» Fiction » Split, A.M. Bryker [beautiful books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Split, A.M. Bryker [beautiful books to read TXT] 📗». Author A.M. Bryker

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to say "really?" and exclaim, "You pretending to be a girl is important?"

     He sighs, saying, "No—it's the concept that's important. We don't have a girl around here so I'm a substitute."

     That stings, but I don’t let him see the hurt in my eyes. We would have had a girl on hand if she hadn’t been shot dead yesterday.  

"But why in the world are you teaching me about this in the first place?" I ask, exasperated.

     "Because you're going to be associating with them soon," he says. "Duh."

     I stare at him, dumbfounded. Firstly, he said I'm going to be socializing with girls soon. Secondly, he just used a word that I'm not familiar with, but I want to know what it means so I can use it as well.

     "I've enrolled you in a school not far from here,” he explains. "You begin tomorrow."

     Well, gee. I guess I'd better start learning. And I'd better do it fast.

     "One thing you need to know before you go, however," Kadon says. "Background story and names. You will stay Bek, but I want you to call me Kade."

     I smirk. "Are you sure you want to be Kade? What about Kadie? After all, you are a girl."

     I'm extremely glad that I'm a faster runner than Kadon. If I was any slower I would be flattened by now.




So, she thinks. That's how they do it.

     She smiles smugly. After waiting five years for someone to transport themselves, she'd finally witnessed it. She had recognized the blinding white light that had momentarily blinded her and her men when that boy had touched it. Now she knows that it still works.

     Her smile broadens, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. That stranger had vowed that he would never serve her or her cause. But, in reality, he had unconsciously assisted her by touching the Jintis and being transported to who-knows-where.

     Snapping her fingers, she barks, "Ryu!"

     Instantly, he appears by her side and salutes. "Yes, Lady Amaya?"

     "Gather as many recruits as possible," she commands. "They need to be trained promptly."

     "Will we be raiding the castle soon?"

     Amaya laughs callously and gazes down at the plant-covered Jintis. "No. My eyes have been opened to a greater prize."




Well. Last night was… different. As you well know. I can safely say that I don’t want another surprise experience like those enhanced senses again.

     After dinner everyone migrated to the living room and just hung out until I eventually had to leave. Justin, of course, volunteered to drive me home.

     The trip home was uneventful and quiet. I could tell that Justin was dying to say something to break the silence. Interestingly, he kept his peace after realizing that I wasn't very talkative. We arrived at my house soon enough.

     Before I climbed out of the car, Justin seized my arm and asked, "You're coming this weekend, right?"

     He was talking about the party.

     "Only if my presence is desired," I reply with a small smile.

     Returning my smile, he said, "Consider it desired."

     I stared at him for a few seconds in slight confusion before I stepped out of the vehicle. He was acting very strange recently.

     I reached the door and turned to wave back at Justin before turning the doorknob and stepping inside. There I find my parents sitting in the living room, both of them reading a book. I almost laughed; they didn’t fool me.

     Mom looked up from her book and asked, "So? How was it?"

     I smiled, wondering how they would react if I told them everything. "It was fun."

     "That's all? 'It was fun'?" She looked at me incredulously.

     "Yes, it was fun." I laughed and climbed the stairs to my bedroom. Once there, I draped my jacket on my desk chair and ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

     Afterward, I remembered the piece of paper I still had in my jeans pocket and I pulled it out and opened it. What was written on it didn't make sense. Well, it did, but not really. All it said was this: Hey, what's up? - 47

     What the heck? Who is 47? And why did they have to write it? Why didn't they want me to know who they were? I was suddenly glad I hadn't read it earlier.

   After getting into some shorts and a T-shirt, I brushed my hair and teeth before crawling into bed. Thankfully, I didn't have any weird or confusing dreams last night, so this morning my thoughts are clear and somewhat normal. For now. Plus, my senses aren't as enhanced as they were yesterday, which is slightly relieving.

     I quickly eat breakfast so I can meet Alexis at the curb before school. I notice that Cody isn't at the table, but I shrug it off. He's probably still in bed.

     I run out the door—noting that the sky is filled with rain clouds just waiting to burst—but immediately skid to a halt when I see Alexis and Cody standing on the curb together. Holding hands.

     Approaching at a slower pace, I ask, "So when did this happen?"

     Alexis looks up at Cody and back at me again, her face turning red. "Well," she began. "Yesterday when you went to Justin's house to, um, study, we decided to hang out alone with each other, and… Cody told me he liked me."

     I knew it. I'd had my suspicions about it yesterday. It's very strange to have this sort of unbelievable theory confirmed.

