» Fiction » Slipping out of humanity, April McAuliffe [free e books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Slipping out of humanity, April McAuliffe [free e books to read TXT] 📗». Author April McAuliffe

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My name is ,Melina. I graduated from Florence Dee High School in the year 2013. My father, Hanry, abuses me for me being the reason of my mother, Evangelines, death at my birth date. Ive been kiddnapped by a monsterous man by name of Manuel. I never truely believed in magic, serenity, or above all monsters... until now.


Class of 2013





"Melina, come take a picture with me!" I swing my arm around my friend, Charice's, arm and smile the biggest until my face began to hurt. I unglued myself from the group of girls I attached myself with. The twins ,Candy, and Brandie, as usual turned into they're little prissy, princesses little self's. Both wore blue matching dresses that poofed up at the end were your hips met and streamed down asthough they were trying to out mask Cinderella. The ironic thing was they weren't wearing any masks since this was a masquerade ball after all. I should'nt say much also I guess for I was'nt wearing one either. "I'm going to miss you, Mel, when I go to Princeton!" Candy, said tousling her short blond curls away from her face. I looked up at the ceiling, expecting to see white blank spacious place that I would always catch myself staring at for all four years but no. Not this time. Instead there hung a big, shiny ball that glistened among the other flashing lights and made the glitter on most girls dresses sparkled even more. I shifted my gaze toward the big clock that stood on the right side of the Gym. 11:30. Thirty more minutes till all of this is over. The Gym nolonger even looked like a Gym. It looked like a big old fashioned 50s dance you'd possibly see in Back to the future! That or its just really elegant I guess. The masks that stood out were'nt even near to the ones you'd see at Stop and Shop where I used to work. These masks had real feather, real looking jewls and didnt break ever time you tried to put them on. They stood out in a good way unlike me.



I spent the rest of the dance by chattering with my fellow 'friends' that would soonly abandon me at the strike of twelve as quickly as Cinderella did to her lonely lost slipper. Everything seemed to freeze on the the ten mintues of the dance. Even though it was a slow dance of course things were going to be slowing down a bit Im sure but it wasnt percisley like that. It felt empty but still all I seen were dozens and dozens of seniors waiting to disperse into there shiny cars or wait out by the front for a big long black limo for them to take them to another party or something. It could never be simple in this world. Nothing ever could. In the last five minutes they hung a random red sparkly banner where the disco used to stand. Now all the lights were turned on, everything was bright and making everyones eyes hurt as they all stared at what seemed to be the most important thing in this remainder of 8 mintues left. It said in sparkly silver letters "Class of 2013! Go Timber Wolfs!" Everyone cheered and some even began to cry on one anothers shoulder. As for me I stood there like a awkward fool in the middle of the dance floor and stared at the banner as though it was an alien from outter space. I wasnt the girl that was always into "Team Spirit" Just because you may act like you care about something. Doesnt always means you do after the outcome of it truely ending once and for all.

Fogging up my sight





For miles and miles I passed by cars that sped by a puddle and soaking up my silver see through shoes I also found in moms old brief case. They clanked and clunked in the air mixing in with the thick air and the echo it produced. The more I walked the more I wanted to stop. I was'nt tired, I was'nt bored of my thoughts. I just did'nt want to go anywhere it seemed like. I stopped and leaned against a tree that blended with the shadows surrounding it. The air made you want to faint and the smell made you want to frown. It smelt like rain but still no droplets of water I felt. I squinted my eyes toward the direction I was supposed to continue on walking on but I couldn't even see much of my hand. The fog fogged everything in its path as though it was darkness destroying the villagers in some old story book. The sky was nothing but dark. No street lights were even on. I picked up my phone from out of my denim jacket and read the text that my father, Henry, sent me. "Get your ass home or you'll be sorry!" I read the words in my head with his voice saying them as though he was say it to my face. I can imagine him now. On the couch in his dirty work, scrapping clothes with a beer in his hand watching the football game that has been playing for two days straight now. Even if I came home early I would still get yelled at, lectured at (IF he was in a okay mood) and hit if he was bored and had nothing better else to do. I sighed at my thoughts and put the phone back into my pocket and started to walk home once again.



Half way down the path that I was following, I kept hearing a whistle or hushing kind of sound you would hear if the wind swept by your ear fast enough. My heart began to throb once I seen a foggy figure on the side of the path. I wanted to turn back but my curiosity was getting to me. "Don't go, Melina. Turn back!" A whisper said close up to my ear. It was right. I needed to go back. As I turned around I jumped back in seen a man in front of me as though he was there behind me the whole time! How had'nt he gotten there? "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." His face was sort of muscular and his smile was sweet but a little snaky. You could tell with a face like his he was always up to something. "No its fine. I'm sorry I ran into you." I waved the worry away and smiled politely. "My names, Manuel." He held out a big hand for a greet with my neutral sized one. I hesitated and shook his hand quickly and said "Melina." We retrieved hands and stood there awkwardly for a few moments. "I don't mean to be so forward but you are very pretty!" His smile gotten wider this time. For some reason I wanted to hunch back but I didn't. I felt frozen in my place. "Thank you." I said in a mosey voice. He was quiet charming. Ill give you that but how old was he exactly? 25, 26? "Please don't be frightened." He began and caressed a piece of hair out of my face. I wanted to defend myself. To tell myself this was probably some weird perv that probably did'nt have enough money to go to a strip club so he rather hit on some hopeless girl by herself in the dark. People these days I swear. I stared at him with a blank face as he took my hand. "Are you lost?" I shook my head slowly yes. "WHY?! DON'T DO THAT MELINA! STOP!" I heard the whisper beside my hear screaming bloody murder for attention but I couldn't hear it all completely anymore. It felt like it was fading away. Like I was fading away. "Come with me..." He tugged onto my hand and made me follow him into the dark forest that all the trees lived in. Since when did I trust strangers???..

Home sweet home






I woke up to the sound of rattling chains and a disturbing stench of rotting flesh. I was laying in dirt and the walls were all brick that looked like it was a lot older than I was. My dress was torn at the bottom and my shoes were no longer clear but grayish black from all the dirt they consumed. I looked around to see that the only light there was a little light coming from a lonely lit lantern on the other side of the tomb that sat on a lonely crusted rock. How did I get here? I didn't remember what happened. Where was I? I began to hear more rattling chains and got up from my new bed and stumbled over my heels that were sinking quickly into the dirt. I squinted my eyes and seen someone on the other side of the five rusted bars that kept me as prisoner from the life I thought I once knew. "What the-" I began and saw a familiar man holding long, hardy, strong chains in his hands. He looked up and smiled. "I see that you've woken up." "Yes I....I. Where am I?" I felt weak and dizzy. I couldn't hold myself up right so I leaned against the wet, scratchy brick wall and watched him fiddle with the chains some more.  "You act as though we have never met before...." He smirked. "I remember you sort of. I met you on the-" " On

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