» Fiction » Djinn, Beky Cybille [crime books to read TXT] 📗

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use this time to find out more about any: clubs, extra curricular activities, and any special courses you are interested in." Headmistress Lahara added. "Now for the freshmen's." She clapped her hands, I jumped in surprise as the sound echoed loudly along with many other freshmen before lightning, with faint purple dust was sent towards the dark freshmen.

I stared in awe as the lightning multiplied, into smaller fragments, and struck students hands. I looked down out-stretching my hand just as one struck mines, I was in awe at the faint purple dust that lingered. Her aura, Headmaster Lahara is a purple djinn.

Then a black ruby formed into my hand, before it flew off my hand and unto my neck just as I felt a heavy sensation of- a necklace?

"Oh my...." I turned towards my neighbor to see her hand touching a ruby like mines, but red, and was on a choker around her neck which- wasn't there before......

"Nice." Another commented before holding up her hand, on her wrist a silver bracelet that wasn't there before containing a blue ruby. All the other dark freshmen also admired theirs, and their friends new accessories and rubies.

I looked down at my new necklace and instantly fell in love. A golden chain which reached the valley of my breast, the black ruby at the end, a gold handle curving around it, and two gold leaves at the bottom of the ruby. My mother and sister always said I was horrible at describing anything that has to do with fashion. In their face.

"Ahem." Gollum cleared his throat, fisting his hands in front of him. They began glowing a blue hue, before he opened his hands, many dragon-flies appeared from his glowing palm before going towards the Light freshmen. I watched as Light unmarked freshmen nearby gasped and squealed, as they also received different colored rubies in varieties of accessories.

"This is so cool." I nodded silently agreeing.

"These are your Elk rubies. They have many functions, like communicating. I'm sure you've noticed your phone don't work as well here-" many nodded, while others began complaining.

Headmistress Lahara raised her hand bringing silence. "Yes yes- teenagers." She rolled her eyes. "Consider these your new magical cellphones. Telepathic communication, and your own personal magical messenger bird, it also gives you access to the magical archives to look up information on anything- that is not restricted. You can communicate with anyone as long as they are in the magical realm. To communicate with anyone outside the realm will require special permission from either I, or headmaster Gollum."

Headmaster Gollum stepped in. "You are not permitted to use them in class unless your professor allows so. Now speaking of class, this information is for you all. After many, many suggestions and campaigns to move towards the 21st century, the council has accepted that electronics can be used in classes for notes, textbooks-" Cheers came interrupting him, but we're silenced by his glare. "As I was saying, electronics are allowed, but only if issued by the schools, and are from the magic world, not the human world." Several groans were heard by this.

"The school is providing these, for everyone." He held up a tablet, or maybe an Ipad, it looks different then the ones in the human world. "These are magical tabs, they run on magical energy, in other words infinite energy. You may use them as you like as long as you use them productively; you can take notes in classes with them, and submit your homework and projects. However we will allow no distractions in class. We have insured this by warding every classroom to block any uneducational sources, along with the school campus, during school hours. So no funny business, same with the Elk rubies, no telepathy during class hours." Most groaned at this.

Headmistress Lahara chuckled. "Ah to be young and a rebel." Her amusement quickly disappeared as she became serious. "Never remove your rubies, they not only confirm you are a student here, but they also help to keep you safe if you are ever in any danger. Only you can remove them, no one else, and they are unbreakable, resistant to any magic which might try to destroy, or remove them from your body."

"There are many more things you will need to know, but you will find out everything and get all the materials you need to begin the school year once you pick up your schedule. That will be all for now till the next Mandatory dinner at the end of the week.” Gallum stated.

“Oh and welcome- welcome back to Elk academy. Hope this year isn't too eventful." Lahara smirked.


If that isn't foreshadowing I don't know what is.

Chapter 3


A Xharnjin without power, ha! 

There were faceless students circling like vultures. 

I tried to escape and charged to break through their circle.

What a circus freak. 

I only got pushed around each touch feeling like fire before I was right back in the middle.

An abomination. Useless.

"I can still be useful without magic, I will show  you! You'll regret underestimating me, I'll prove all of you wrong!"

 A disappointment.

I had to admit, that hurt more than their touch and the anger couldn't even shield me from the pain.

