summer, Bobby and Phil, Edward and Angie, and Becca and Grace and we searched the whole forest. Nothing. We met at the campfire. "hey wheres Bobby and Phil", i asked. "I don't know lets try calling them" Edward replied. "Bobby, Phil" i said over the Walkie Talkie, "Bobby, Phil do you read me?" Static. i tried their cell phones. Bobby's rang and rang it didn't even go to Voicemail."Bobby must have his ring on delayed or something because it hasn't went to voicemail yet", I told the others. I tried Phil's phone. he didnt pick up either in fact his phone went straight to voicemail so i figured that his phone was off and i left him a message. "somethings wrong", i said,"Phil always has his phone on and he always answers it". "What do you think happened", Summer asked me. "I have no idea maybe they fell or they were attacked", I replied. "I think we should go home and call the police," she said. "your parents are away for the weekend remember, where are you gonna go you don't even have a key.",I told her. "Well... maybe i could get your mom to let me stay at your house with you." "but the couch is taken and i won't let you sleep on the floor and also my mom won't let you sleep in the bed with me." "Well its worth a try" "okay we'll ask but if she says no then i will have to break you into your house.""okay". we got into my car and left. We dropped off Becca, Grace, Angie, and Edward at their houses. I took Summer home with me.

"no" my mom said."but mom she has to stay here tonight she has no place to go""why doesn't she go home""her parents are out of town and she doesn't have a key to her house" well Tommy is using the couch""she can sleep with me""i honestly don't think that's a good idea""Ms Hubble"Summer said"please call me Megan""Ms Megan i would be fine with sleeping with Chris""well i don"t think i fell comfortable with Chris in the same bed with a girl""Mom, stop embarrassing me im not going to do anything""And besides Chris respects me and if i told him not to do something he won't do it, and if he did i know how to handle him""pray tell how will you handle him if he gets out of control""Well all i have to do is use a very strict tone, if that doesn't work then i will have to physically stop him""you think you're stronger than him""no i just know how to handle people that get out of control""okay you have one chance if you blow it you will be grounded untill you leave my house""okay mom"My mom went into the kitchen."well that was easy",said Summer."yeah for you",I replied."well it wouldn't have been so hard for you if you were trustworthy""i am trustworthy""Your mom doesn't seem to think so""that's only because i am a 16 year old adolescent. she doesn't know how to trust me in bed with a girl. especially since im already girl crazy""well if you"re girl crazy" are you crazy about me""very""well if your that crazy then kiss me"We leaned in for that first kiss."No kissing", my mom yelled from the bathroom "how does she catch me every time i mean i could be in my room with the door locked and window blocked and she could be way on the other side of the house and she would know exactly what im doing its freaky""maybe its some kind of sixth sense" she leaned over and kissed me full on the lips. "i saw that" my mom yelled "don't kiss him again""wow how did she see that" i think she has hidden cameras somewhere in the house""Summer""what""do you have a boyfriend""no...""well i was wondering""yeah""if you wanted one""are you asking me out""maybe""okay ill give you a chance""cool"we held hands. "No touching""mom""don't mom me you are in my house under my rules""what if we go outside""it wont matter you'll still be on my property""mom you're killing me"

"So what do you wanna do""why""i cant sleep" "what are you nervous because you're sleeping with a girl""no i just cant sleep""well don't you have a ps3""yeah"do you have any multiplayer games""yeah""okay lets play then""what game""how about need for speed""okay let me hook it up"i hooked up the game system and turned it on.Summer screamed."what whats wrong"i asked"someones at the window its Phil""Phil""yeah but he doesn't look the same""lets go see what he wants"so we went outside and saw Phil outside my window."hey Phil",i yelled to him he didn't respond.i went up to him and noticed there was blood on his shirt. i also noticed that he had something protruding from his back. so i turned him around and saw what it was. A METAL STAKE! i was so shocked by what i saw i couldn't move."Chris whats wrong"Summer asked. I didn't respond so she came up next to me to see what i was looking at. then all i heard was screaming. Very loud, high pitched screaming. it was so loud it hurt my ears. i couldnt figure out where it was coming from. then i turned to summer and found my answer it was her screaming."Its okay", i told her" then she started screaming louder and pointing so i followed her finger but i couldn't see any thing."what are you pointing at"I asked Then she stopped screaming."Bobby" she whispered"'what are you talking about Bobby's missing""no hes not",she said,"hes right there behind Phil and hes got a knife"and then i saw him"Holy Shit Bobby what are you doing! did you kill Phil""you should have never taken my stuff now you will pay"
i was scared shitless. i didnt know what to do.i got out my cell phone and dialed 911. The cops showed up and declared the place a crime scene i told them what he looks like and what he said. the police searched the woods. they found nothing.

To Be Continued:


Publication Date: 06-10-2010

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