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There are many genie and djinn family bloodlines. However just because you're born into it, doesn't mean you will inherit the powers.

My family's bloodline is ancient. So powerful that it's rare for one to not inherit the powers. The Xharnjin are one of the most powerful Djinns in the world.

My name is Charman Xarnjin and I am soon going to be 14 along with my twin sister cayenne xharnjin.

You could say ever since we were little, it was painfully obvious that I wouldn't inherit the powers in our family's bloodline. Yeah I'm the odd one out in our family, but, that doesn't mean they love me less.

They just pay more attention to Cayenne, and are more apart of her life than mine. Yeah... I have parental favoritism, and disappointment issues.

As the older twin they expected me to inherit the powers, because most of the time the case with twins (for both Djinns and Genies) one twin get the most power, mostly the older twin- while the younger twin has less to no power. You can say I'm a really rare case.

As for the disappointment part. Even without any powers they expected me to cause mischief here and there, making ingenious plans, plotting. Because while my sister got the powers, I got the smarts.

Anyway, they didn't expect me to be the quiet shy nerd with no social life, or any kind of mischief whatsoever. Especially with Cayenne being a queen bee, with too many friends to count, and countless of mischief and bad luck following her, which is why I pretty much keep her in line. Not only to keep her powers a secret, but also out of big trouble.

Mind you this is only middle school.

Which is where this part comes in.

"Oh my babies! graduated, and going to Elk Academy" Mom gushed, again, fixing my cap, again.

"And my baby, a valedictorian!" she gave me a kiss while, I groaned. This might be one of the rare times, where I receive more attention than Cayenne, and to be honest I'm not really used to it.

Though it might be because Cayenne is out celebrating with her friends leaving me the only one to fret over, but that doesn't mean I won't treasure this rare moment. I don't really have friends, just acquaintances sad I know. "Mom you don't have to keep fixing my cap, the ceremony is over." I swat her hand away when she went to do it again.

"Oh I know but I want to keep this memory alive, as long as I can." I groaned looking towards my dad for help. "I think she's had enough sweetheart" He states, mother sighs, but let's go.

My parents are total opposites in looks, and attitude.

My mother with an average height has curves, her gold locks contrasting her milky skin and bright green eyes, that always twinkles with mischief. Which matches her personality perfectly, she's very mischievous and loves to cause chaos. She also loves fashion and is a fashion designer in the mortal world.

My father is a skyscraper with his dark skin and black curly hair, his eyes a hard almond hue with a calculating gaze. My father is a hard man, with an aura that practically commands you to attention, his voice commanding while his eyes can freeze you in place. He's the only one who can keep my mother in check along with my sister, and his cold eyes only soften for two women in his life.

Yes two women. I'm not much of a daddy's girl as I am mothers. Cayenne holds both their heart, and their pride because although my parents don't say it, I know my father is ashamed of me and my mother, a little.

No powers- Yes I know as much as he does having no powers isn't my fault- but no social standing or influence, and no will to create mischief or chaos. Even without powers. Doesn't help he's our family leader, so I guess embarrassed would be the word.

Though I think he is proud of me for being valedictorian. I think. 

Anyway no need to hear me brooding- We've got the rest of this book- it's time to get to the important part.

"Oh I can't wait to go to the academy, I'm so excited!" My sister squealed in excitement. It was dinner, and she hadn't stopped talking about it.

It's king of getting annoying considering I'm dreading it. Elk academy was a high school, and college for magical beings: Genies, Djinns, Fairies, and so on.

We spent our time in the mortal world, living a human's life to learn their culture, before going on to learn about our magic in heritage. I'll explain more later, let's get back to a miserable family dinner.

Miserable for me anyway.

"I know, I know I'm sure you'll fit in just fine, and do splendidly." My mother cooed while my father nodded absentmindedly.

"I can't wait to rule the school." Cayenne sighed dreamily while I scoffed making her gaze snap toward me. 

"Is there something wrong Charman?" The table grew silent, their attention shifting towards me. I stiffened trying not to cower under their gaze.

"Just seeing common sense Cayenne, you're not going to a mortal school where you can just use magic to take out competition, you're going with other magical beings who can bite back just as hard while you're just a freshman." I retorted before going back to my food, peeking off to the side I could see my sisters eyes narrow at me.

