» Fiction » Till The End, By: zzmbrashear [manga ereader .txt] 📗

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Till The End
‘A Story Of Forgiveness, Lose and Truth’
By: zzmbrashear


“How could you?!??” I said slamming my books on the lunch table.
“What do you mean?” She said looking confused.
“You know exactly what I mean. I saw you two!” And as soon as I said that a look of revelation on her face. She didn’t say anything. She sat down at our table and looked at him.
“We didn’t want to hurt you. We were going to tell you but it wasn’t the right time. You weren’t suppose to find out this way.” She said with regret written all over her face.
“When would be the right time for you to tell me that you are cheating with my boyfriend?” I asked. I felt so hurt. This had been going on for lord knows how long and I didn’t catch on. Lindsey kept looking over at Matthew. He knew exactly what we were talking about. She didn’t answer when I asked her that. I was embarrassed for my out break because we were in the middle of lunch. “How long has this been going on?” I asked but didn’t really want to know the answer.
“Just a couple months.” She said looking up at my face. “It all started when you went out of town to see your sick Grandma. He needed a study partner and then it turned into more. I am so sorry Alexis.” Lindsey said but I could never think of forgiving her. Not now. The next few days I missed school. I kept telling my mom that I didn’t feel good and she believed me but I couldn’t go to school and see them. Together....
Today is the first day in a week since I have been to school. I saw them in the hallway. He was giving her a kiss before they went to science. I have every class with him. How can I look at him the same way. He betrayed me. They betrayed me.
“Alexis! Please talk to me.” Lindsey said screaming my name down the hallway. I didn’t answer her. I couldn’t answer her. Not after what she did. Everyday when she asked me how I was and what I was doing I would always say I am doing great and I couldn’t be more happy. She knew how I felt. I thought he felt it too.
“Alexis don’t blame her.” Matthew said to me in English.
“Who am I suppose to blame? I gave her your number. How is that suppose to make me feel? I thought I could trust you.” I said and I hurt me to because I feel so much for him.
“You can but you and me, we never last. I know you will be there for me no matter what.” Matthew said and it was true until the say he cheated.
“I was always there for you but not now. You took your last chance and you wasted it on her!” I said moving his books to a different desk away from mine. During English he kept texting me but I kept erasing his number. I want nothing to do with him. He wanted to be friends but we couldn’t. When I would see him I would see him to and that would be too painful. They want me to forgive them but how can I? I have always put him first and now that he is gone I need to put myself first.
“So what happened?” Beth, Alexis’ friend, said.
“He was cheating on me with her.” I said while grabbing us sodas from my fridge.
“Are you serious?” She said and I nodded my head. “Wow. Why would he want her?”
“I don’t know.” I said and honestly I really didn’t know. The only thing I could think of is that everybody thought she was a slut and she was.
“What did you do when you saw them together?” Beth asked but I couldn’t tell her the truth. I couldn’t say I cried. I just couldn’t. If she ask I am totally over him and that is what I am going to say.
“I didn’t do anything. I went and confronted her the next day but that is about it.” I said but she didn’t believe me and I could tell. I hated what they did to me and they know it.


