» Fiction » A Heart Has Feelings Too, Alexis Doberstein [best non fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

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Choosing between your head and your heart can be one of the biggest decisions that you ever had to make in your life. Your head is telling you what to do because you have the intelligence to learn and to listen to it. But your heart is telling you what you need. Your heart is telling you what you have sacrificed to get here. Your heart is telling you with everything that you have lost it's only made you that much stronger as a person. Most people like listening to that little voice in their head, but sometimes your heart will lead you in the right direction...not your head.

You’ll be in My Heart, Now and Forever More

In a short period of time a lot has happened.
The time has just flown by.
You will never know how much you mean to me.
Because I can't even describe it in words.
Even though there may be rough times ahead of us,
I know that we'll make it through.
It's us against the world.
I don't care what people say.
I don't care what people do.
I don't care what people think.
I don't care what people hear.
Because we know that truth.
We know what's inside our hearts.
We know how things go, even when people don't want to listen.
But I know that you understand now more then ever that I'm writing this for a reason.
And just to let you know how I feel.
You'll be in my heart, now and forever more.
And that's where you'll always be.
Close to me. And I close to you. <3

I Forgive You, but I Have Not Forgotten

You said you loved me and you'd be there.
You were there when I was little.
You were there when I was growing up for a little while.
Then I moved and you were gone.
How my heart ached when I wasn't near you.
You said that I would see you again someday,
and that you'd never forget me.

I'm moved back here.
And found out that you had someone else.
I saw you for the first time since I was little and,
you had tears in your eyes.
You wanted to hug me.
You wanted to hold me.
You told me that you would
protect me no matter what

You were my sword and shield.
You were my guardian angel
you were my light that brightened my day.

But then things started going wrong when you left again
you weren't the same when you came back.
You didn't want to see me much anymore.
You weren't there for me when I needed you the most.
You told me to leave you alone, and that I didn't understand.
You shut me out of your life because you thought that a teenager would
not understand you, even though I've known you my whole life.

So now you're gone and here I stand all alone.
No shield.
No sword.
Only faith, and what I remember of you.

Your Touch

Your touch is the one that will last forever. I will cherish it forever. I remember it every moment of everyday. The way you hold me to your chest, and when I look up you're smiling. I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside. And then when I look into your eyes. I melt in your arms. Your touch makes even the worst feeling I have go away. For those few seconds that you touch me I feel like I'm flying. And it's just you and me in the room. Nothing else in the world matters anymore. Nobody has ever been able to do that to me. It's like you're an angel sent from heaven above. Just for me. And I will never ever forget your touch.

The Beats of Life

This heart that's inside me no longer beats just to stay alive. It beats for others to encourage them to survive. My heart beats for other people so they will survive. They will always live on in my heart. That is how they live. You may not see them, but they live on through me. I lend them a piece of my heart for them to take. And they do so that they will be able to remember their loved ones forever. People will always live on in precious memories that can last forever. But they will also survive with the beat of a heart. A lot of people have a piece of my heart. And a lot of people don't some are dead and still live on in my heart and some are alive today. Either way this heart that I have is not really mine. It's one to share for everyone to survive. We all live off one heart. And together we all mean something to each other. Wheater it's love, friendship, etc. But we will never forget each other because we'll all remember each other. And live on in memories that last forever. And since we all share on heart. Their piece of heart will never be forgotten. It will live on with the rest of us. For us to remember now and always.

Someone like You

I've searched far and wide for someone like you. I've went through pain and suffering just to get to you. And now that I have you I refuse to let go. You don't know my past and you don't know my future. But I do know that you understand me better then I even understand myself. God has brought me to you for a reason and why that reason is we may never know, but I choose to make the best of what is. And when I first met you I thought it would be impossible. There is not a thing about you that I don't like. I don't know why you make me feel this way. But I pray to god that it doesn't go away. This feeling that I get when you're around it makes me feel like I'm a whole person. And I'm not just half. You are the other half of me and I think you don't realize that yet, but soon you will and everything will be revealed in time. Until then only time can tell what will happen. But whatever it is it must be meant to be. It's a little something I call Destiny. <3

There Really Are No Words

To other people my life may seem dull and gray. But it's the only thing I have. People say that I should have a better life, but I don't want to because I like it just the way it is. Life is short and full of bumps, and I intend to enjoy it. Who knows when my life will end that is up to God. But when it does I know that I will be filled with memories that will last forever. No matter what life I'm in. I will cherish those memories forever and ever. Because those memories are all I have. To you they maybe just a piece of paper, but to me they are my life. And a life of memories is worth living for. When you love someone so much to the point that it actually causes you physical pain. Then you will know what I feel. And why I feel this way. But until then you all will always be asking the same questions over and over and over again.


Love is not just a piece of paper. And it's not something to be handled lightly. It's something to be careful with. And if done properly can lead to great things. Relationships can be great, but only if you pull your half of the weight. Both of you have to meet in the middle otherwise you relationship will be off balance and it can come crumbling down to the ground. And the hardest thing is to tell that person that you love them. Telling them that you like them is one thing. But telling them that you love them is another. And each is hard. But after you do you feel happy and excited. You feel like you just did something right. And if they don't say it back. It's not the end of the world. You will go on. You will keep living the life that god planned for you. And you will find happiness someday! And when you do you'll know!

My Time

My time to go is very near. Don't cry for me just be happy because you will know that I'm with you always. I'm not just looking down at you. I'm with you. I am a part of you. I'm inside of you. I've been on this planet long enough. I lived my life and now it's your turn. Live it well and do not waste it. And cherish each moment as if it were your last. Life is very short and full of mistakes. But we learn from them and try not to repeat them. So make as many mistakes as you can. Because then you won't have to guess anymore you'll know. I'm here to guide you along the way. When you need me I'm here. Even though you can't see me. I will never disappear. I will always live forever right inside your heart. So if you cry, cry tears of joy for you will see me again real soon. This isn't the end and this isn't good-bye. This is the start of a new chapter in a new life.

My Heart

People love and people hate, that's just life. But when each time it takes a little piece of your heart then you'll see the pain I feel. Friendships that are lost, relationships scattered to pieces, and people who died. Each time that happened each of them took a little piece of my heart with them. And I'll never see that piece again. You only have so much heart in you. And then it will be gone. So I try and hang on to what little I have left. And to protect it from getting broken, and shattered. Life is already enough. So I don't need anything added to it. If there was a way to make life easier and painless I would take it. But I chose to take the road less traveled by. I chose to walk alone in the dark. All lonely, and misunderstood. The only person that really understands me is me. And that's the way it will always be.

You Will Always Have A Place in My Heart

When I feel that I'm in need of comfort,
there is only one person I look to
that person is always and will be there for me,
through think and thin, for life.
Ever since we met it feels like
we've known each other for years
instead of months.

This person is what keeps me going at times.
They give me strength, and faith to keep believing that
things are going to be ok. And some great advise that I will share now because
it's true.

"We never know why bad things happen to good people, but God chooses the strongest people to go through it all."

I will always remember that piece of advice.
Just as I will always remember that person.
Because that person means the

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