I'm sure your family wouldn't object to me destroying you, in fact they might have even wished for it.

I turned to face the voice and tensing when I saw the Dhaoryn boy, his eyes glowed as the sun stared me down before I felt like I was being burnt alive...


I snapped upwards wide awake from my bed sweat coating my skin as I tried to catch my breath. "That damn dream again!" I clenched my bed sheets in frustration. It hadn't stopped since orientation and classes start tomorrow. I glanced at the clock, well they start today. I sighed and lay back down, eyes wide open.

I knew it was just my anxieties tormenting me. But they kept me awake, on guard and nervous. I've avoided as much people as I could and only went out to eat and to get things ready for my classes. Heck sometimes I didn't even want to step out of the room. 

Every second I wondered about the what ifs. What if they recognize my face from Cayenne’s and figure it out? What if a teacher calls out my name and I’m exposed in front of everyone? What if someone breaks into my room when I’m awake and finds out?

Then I realized that it’s probably happen during attendance and my anxiety almost turns into a full blown panic attack. I don’t want to be an outcast, but by avoiding my fears that’s exactly what I became. I doubt anyone knows my face much less my name since I’ve been avoiding everything that breathed. I didn’t even make one acquaintance. But then even if I did make friends wouldn’t it just hurt more when they turned their backs on me and became the faceless vultures?

I wiped the tear that escaped sniffing back my tears. It’s alright Charman, you dealt with it in middle school, you’ll be fine here. I mean you were valedictorian, best of the best! Sure there’s magic and an increased chance of dying but you’ll be alright. You always are.

I just wanted to go back home to the human world, it would be even better with my sister gone- even if I would have to deal with my parent's disappointment.

I didn't know how or when I fell asleep but I woke up to the worst noise ever, I couldn't make it out all I knew was that there was no way I could ever sleep through that.

"Alright Charman get up and out of bed, lets start this day..." I stared up at the ceiling.

"5 more minutes" As soon as I closed my eyes the noise resumed- damn magic. I groaned and rolled out of bed on auto mode as I got ready for breakfast.

I grabbed my tablet, shoved it in its bag before taking one last glance at the mirror. These bags need to be covered up….

I took a couple of minutes concealing the bags under my eyes and headed to breakfast. I went with the flow and observed everyone walking with at least another person, even the unmarked. I sighed and moved on.

I took my food outside and sat under my now favorite tree, it was close enough to the dining hall and with privacy as it was concealed by the rose bushes facing the dining hall. I looked up through the leaves at the rising sun. It wasn’t cold yet but it was starting to get a little chilly, I would need to find a winter spot to eat.

Next thing I knew I was sitting in my first class trying not to bite my lip in nervousness. It was attendance time and first names and last names were being called.

“Charman Xharnjin”

She called out and I felt myself sink. “Here” I answered and tried not to flinch as gazes were thrown my way and the whispers started. Some went as far to stare from my face to my pin.

Don’t listen to them Don’t listen to them Don’t-

“Was she always here?”

“I know right I haven’t noticed her anywhere all week?”

“A Xharnjin unmarked, who would have known.”

“No wonder she didn’t show her face.”

“Quiet” Our teacher cut through all conversations. “I don’t remember asking any of you to speak.”

The class fell silent as she turned and began to write on the board. “I am Ms Hart and I am your Magical History teacher, I am Elven if any of you are curious. Now we will be going over expectations for the semester, including the one mic rule.” She turned and gave us a pointed look.

As soon as the bell rang I was out the door hurrying to my next class. I stiffened when I felt the gazes and heard the whispers and cursed in my head. No telepathy in class my ass.

By the time I got to my Magical Artifacts class I was sure the whole school knew who I was by now. I walked in and made sure to sit in the back but on the edge and close to the door. I knew from experience what dangers the front of the class posed.

Again the process repeated. Attendance was taken, my name was called, whispers began. This went on all day, I couldn’t even bare to step foot in the cafeteria and found my way to the library reading up on some potion ingredients. So far nothing has happened, but it’s only been half a day and people haven’t had much time to really process what this means.

But I had enough to process what this meant. The bags under my eyes proved that. Once they realized what it meant that I was of high blood and how vulnerable I truly was….

Hell would break loose for me.

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