» Fiction » Split, A.M. Bryker [beautiful books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Split, A.M. Bryker [beautiful books to read TXT] 📗». Author A.M. Bryker

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but Bek's presence is enough to keep me from getting bored. He has a strange effect on me that I don't quite understand. There's definitely been some kind of connection between the two of us, though. He seems so familiar to me, like I've known him for a while, but of course that's ridiculous.

     It's also weird how Bek arrived shortly after Dillan left, and uber freaky how he's here the day after I dreamed about him—heck, it's freaky that he even exists!

     French passes by in a blur. It's difficult to remember what Mrs. Lavier was teaching. For some reason, I don't really care.

     After class, I lead Bek to the gym for PE. We separate as we head for our designated locker rooms, and I feel a small pang in my chest.

     Frowning, I walk through the door to the girls' locker room and change into a t-shirt and some shorts. I try to distract myself from the intensifying pain in my chest by pulling my hair back into a ponytail, but it quickly becomes almost unbearable.

     I file out the door with the other girls, wincing in pain. It feels like my chest is burning.

     The coach blows his whistle, and to me it sounds like someone screaming directly into my ear. I attempt to tune out the noise, but my head is reeling. Everything starts to become unfocused and blurry.

     I quickly scan the crowd and make out Bek's distinct shape before passing out.


     That hurts, Amaya thinks as she pulls the knife from her chest. But it is worth it.

     She grimaces a small smile as the beasts that surround her greedily lick up the blood pooled at her feet and, one by one, become her slaves.

     Yes, precious ones, she says to them with her mind. You will grow bigger, stronger, and will be my pets to do my bidding until the day I die.

     You will help me retrieve what is mine.




Jade, wake up! Please, get up."

     But what if I don't want to? I think groggily. I'm comfortable.

     The voice becomes more persistent, so I open my eyes and prepare to tell them to leave me alone and let me sleep. However, the words don't make it past my lips because the person trying to get me up is Bek. And we all know I can't talk to him that way because I don't have the willpower.

     Then I realize that he's not the only one staring at me. Everyone in the gym peers down at me with concern.

     Getting slightly uncomfortable, I say, "Hey. What's up?"

     The coach smiles with relief. Then he replies, "Us."

     Bek helps me to my feet, and I ask, "What exactly happened?"

     "You passed out," he replies, still gazing at me with concern in his eyes.

     I grimace a little, suddenly remembering the searing pain I had endured. "How long was I out?"

     "Only a few minutes," he answers. "But you worried us. Coach said it had never happened with you before."

     That's true. This is one of the only times I've actually passed out, so I can understand their concern.

     "But I think it's really our place to ask you what happened," Coach Fields says. "You were just fine yesterday."

     I open my mouth to tell them exactly what had transpired, but when I think about it, the whole thing seems unrealistic. I've never had any health issues, and the pain I experienced felt like something was being plunged into my chest.

     I'm pretty sure that wouldn't enlighten anyone, so I say, "I'm not sure. I just got really dizzy and a little nauseous, and then I passed out."

     Coach Fields nods. "You must have over-exerted yourself. That's the only sensible explanation. I think you should sit out today." He points at Bek. "I know you're new and need to be checked out, but I'd like you to stay with her for the rest of the period."

     "Yes, sir."

     "I'll pull a few strings that’ll give you both the rest of the day off," Coach Fields whispers to us, smiling conspiratorially. "Go get something to eat. Jade could use the protein; she looks a little pale."

     He takes out a couple hall passes, signs them, and then whispers something to Bek before turning around to bark out orders at the other students. Gosh, I love my coach. He's awesome.

     Bek leads me through the hallways, clutching my hand tightly in his, as though he's afraid I might pass out again without support. I have to admit: I like the feeling.

     We pass the door to art class, but we don't quite make it past the picture on the wall. Bek comes to an abrupt stop and stares. At my painting.

     "Where did this come from?" He asks barely above a whisper.

     "Someone painted it during art class," I answer. "Why?"

     He gazes at me speculatively. Then he shakes his head and resumes walking, pulling me behind him.

     Okaaay… That was anything but weird, I think sarcastically as I easily keep up with Bek's strides.

     We walk through the front door and into the rain. I tilt my head up and let the droplets fall onto my face. Some people dislike the rain, but I don't fully understand why.

