» Fiction » Angela, Beky Cybille [the beginning after the end novel read .txt] 📗

Book online «Angela, Beky Cybille [the beginning after the end novel read .txt] 📗». Author Beky Cybille

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Chapter 1

Angela sat, perched on a tree engrossed in her book. Maybe a little too much as she didn’t notice the angel approaching her.

“Angela!” She jumped almost falling off the tree before she caught herself though her book was caught by another.

“Mariel! I told you to not sneak up on me like that, how did you find me anyway?” I sighed at my best friend who gave me a grin.

“Easy, ‘the angel with beautiful wings and eyes is reading at the park again.” Mariel imitated a man’s voice making me laugh. “Guess I’m really that noticeable huh.” I sighed feeling sadness come over me.

“You really are but be happy.” Mariel pulled me into a hug making me fall off the branch. “Mariel!” I spread my wings before flying next to her. Trees in heaven were very tall.

“You know I hate it when you do that.” I scowled before sighing after a few seconds. I’m never able to be angry for long. A very satisfying trait for an angel, Gabriel had said.

“Oh come on you have beautiful wings, you’ve got to flaunt it.” To make her point clear she spread her light violet wings before bringing them in dropping down towards the ground. I sighed before following her actions spreading it as I got closer for a light landing breathing out in contempt. Having my wings out, flying was a beautiful feeling.

Seeing other angels walk by staring at my wings I instantly refolded them.

“Better?” I stared into Mariel’s violet eyes that matched her wings the wind blowing her brown locks reluctantly nodding. Mariel never did anything without a reason, no matter how annoying she seemed. It’s been a while since I spread my wings and they were getting a little cramped.

I though she wouldn’t notice but she did. Perks of being a descendant of the angel of Mysteries- they can see what an ordinary angel can’t and put everything together even if it seemed like it wouldn’t. It’s why most investigate demon activities and any supernatural attacks or threats.

“I want my book back now.” I held out my hand expectedly while she rolled her eyes handing it back. “I don’t get why you read those mortal books anyway heck even the mysteries are boring, most anyway.” I gave her a smile hugging my current book.

“Their interesting, it reflects people’s hopes dreams and personalities they may try to keep hidden, besides I pretty much read everything in the library.” I gave her a sheepish grin.

“Unbelievable, six hundred year’s old and the only thing exciting about your life are your eyes and wings.” I rolled my eyes sighing, “You’ve said that every one hundred years or so Mariel and it still won’t change a thing.”

Mariel gave me the look. “Not if I have anything to do about it.” I simply ignored her trying to find my lost page. After all these year- which has been a lot- I still never put a charm on the books to find the place I lost.

‘Brothers, sister please report to the Coliseums thank you.’

Book forgotten I turned towards Mariel in shock. “Why would they have a meeting in the coliseums, we haven’t had one in 400 years?” Mariel shrugged. “Beat’s me but let’s go.” She spread her wing before taking flight.

“Let’s hope this isn’t anything bad.” I spread my wings and took flight clutching my book.


Reaching the coliseum I spotted Mariel and quickly landed folding my wings before taking a seat next to her.

The coliseums were like the one on Earth but in more than perfect condition many of them floating, each representing the different levels of heaven. Glistening marble glittering in the sun surrounding only one that’s made of gold where angels of high rankings sat. Not to mention the seven Arch angels and the throne made of diamonds in the middle of it all.

He rarely made an appearance but it’s said if you pray to the throne and the crystal cross behind it your wishes will reach him. It’s very rare to have every angel from every level of heaven at a meeting and the coliseums are the only way to fit them all. And meeting in the coliseums means one thing, they would be there.

Colors from white, blue, pink green and many more ranged based on every angel’s wings. I was the only one whose wings were two colored- other than one other. He who shall not be named.

Soon everyone arrived and sat waiting. The wait was over when a flash of light came and seven figured appeared. Everyone stared in aww as they gracefully landed around the throne before seven smaller thrones appeared and they sat.

Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel and Saraqael. The archangels.

Michael stood addressing the silent angels. “My dear brothers and sister.” I could have fainted from his voice.

“I’m honored you could all could be here.” No one would have missed this for the world- actually they might have considering the Earth is our responsibility. “However we are in a dire situation.” That snapped me out of it.

“Lucifer.” Another enchanting voice spoke. Gabriel. “Lucifer seems to be getting more reckless, the darkness that fill him is getting out of control, thus it is affecting hell, it begins to effect Earth and soon it will affect us.”

“Does that mea-“

“Yes the Balance is tipping.” Raphael spoke. “But can’t our Lord do anything?” Another angel spoke.

