» Fiction » A Demons Biography Book 1, Damian Pelletier [e book reading free .txt] 📗

Book online «A Demons Biography Book 1, Damian Pelletier [e book reading free .txt] 📗». Author Damian Pelletier

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Demons are misunderstood creatures. They're not all bad. I should know I'm one of them. I was born to a shape-shifter mother and a vampire father. That mix makes me stronger than any shape-shifter or vampire alone. I am not evil. If I was evil I wouldn't be sitting here telling you this I would just eat you. I look enough like a human to get around. I go to school just like you. I'm popular and everyone loves me. I'm obviously the best student in gym. I run track and I set record speeds. But I still have problems. Since I'm half vampire and half shape-shifter I need blood and raw flesh to stay alive. I try to only eat people that continuously cause problems. Sometimes if I'm peckish enough I'll break into the local prison and eat one of the prisoners. I can be caught on tape but I move so fast they usually don't catch me.
I'm strong enough to break a ten foot thick wall but I try not to I don't like damaging property. I know cats usually hate vampires but since I'm half shape-shifter all animals like me. I can make the most vicious red-nose Pitt act like a puppy. Oh, and I can read minds. Not just animals,humans too. I know all about your deepest secrets. Like that girl your dating,Ted, I know you've cheated on her every night for the past month. You can't hide anything from me. Hell, I've even got a girlfriend myself. She doesn't know any of this. She wouldn't believe me if I told her. I know I said I'm not evil cause I'm not but I used to be. I only age one year for every five I'm alive so, yeah, longer summer vacation. But back to the point. The truth is I used to be evil I used to prey on innocent people. Lawyers, politicians, but mostly cops. I hate cops. They have too much authority. They can take someone to jail for looking at them wrong. Its not fair. But enough with the bullshiting I'm ,was, evil. This is my story.

