» Fiction » Arabelle's Ghost, Aimee Orozco [important of reading books txt] 📗

Book online «Arabelle's Ghost, Aimee Orozco [important of reading books txt] 📗». Author Aimee Orozco

Arabelle’s Ghost

“Hey dude, check out her freaky hair!” the boy said as he gestured to a little girl’s hair.

“Yeah, what the hell is up with that?” another boy replied, brazenly pointing at her. They stood in a half circle around the little eight year old girl, making fun of her looks and clothes. She sat kneeling down in the ground, holding an emaciated cat. She had stumbled upon the twelve year old boys relentlessly teasing the cat. Acting on instinct rather than thinking it through, she had rescued the cat from further torture. She sat there holding the cat, whispering to it, allowing the boys to make fun of her.

“Come on guys, this is no fun anymore.” Another of the boys had finally spoken up against it, but it was too late. The damage was already done to the little girl’s mind.

“Yeah, let’s go Brad. My mom is going to kill me if I get back after dark again.” one more brave soul said.

“Okay fine. But that cat is mine.” Before he was even finished speaking, he had already swooped in, snatching the cat from the girl’s clutches.

“No! leave him alone!” She stood up then, her shrill voice going out in the night.

“No, leave him alone” Brad mocked her. He laughed cruelly.” You want him so bad? Come get him!” He held the cat above his head in one hand, ignoring the way the cat was struggling to get out.

The little girl ran over to him trying to reach the cat on tip-toe. Brad laughed again because even then she was inches shorter. “Whoop! Almost got it that time.” he smirked, moving the cat further away from her grasping hands.

“Brad! Let’s go, the sun is going down.” Brad’s friend yelled, desperate to get away now.

“Fine. Here you go.” he held the cat out in front of him to the little girl. She reached for the cat, happy to have him back safely. Suddenly, Brad flung his hand back, heaving the cat in the sky. “Woops” he said sarcastically, turning around and laughing with his friends.

The little girl stared in horror at the cat, now falling from the sky. He kept trying to twist in mid-air, trying to land on his feet instead of his back. She stood there transfixed, wishing fervently that he would get on his feet.

Right before the cat disappeared behind a wooden fence, she saw him turn his body around so that he would land on his feet. She released a deep sigh of relief, seconds before a dog’s barking came on. The cat’s screeching mew came from behind the fence, more barking, then the sound of strong teeth breaking through something hard resounded throughout the night sky before finally going quiet. The little eight year old girl stood in the middle of the abandoned alleyway, silent tears tracking down her face, the sound of a cat’s tortured screams reverberating in her mind

Chapter One

The sun crept over the horizon, spilling golden light into her room. In the distance a dog barked, serving as an alarm clock for the rest of the world. The corner grocery store opened its doors to the few straggling mothers. A baker opened his windows, allowing the sweet, pastry smell to go into the air and seep under her window.

Arabelle awoke to delicious aroma filling her room. Of course her nose would wake up before the rest of her. It smelled like bread.

Ravenous, she slowly climbed out of bed, slipping on shoes before going downstairs to see to breakfast.

The kitchen was alight with little girls bustling around trying to cook breakfast. Flour covered the kitchen table and everything on or near it. Some of the girls even had flour on their faces and in their hair. She almost turned around and walked back out, but her stomach growled loudly, reminding her that she needed food.


Publication Date: 01-20-2011

All Rights Reserved

This is for Yesenia and Maria! they helped come up for the story line. I luv u guys!!

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