“No, Lucifer’s essence is already seeping into Earth if the Lord comes leaves his sanctuary it will effect everywhere and everyone. The Earth could only take much celestial power.” Which is probably why Lucifer is doing it, he knows that the effects will be negative either way.

“Then what is our plan of action, we can’t let this go on sooner or later Lucifer will get into heaven!” Many murmurs of agreement followed before they were silenced.

“I am afraid to say-“ Michael began “-That it’s already begun.”



“I can’t believe this! If this continues Lucifer will get into heaven and all they have to say is ‘be careful brothers and sisters and never travel alone.’ Unbelievable!” Angela sighed at her ranting knowing her attention was elsewhere closed her book.

“You know why, the barrier surrounding Heaven is wavering and it’s causing portals to open portals at times, who knows where it will lead.” Angela shivered at the thought of being thrown into an unknown location.

Mariel sighed “I guess but what are they going to do about this?” I wonder the same thing. “Who knows but I’m sure the Lord will give them guidance.” Angela sighed spreading her wings. “For now I just want to go home and relax.” For I cannot sleep, angels have no need to sleep or any human needs.

I felt my wings falter making me gasp before I felt myself being pulled upwards into something hot. I looked up and screamed at the red glowing looking tear in the sky that I was heading straight for. This heat is unmistakable, it’s a portal to hell. But that’s not possible, there is no direct portal that leads from heaven to hell!

“Angela!” I heard Mariel call out to me I turned around outstretching my hand towards hers as she did the same trying to get a grip to pull me away from this hot vacuum.

I felt my hand brushed hers before I was pulled in.

I gasped at the feeling of the hot atmosphere feeling my wings get weak along with my powers. I shivered at the amount of Evil I felt compared to the good in heaven.

I reached longingly at the portal before I fell feeling the heat increase making me scream.

I missed the connection pulsing through me but someone else surely didn’t.


Lucifer’s eyes snapped open from his slumber of gathering the pain and misery around him for power. That connection.

Lucifer growled teleporting outside spreading his black tipped red wings taking off to the sky. The pure white sky blue tipped wings made him whisper one thing.



Lucifer felt himself recoil in disgust as a familiar pure aura approached before he spotted pure white wide wings enveloping the girl. But not before he made eye contact of the pure blue eyes of the Archangel Gabriel before they head towards the portal.

He caught gold locks flowing before golden eyes met his gaze just as they disappeared through the portal which closed at their departure.

“Well well.” Lucifer smirked evilly.

“My own little angel.”

Chapter 2


Mariel stared down at her pale friend.

“Is she alright?” She turned towards Gabriel who held his index finger to her temple, getting rid of any evil that stuck to her during her time in hell. “She is well, I’m just afraid of what follows.”

Mariel gulped trying her best to look clueless. “What do you mean by that?” Gabriel sighed turning towards her blue eyes capturing her.

“We know you know Mariel, it is hard not to considering the amount of time you spend with her.” Gabriel spoke calmly while Mariel stared anywhere and everywhere. “It’s true Angela is not my descendent, she is Lucifer’s. The very first and the very last before he fell.” Gabriel gently grabbed her chin bringing her violet eyes to meet his blue ones that seemed far away.

“I don’t know why Lucifer decided then to make a kin but, my guess is that she was his backup plan to gain entrance and take over heaven. He must have forgotten her over the years but now he’s gotten a glimpse of her and I fear she is in danger.” Gabriel sighed letting her chin go before walking around to the other side of the bed where Angela lay.

“The bond between its maker and kin. We had kept her asleep for more than thousands of years when Lucifer had fallen as precaution in order to let it fade. We knew if we let her go on she would have turned against us and aid Lucifer in his conquest for heaven, they bonded- greatly in their short time.” Mariel stared at him in shock. “Angela existed even before Lucifer fell?” She’s more than hundreds of years old, she’s centuries old!

That explains so much, how could Lucifer birth Angela when he wasn’t in heaven? “Yes.” Gabriel looked at her in amusement before he became serious. “And now their bond is reforming. Our Lord tried to fill the gap and bonded her to me when we awoke her and bound her powers.”

“B-b-bound powers” Mariel stuttered. Gabriel accessed her in understanding. “You should sit down angel Mariel.” A plush white chair appeared out of thin air behind her and she sat down on her sighing. “I know this is so much to take Mariel but it needs to be said. Demons are entering at any chance they get when a portal opens somewhere in heaven. Now they are searching for her. You are with her most of the time so I need you to help protect her.” Mariel stood shocked.

“B-b-but archangel Gabriel shouldn’t we tell her and she can protect herself if you unbound her powers. Gabriel’s eyes seemed to have lost its warmth as it went blank. Mariel gasped and kneeled in submission spreading her wings

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