» Fiction » A Demons Biography Book 1, Damian Pelletier [e book reading free .txt] 📗

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into fur, I've never really understood how that works.” She said, “Well anyway I think its cool.” “Really,” I said, “You don't think think I'm a monster or a freak of nature?” “No,” she said, “If anything you've been given a gift. What else can you do?” “Well,” I said, “ I can move things without touching them and read minds.” “Really? Well what am I thinking now?” “Um,” I said, “I really don't want to say it out loud.” “Just say it.” “Okay, you think I'm hot, you want to be half vampire and half shape-shifter just like me, and you wanna, wait you wanna do what with me!!!!” “Oh you weren't supposed to know that part. So can you change me?” “Um I'm not supposed to.” “Please, nobody will know.” “Okay but if I do you have to be my girlfriend for as long as I like and don't ever ask to have sex with me, even in your thoughts.” “Okay.” So I let my fangs grow and I bit her. I could see the change happening. I've never seen someone change like that before but it was amazing. Her features got more defined she got even more beautiful than she was. When she was fully changed I said, “You get to pick what animal you change into but once you pick you're stuck with the choice forever.” She said, “I wanna be a wolf like you.” I said, “Okay, picture a wolf in your head and you'll shift, then to shift back picture yourself, some shape-shifters have the power to change into more than one animal, after you shift back into a human we're both gonna try to shift into other animals and people too.” “Okay,” she said. She shifted into a wolf and back into a human. “Now lets try a bear, if we can shift into that, we can shift into any animal.” So we tried it. It worked! “Now lets try people. Shift into someone that you know a lot about.” So we tried that. It worked too! “Alright, try to extend your fangs.” That worked too! “Alright, that stick over there in you're mind and then picture it flying through the air and smashing into the tree.” She did it. “Well I think that's enough lessons for today.” We went home. My dad must have smelled the scent of a newborn on me because when I got home he started yelling, he said, “Why did you change a human into a fucking half breed! What are you trying to do start a gang of half breeds! You're grounded for a week! Go to your fucking room now!” I started thinking about what he said about starting a gang. Actually it was a good idea I could make the rules and kill anyone who left the gang. The next day I went to school and asked my friends if they wanted to become part of a half vampire half shape-shifter gang. They said if there was such a thing then hell yeah they would join it. So I changed them. But me and my girlfriend were the only ones who could shift into any human or animal we wanted. I made up the rules. Rule 1: No hunting without my permission. Rule 2: Only hunt people who don't have a lot of family. Rule 3: No hunting teachers or fellow students, no matter how mad you are at them. Rule 4: No hunting animals. Rule 5: Finish eating the person that you were hunting and dispose of any carcasses that are left over. Rule 6: No hunting in public places, always lead the victim to a secluded area where nobody will find you. Rule 7: No shifting until you are in the secluded area and only your victim can see you shift because you're gonna kill him anyway. Failure to comply with these rules is punishable by death, if you try to hide from me your death will be slower and more painful.
I told everyone the rules and they signed a contract saying they would follow them. I was in charge and Christine was second in command. Every night we would meet and they would take turns fighting me in human form so they learned what to do if a human fought back. Then on the seventh night I gave them a victim to hunt and they did exceptionally well for their first real hunt. And they followed all the rules. During the day we would go up against street gangs. The first one was a small group of Crips. We walked up to them and made sure the leader memorized our faces. I said, “You mother fuckers are on Wolf turf, I think you should leave now.” The leader said, “Oh,yeah you gonna make us.” Every Wolf growled in unison. I gave orders, “Wolves attack, but let the leader live so he can tell his O.G. Not to come on our turf.” Every Wolf shifted at the same time. One minute the gang members were looking at a bunch of teenagers and the next second they were staring at a pack of angry wolves. The look on their faces was priceless. They started shooting at us. If I didn't see the guns, I would have thought they were throwing pebbles at us. The bullets were just bouncing off of us. Then we attacked as one. We went for the throats. After his homies were dead we shifted back. I said, “Now you go tell your O.G. What happened here and hope that he doesn't put you in a mental ward.” He was so scared he left the car and ran, looking over his shoulder every few seconds to see if we were gonna come after him. The car was blue, but our gang color was blood red so we took it to a car shop and had it painted. We saw some Bloods and they tried to run us off the road into a ditch. I screamed, “What the FUCK.” The leader said, “We heard that you're the new gang around here and we gonna show you who is the boss round here. We got out of the car and I said, “This is our fucking turf.” “Prove it,” said the leader. I told my gang, “We gonna do to these guys what we did to those Crips.” Then we shifted and attacked. But the leader was so scared he shit himself then got a gun and shot at me, but when he saw it didn't hurt me he looked around at his dead gang and shot himself. I guess he thought that we were gonna save him for dessert.
The next day Matt broke some of the rules. He shifted in public and killed ten people. He said he was tired of following the rules. I called a meeting in the woods. Matt thought that I was gonna forgive him, but instead I tied him between two trees and forced my way into his mind. I broke right through the barrier he put up. I'm not saying that it was a weak barrier. It was as strong as plexiglass, but that's how mad I was. I broke through like it was just a cotton barrier. I made him change into a wolf but stopped the transformation halfway between wolf and human. Then I shifted. I told the others to shift and dig in. The truth is that between the transformation is when we are the most vulnerable. Now there was only six of us left. Then one day we were just walking around and acting like normal teenagers. We were “fifteen.” 20 human years had passed since I had to kill Matt. We gained another member right after I killed Matt. His name was Tommy. We were known by every gang as the Wolf gang. So like I said we were acting like normal teenagers. Looking at womens' asses and whistling at the really hot women. Then all of a sudden we saw a lot of different colored flags. I said, “Oh, shit, the gangs have merged and they're coming for us.” We got out our phones and called every vampire, shape-shifter, and witch we knew. They were there within minutes. The cars pulled over and all the gang members got out there was at least one hundred maybe two. There was fifty of us. Everyone got ready to fight. The shape-shifters shifted and the witches started blasting energy. The vampires used their speed to their advantage. The gang members only killed one vampire and two witches. Then it was over. Just like that. So we went back to walking around. The rest of my gang decided that they were tired of not having girlfriends so they picked a girl and asked them out. But me? Well I already had Christine. Oh, I forgot to tell you that the half breed that I told you about was killed by a stake through the heart. That's why I started seeing human girls. But anyway, me and Christine decided to get serious. I'm not going into details. So the gang decided to live “normal” lives for a while. My parents bought us a house so we could have privacy. They payed for the utilities and the rent. We hunted together. We did everything together. I even started smoking reefer again, and guess what, she smoked with me. I said fuck the Soulmate Principle I'm happy with Christine. Then it happened. Since she was human once the universe decided that since we've been through so much together it will let her be my human soulmate. And I'm thankful for that because it was hard to talk about my past but now I don't have to. I proposed to her. She said yes, of course. We were so busy getting the wedding ready. We hired a caterer that makes human food and one that makes other food. The other food is off limits to humans. They wouldn't want it anyway. She got a dress but wouldn't let me see it. “You will see it when we have the wedding,” she says. I got myself a blood red tuxedo with a maroon tie and maroon shirt. It was really nice. Then, a week before the wedding, a new gang showed up. It was something we never seen before. It was a gang of ghouls. The only way to kill a ghoul is to burn its heart to a crisp.

To be continued..... Imprint

Publication Date: 11-10-2010

All Rights Reserved

dedicated to the Bookrix frightening Fiction contest

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