Beth walked to school with me the next day. When we got to first period I noticed Lindsey was not there. I assumed she was sick and I didn’t think anything of it until she didn’t show up for 4 days. I called her house and her father picked up.
“Hello?” He said.
“Hi. Can I speak to Lindsey?” I asked.
“Yes, hold on one second.” I head him scream ‘Linsey” in the background.
“Hello.” She said once she reached the phone.
“Hi. I know this is going to sound weird but why haven’t been in school?”
“Uh..” She hesitated for a second. “ Their is some stuff going on and I need to stay home for a while.” I didn’t ask any further questions because I knew she wasn’t going to tell me anything. She stayed home from school for about a month in a half. I was getting suspicious so I went to her house to see what was going on. She has a old double wide. It is blue with a deck and there is two bikes in the driveway. When I knocked on the door Lindsey opened it and I almost fainted.
“When were you going to tell me about.. About this!” I said pointing to her stomach.
“I didn’t think it was any of your business really.” She said trying to shut the door but I put my foot in the way.
“I have one question. Is it his?”
“Yes.” She said looking at her feet. I didn’t say anything further after that. I couldn’t believe it. She is only 15. Her life was not even started.
“Your only 15 Lindsey. What the hell were you thinking?” I asked. I was furious.
“I don’t know. It wasn’t planned okay. It just happened.” She said and that answer made me even more furious.
“So him getting in your pants just happened right. It wasn’t planned just your pants were off at the same time. Right!” I started to yell.
“Okay, okay stop yelling. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She said. She kept repeating the same words over and over again. She started to cry. “I didn’t want this to happen. I am only 15. I’m so young and immature. Alexis please help me. Please.”
“Lindsey, you started this and now you have to finish it. You are going to have this baby and you are going to go to school. You are going to make Matt be a father too.” I said and she agreed. The next day I went and picked her up and we walked to school together. Everybody was staring at her because she is around 2-3 months in. Matthew went up to her and apparently he didn’t know anything about it.
“It it mine?” He asked.
“Yes.” Lindsey said.
“God damn Linds! Why the hell didn’t you tell me? I have a right to know.” He said.
“I know and I’m sorry.” but I stopped her before she finished her sentence.
“Don’t be sorry. If he wanted to know what was wrong with you he could have gone to your house like I did and see. But he didn’t so that is his fault. Don’t make her feel sorry. She has nothing to feel sorry about. She is going to raise that baby and treat it right and that is something you could ‘never’ do.” I said to both of them and said never with a long v.
“I want to be part of his or hers life.” He said.
“I want it to know its father.” She said and then they hugged.


The next day all three of us went to go see if it will be a girl or boy. When we got there Lindsey wouldn’t let go of my hand. Matthew was very nervous and I didn’t know why. The baby is a girl.
“I want her first name to be Sidney.” Lindsey said smiling at Matthew.
“Could her middle name be Elizabeth?” Matthew asked smiling back at Lindsey.
“Sidney Elizabeth Plaster. I like it.” She said squeezing his hand. “Do you want to hear the baby kick?” She asked him. He nodded and felt her stomach When he felt a kick he jumped and had a grin from ear to ear.
“Wow.” He said.
“Alright you two. We need to get to the YMA, Lindsey.” I said
“What is that?” Matthew asked.
“Its the Young Mothers Association. I signed us up for it. She will go to learn how to be a good mother.” I said.
“Could I come?” He asked.
“Okay but don’t say I didn’t warn you about what you might see.” I said smiling. I didn’t tell him it would show videos about other births to show how much it would hurt and a lot of other things. When we go there they started us off with a birthing video.
“Oh my god.” Matthew screamed. “These are things I have nightmares about.”
I started to laugh. Lindsey had a freaked out look on her face.
“Whats wrong?” I asked.
“I can’t believe I am going to be in this much pain when it happens.” The look on her face showed she was terrified. “When we were, well you know, I didn’t think that all that might happen. I didn’t think at all.” She asked. “Is there any other way it can come out?”
“No honey but don’t think of that okay. Just relax. Matthew get over here and comfort her I have to leave.” I said and then Matt came over and he was hugging her to calm her down. I had to leave because I had SAT’s to take. When I left I looked back at him holding her and couldn’t help but think what if or what could have been but its not and I cant hold that against her. I can’t make him love me and I cant think of the past because their is no changing it.
Today Lindsey came back to school. Everybody stared but she acted like she didn’t see them. She is a few months from her due date. “Will Lindsey Markus please come to Mrs. Kinnians office.” We heard the speaker say. Lindsey asked if I would come with her and I said yes. I stayed outside Mrs. Kinnians office while they talked but I could hear the conversation.
“I’m sorry Lindsey but you being here is putting a bad example to the others.” She said.
“Excuse me!” Lindsey said. “Are you telling me that they cant see me? So what, am I suppose to stay home like an animal. Am I suppose to be ashamed that I am carrying a baby inside of me because I’m not!” She said and then stormed out of there.
“Its okay Linds. We can get you into a pregnant school for young girls or we can just put you in a different district.” Maria Lindsey’s mother said.
“No. I don’t want to be the new girl. I don’t want to be the pregnant new girl.” Lindsey said as her voice trailed off.


Lindsey didn’t want to go to school until after the baby was born but that would be sooner than she hoped. One month

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