     "So what do you want to eat?" Bek asks.

     I shrug. "I'm not really hungry."

     "Well, you have to eat something. Coach Fields said so."

     "Fine," I concede, sighing. "But if I'm to eat something, I want it to be sweet and sugary."

     "Where do you suggest we go then?" He inquires as we head down the sidewalk. "I have no idea where anything is."

     "The nearest place I can think of is a fast food place a couple blocks away," I reply.

     "Then that's where we'll go."

     "Do you want to walk or drive?" I ask.

     "Walk," he answers hastily. Then he adds, "If that's alright with you."

     I smile. "It's okay. I'd rather walk, too."

     What I don't tell him is that the main reason why I want to walk is the fact that I can spend more time with him, and I can't do that if we drive. Plus, I didn't drive to school in the first place, so my car is still at home.

     "Are you sure that you won't faint again?" He teases as we walk down the sidewalk.

     I pretend to be offended that he'd say such a thing and nudge him lightly with my shoulder. It's weird how natural everything is when I'm around him. I know that if I'd done that to any other cute guy other than Cody, I'd feel really awkward and embarrassed. So you could say that I'm a little surprised at myself.

     I realize that neither of us has spoken for a few minutes—having been lost in thought—so I break the silence. "You say you transferred from L.A., correct?"

     "That's right."

     "Did you live somewhere else, you know, before L.A.?"

     He takes a deep breath and hesitates a little before answering. "Yes."

     "Was it somewhere in Europe? 'Cause it seems like you have an accent from around there. England, maybe?"

     He glances at me with a hint of surprise in his eyes. "I have an accent?"

     "You didn't know that?" Weird.

     "Well, um," he stutters. "Not exactly. I… You're the first person to say something about it. Kinda caught me by surprise."

     "Huh," is my brilliant reply.

     We walk in silence again. I don't mind, though. I take the elastic band from my hair and put it around my wrist, allowing my dark hair to cascade around my shoulders. I feel Bek's eyes on me as I tilt my head up to catch raindrops on my face.

     Meeting his gaze, I smile and say, "I love rain."




     "Me too," I reply.

     Dang, she's beautiful, I think to myself. And perceptive.

     I really was surprised when she mentioned my accent. Honestly, I had no clue I had one. Kadon never told me I had to change the way I spoke my words, so I didn’t. Perhaps this girl is special.

     No, duh.

     Although she hasn't told me, I'm almost positive that she painted that picture in the school hallway. I don't know why she'd want to keep that information to herself, but okay. It was just a little disorienting to see me and a girl in my forest as an Earth person’s painting.

     We arrive at the fast food place that Jade had talked about. I don't pay any attention to the name of the place, or what it looks like for that matter, because I'm focused mostly on Jade. I open the door for her and we walk inside.

     The first thing I notice is the smell. It's terrific. Kadon has taken me to a couple restaurants for etiquette lessons, but they hadn't smelled nearly as appealing as this place.

     Jade glides over to the counter and peers up at the menu on the wall. Then she looks at me and asks, "Are you gonna get anything?"

     I shrug and reply, "We're here for you. I don't need anything."

     She rolls her eyes. "Oh, please," she says sarcastically. "Come over here and see if you want something. I don't want to be the only one eating."

     I give her a small smile and sigh in defeat, saying, "Oh fine. Any suggestions?"

     She tilts her head, contemplating. "Hmm. Well, I personally like the ice cream that's made here, so that's probably what I'll get."

     "Okay," I agree. "What flavor?"


     I look at the girl patiently standing behind the counter. She flutters her eyelashes at me, smiles, and asks, "What can I get for you?"

     "Two vanilla ice cream cones, please."

     "Wait just a moment." She winks and hurries to get our order.

     "I think that girl has taken the term 'friendly service' to a whole new level," Jade mutters.

     I'm about to ask what she means by that, but the girl comes back and gives us the total price.

     Jade reaches into her pocket for what I'm assuming is money, so I quickly pull out a five dollar bill from my back pocket and hand it to the girl.

     "Keep the change," I say, winking.

     Picking up the ice cream cones before Jade can protest, I head for a table in the corner. Jade follows.

     I wait until she sits down before I take my own seat, placing her ice cream cone in

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