     We proceed to walk to school. It is extremely disconcerting to see that my two best friends are holding hands. I mean, I'm uber excited that they finally got together, but… it's still weird. I almost feel like the third wheel in our circle now.

     When we arrive at school we spot a bunch of giggling girls clustered together in a group. Alexis, being one of the most popular girls in school, strides over to the clique.

     "What's the news this morning?" she asks. "Why are you giggling like a bunch of weirdos?"

     "Probably because they are a bunch of weirdos," I mumble under my breath as I brush past them. I catch bits and pieces from their scattered conversation.

     "… new guy…" "… so hot…" "… amazing and cool…"

     There's a new guy in school. So what?

     "… new girl. She his girlfriend?" "… I'm so jealous…"

     There's a new girl, too? Supposedly the new guy's girlfriend? Who cares?

     That's when I see her.

     Blond. Tall and slender. Bratty countenance. She looks a little different, but I know who she is immediately. She's the girl I had accidentally bumped into at my first orphanage. Why the heck is she here? Doesn't she live a few cities away? I remember seeing her once—after I ran from the second orphanage—in Bakersfield, but that was years ago.

     Someone touches my arm and I jump away from them before I realize that it's only Alexis.

     "Whoa, what's up with you?" She stares at me as though I've sprouted wings. With the kind of luck I've been having recently, I wouldn't be surprised if I have.

     "Sorry, I'm just a little wound up is all," I reply. "But who's the new girl?"

     Alexis glances at the girl, who is now chatting with another Brat. "Oh, her? She's Eris Blein, the daughter of a rich guy who owns a bunch of orphanages in the state. Her dad is here doing business for a while. I hear that she's the new guy's girlfriend, but I don't think so because I was told by someone that they didn't arrive with each other."

     Oh great. If that girl recognizes me she'll probably mention the fact that I'm a freak and I was originally an orphan. I can't have that—I've worked exceptionally hard to keep those facts hidden from everyone in school, aside from Alexis and my adoptive family. (Well, okay, not the part about me being a freak. They still haven't figured it out yet.)

     I see Cassandra make a beeline for Eris. Crap. This means… not good.

     I hurry inside, wanting to be as far from Eris as possible. I quickly unlock my locker and pull out only the books that I need. Another piece of paper begins to fall, but this time I catch it in midair. It reads:

     Everything okay? - 47

     Unbelievable. Again I wonder who would leave me notes instead of talking to me.

     I start to walk away from my locker, but my foot catches on something. I have to use my arms to steady myself, resulting in me dropping my books. Now I have to pick them up—preferably before the bell rings.

     Dropping to my knees, I begin to gather up the loose papers that have scattered on the floor. Suddenly, another pair of knees land on the ground in front of me and someone who smells like soap and pine needles starts to help me pick up my things.

     I look up to thank them, but the words die in my throat. The world seems to fade away. I can't help but stare into those familiar blue eyes, full of intelligence and kindness. They gaze back at me with surprise.

     "Hello," the boy says. He seems to have an accent, but I can't place what it is.

     "Hi," I reply quietly.

     My things all gathered, we stand up and I finally find my voice to say, "Thank you."

     The corner of his mouth lifts, and he replies, "You're welcome."

     Not knowing what else to say, I ask, "So you're a new student?"

     He nods and rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, I just transferred from Los Angeles. The name's Bek."

     He sounds British and he's definitely lying about coming from L.A. "I'm Jadelyn Stone, but everyone calls me Jade," I say. "It's nice to meet you."

     "Nice to meet you, too," Bek replies. Then he says, "But I have to ask: Have we met before?"

     How do I answer that? Oh yeah, in my dreams we have. We were together, but you wouldn't know about that because it never happened.

     Ha. No.

     I give him a small smile and reply, "I don't think so. You're not one I would forget."

     Before he can respond, I hear the principal call my name.

     "Excuse me," I say to Bek. "I'll be right back."

     I make my way to Mr. Palmer and greet him, saying, "Hey, Mr. P. What's up?"

     He smiles at me and answers, "The ceiling."

     I laugh. "Really? I didn't notice. Do you want me for something?"

     "As a matter of fact, I do. I'd like you to show the new boy around the school. Most of his classes are with you, so I just thought it’d be a good setup.”

     "Sure, no problem."

     "Thank you."

     As I head back to Bek, I try to sort everything out. That guy from my dream is real. He's here. He has most of the same classes I do. He is incredibly hot. I was just asked to escort him around school.

     And Eris Blein. That's all I have to say concerning that situation.

     I think it's safe to assume that life as

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