» Fiction » Dark Shadows, Aimee Orozco [best android ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Shadows, Aimee Orozco [best android ereader TXT] 📗». Author Aimee Orozco

New Beginnings

“Ha-ha Mommy, look, look! I won again!” Daniella said ecstatically

from the backseat of the car.
“That’s very good. You’re so smart” Rosetta replied from the front. Even though the six hour car drive had taken its toll on her, she still gave her daughter her full attention.
“Mhmm! One day I’m going to grow up and be super smart. Just like you, mommy.” Rosetta worked as a lawyer throughout the year. Except for the next two weeks. These were her much needed Christmas vacation weeks off from all the stress of the office.
“Hey, what about your old man? You know I’m pretty smart too.” Jack tried to keep a wounded look on his face, but his grin soon won out.
“I know that Daddy. Ok I’ll be a lawyer in space!” Jack worked as part of the NASA program, helping astronauts to go up, but he didn’t actually explore the moon himself.
He chuckled. "My little dreamer. Keep believing and dont let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Hey Jack, whats the speed limit here?"
"I think its about 55. Why?"
"Because that guy is going way too fast to be within the speed limit. I hope he gets caught."
Daniella looked over the driver seat to catch a glimpse of what was going on."Mommy look! Now he's driving funny."
Rosetta loked forward just in time to see the driver switch lanes. "Where's a cop when u need them? Honey, I think you should slow down."
"If i go any slower, we could walk to California. Besides he can clearly see us since he switched lanes."
"I dont know Jack he doesnt look stable. He's getting closer."
"Relax. I'm the driver here now,--"
"Jack he moved lanes."
"Jack he's not slowing down!"
"Daniella!" Jack wrenched the steering wheel to the left. The tires screamed, protesting the violent manuever. They left black streaks on the ground. He had called out his daughter's name, hoping that it wouldnt be the last time he saw her, yet knowing that it was. Somehow the other driver had known Jack was goin to do just what he did and so he too turned left. Jack turned back to Daniella. Rosetta was holding her, cradling her daughter in the sanctuary of her arms. Their eyes met and Rosetta nodded, tears falling down. They whispered to their only daughter at the same time that both vehicles collided with each other.
Daniella didn't know what was going on. Five minutes ago, she had been laughing with her family,but now she didn't know where she was. A strong light was shining right in front of her but she couldn't oen her eyes. Her entire body felt like lead and it hurt everywhere, even just by breathing. She could taste blood in her mouth, but couldnt summon the energy to spit it out. If she felt like this, what about her parents? "Mom. Dad." Somehow she had to get up. She had to find her parents. She opened her eyes, amazed to find a great wall of flames in front of her. But she couldn't feel any heat.
Next she tried using her arms. They wouldn't move. It felt like hours before she could regain there use enough to push herself up. Looking around, she couldn't see anything past the wall of flames. She would have to use her legs. Daniella tried to bend one knee but intense pain went through her. She could identify at least five minor cuts running up and ydown her legs, and two deep gashes down each one. But she had to find her mom and dad. She had to know they were okay. Gathering courage, she slowly raised her legs, ignoring the numbing pain. She tried to stand, but her legs wobbled, giving out. Excruciating pain consumed her body. Her breahs turned shallow and her eyesight was dimming. "Is this what death feels like?" Fluttering red cloth caught her attention. It was the same color her mom was wearing. No. She couldn't die yet. Gritting yher teeth, she got up once more, pushing the pain to the back of her mind. The closer she walked to the fire, the brighter it became, but it still gave off no heat. The thought flitted throuh her mind before she caught a glimpse of dark red in the fire. Her mother's jacket. Looking in the flames, Daniella could make out the shape of two bodies.they were wearing the same clothes as her parents. "Mom? Dad?" But they couldn't hear her anymore. Her voice couldn't reach heaven. She dropped to her knees in front of the flames, uncaring that there was broken glass everywhere, becoming violently ill.
What would happen to her now?
Kneeling before the fire , a new pain took her. It started in her throat, like swallowing flames, before spreading through her entire body. It concentrated on her heart constricting around it, making her scream. It seemed like hours before the flames inside her finally died. She dropped down in the cool burning fire that had eaten her parents, allowing it to encase her in a cocoon filled with nothing, where she could let go of everything. Her world faded to black.
We love you.


Publication Date: 12-30-2011

All Rights Reserved

This goes out to my favorite T.V show, Danny Phantom! i still remember it as a kid and it inspired the creation of this book! Also, thank you to anyone who helped me write it.

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