"Well I'll just have to bite ten times harder because I won't stand for anything else but being on top."

My father smiled a little for a split second "Precisely the Xharnjin's way, I'm sure you will make us proud Cayenne." I held in a snort, glaring at my food.

Of course.




The Charman Journal

There are different type of Djinns and genies. You can tell their class by their aura, and the color that surrounds them when they use their magic. 

Also by their magic dust. Whenever a djinn, or genie makes a wish you can see colored dust as they do their signature move; whether it's waving their hand, or snapping their fingers, dust residue is left behind.

Starting with the genies. Light yellow is the least powerful, going on to green, blue, and the rarest, and most powerful- silver.

As for the djinn, yellow is the less powerful, followed by dark green, and purple, to the rarest, and most powerful, gold.

Of course it all depends on the bloodline, and how strong the magic within it is.

This is why my father is classed a purple djinn along with my sister- a reason why she has it in her head she's going to rule the school. My mother however is a dark green djinn, she was from a lower blood line before she married my father.

Anyway, there are also the unmarked ones.

Yep you guessed it- the ones who didn't inherit any powers in other words, moí.

You could say they are servants to djinns, and genies, however genies and djinn aren't the only ones who don't inherit the magical gene.

So yeah, we could be one big happy mixed family, of different creatures and heritage. Although they could learn the art of witch craft- which is not easy from what I heard- and become a witch, who are somewhat magical, just not magic from the blood but the things around them. I don't know- don't really know much about witch craft but hey, I love a challenge.

Just as much as, I love my parents being proud of me, for something worthwhile, worthy of their name.


"Bye darlings love you!" mother gave me a kiss, father gave one to cayenne before they were waving us off.

"Make trouble, and call us if you need anything- other than bailing you out for punishments. If you're doing something bad you should not get caught! Okay?" Such parenting skill don't you agree?

Though it is great parenting skills for a djinn.

And so here I stood at the gates of Elk Academy, summer vacation couldn't have gone fast enough.

Now I said, I would explain more than just the basics so; Elk academy is both a high school, and an optional college for supernatural beings and bla bla bla-

A child spends half of its life in the human world, to learn all they can in human cultures. They say you best learn when you're young experiencing it. Or you just keep making the same mistakes, but you would be an idiot to keep doing that, even for a child.

After middle school comes high school, where the magical journey begins. Yippee!(Not.)

Most develop their powers, and whatever urges comes with the magic baggage before high school (Puberty and all) which is why they are taught to control themselves, by their parents, or whatever other people. Besides it's best to learn sooner than later, and more hands on because you can learn from the many mistakes you made before, and not do them again. Hopefully.

Now we should get to the many, magical creatures that reside here in Elk high. Let's make it interesting, and make it light vs dark, ranked from most powerful, to the not so powerful.

Let's begin.

Phoenix versus dragons

Do I even have to say it? Fire. The hotter it is, the more powerful. It's also convenient to make strong and lasting weapons. Most people try to kill them for their flame, so their population isn't so high.

Light fairy/ fere versus dark fairy/ fere.

Fairies -which are the girls by the way- are exceptional in magic. Unlike witches their magic comes from their blood, their more exceptional in making charms or charming a person. Both light and dark fairies gain an elemental power depending on how powerful they are, or get. As you can guess you do not want to mess with a dark fairy unless you want to be hexed.

Feres are male fairies and warriors. They can charm, and use any weapons as well as making anything into a weapon. The rare and powerful ones get special abilities that can help them in battle.

Elves versus Trolls.

I know you think of tiny, or giant people but no that's not the case. It's probably because they can both shape shift, and some of their ancestors thought it would be fun to mess with the humans back then. (From what I heard anyway) They are also, both skilled at making weapons.

I know I haven't said other abilities other than shape shifting, but it's just enough for them, because they can shape shift themselves, and any part of their bodies into anything.

The protectors of the night- vampires versus werewolf.

I don't need to explain this do I?

Vampire; super speed, drinks blood, a live blood detector- they can seriously tell who's child you are just by tasting your blood. Oh, and let's not forget glamour, they make you see something that is not.

And werewolves, super strength turn big and fury, love fresh meat- best trackers alongside vampires but unlike the vamps who use blood to track, or essence, they use your natural smell and, compulsion which is different than glamour. Compulsion is when you control one's mind, not control like a slave, just

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