I was ten years old but I only looked like I was two. I would hunt people, usually girls-their blood is sweeter and they have less muscle so they're easier to chew. Also I loved the sound of their screams. Oh yes, I used to eat them alive. My favorite part was the thigh because it has more meat than the rest of the body, like a giant human chicken leg. But I would only eat the skinny hot chicks. My favorite were the blond ones, they screamed the loudest. I would approach a girl and ask if she had a boyfriend, because I'm irresistible, what with being part vampire and everything, if she did then I'll say that he's gonna miss her, she asks why and I say calmly, “Because I'm gonna eat you.” They would usually say, “You're a sick person” and walk away. Then I would follow them eventually they would start running. I would easily keep pace with them. Then she would turn into a parking lot or a public park, then I would pounce I would half morph to scare off any people that try to help her, then I would slowly eat her. It would usually take an hour just because of the screams. Everytime she screamed I would take another bite and another and another keeping her alive for as long as possible. The adrenaline rushing through her only makes her taste better. I was a monster then, preying on people for sport. But there was one girl that managed to get away from me. This is what happened. I was walking down the street when I saw her. My first thought was “Man she looks scrumptious.” She did too. She looked like there was no muscle at all on her body. Where muscle should have been there was fat, soft and juicy. I decided to skip my normal routine and go after her. Instead of running she stood her ground. She punched me. Hard. Harder than any human can punch. The moment her fist touched my nose I knew. We were the same. No creature except a half vampire half shape-shifter could punch me and break my nose. It was impossible. Something else happened too. I got pulled into her mind. I've heard of things like that happening to strangers who meet their soulmate, but not me I didn't have a soul. Or so I thought. She noticed it too. “Oh my god,” she said. All I said was wow. In that split second we knew everything about each other. So we started dating. Every day I would bring her a black rose. A black rose is like an ordinary rose except its bred by demons which makes it black. They are beautiful. So we would, instead of going to the movies, hunt together. The odd thing was that she preferred girls for the same reasons as me. So we would share the bounty. Oh I forgot to tell you what animal I turned into. I turn into a wolf. She did too. We would shift and play fight to see who was faster and stronger. It pains me to say this but she was the stronger one. Everytime she would end up on top with her jaws on my throat in a death grip I had no way out so I surrendered. When I met her I looked ten years old but I was really technically fifty. Everyone we saw kept talking about young love. I wanted to shake them and shout “I'm not young I'm fifty for goddess's sake.” But of course they didn't know that. They thought I was ten. But though she was stronger I was faster. I could outrun her at any time. But sometimes I would let her catch me. We started getting really serious about our relationship. I asked my parents about the soulmate thing. They said it was called the Soulmate Principle, they said it meant that some ancient powers were being awakened. They were very serious about it. I guess its supposed to be a big deal. Why, I don't know but by my experience what they say is true. Humans aren't smart enough to know that love as they call it may be them connecting with their soulmates. My parents say that every being has one soulmate from each species: vampire, werewolf, witch, and human, and whichever you have the strongest attraction for is your soulmate forever. If you have connected with all of your soulmates the one that you have the strongest connection for will also have the strongest connection for you so you will mate forever. I think that parts bullshit, I mean who would believe that you would be with someone for the rest of your life? Its fucking crazy. I may believe anything else about soulmates but not that. Why would I want to mate with one person anyway I love having a different girlfriend every month. Its just me. I'm just like that. I would hate to have to be with one girl forever. I also had school after I turned “eleven” so I'll tell you about that. It started in August at the time I hated humans like you. My first day there were so many people. I thought, its too bad my parent said I cant eat the grownups or the kids. But the school was a mix of preschool, elementary, junior high, senior high school, and college. So there were plenty of people but I couldn't eat any of them because if I do their friends might find out and I would be exposed for the monster I was. I got my first girlfriend when I was “eleven.” She was pretty hot, well as hot as a eleven year old girl can be. I was with her for two weeks before I got tired of her. She was always so dramatic about everything so I broke up with her. She cried. I got another girlfriend the next day. No girl can say no to me. Even then. I was too irresistible. They always said I had perfect features but I never believed them till then. My second girlfriend wasn't really dramatic at all, but she loved kissing me. A little too much. That relationship only lasted three weeks.I got another one the next day. By now you might be wondering why I was going out with human girls. Well, that's because I wanted to look as human as possible, but also I wanted to learn more about humans. How they talked, walked, etc. That's why I had a lot of friends that were in the popular cliques in school. Also knowing I can't get cancer I smoked cigarettes. Also I can't get addicted to anything. If I smoked reefer, yeah, I'd get a high just like you, but I wouldn't develop a physical dependence for it even if I smoked it everyday for a year. That goes for every drug. I only smoked cigarettes because my friends smoked. Same with reefer. My friends did it so I thought it was okay, at least until my father caught me with reefer and yelled at me about how drugs will just kill me faster. I argued back that drugs cant hurt me cause I was half vampire. He said he was sorry and that he's been around humans for too long and he's started acting like them. I said that I understood. He told me to just be careful not to get caught by the cops. I told him I'd just lead the cops to a park and eat them, but he said just don't let them catch me smoking anything. Even though I can break out of jail, they would still have my picture on record and they would search for me till they found me. I said okay I wouldn't let them catch me. So I went to school the next day and my girlfriend was mad that I'd been smoking reefer so I said, “Its not like I'm addicted to it.” She said, “I don't care I want you to quit or I'm breaking up with you.” I said, “You don't have to break up with me.” She said, “So your gonna quit?” I said, “No, I'm breaking up with you.” She said, “Fine, be an asshole, but I'm gonna tell all my friends not to go out with you.” I said, “Whatever.” The next day I asked her best friend out. And she said yes. Take that Carrol. And when she found out her best friend was going out with her ex she was PISSED big time. She took back the BFF ring she bought for Christine. Christine was so sad and I felt bad that she lost her best friend because of me. So I apologized to her. She said it was okay and that Carrol was such a bitch sometimes. She said she was glad that she wasn't her friend anymore. I asked her if I told her something about myself that may seem impossible would she believe me. She said that she would believe anything I told her if I had proof. So I said, “I'm half vampire and half shape-shifter.” She said, “No way you're shitting me.” I said, “Nope I'm dead serious.” I showed her my retractable fangs and took her into the woods and shifted for her. She said, “Oh my god, I should be scared but I'm amazed you're so beautiful.” I shifted back. She said, “But how do you keep your clothes on when you change?” I said, “When I shift my clothes turn

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